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Sandra Jackson Sep 2017
I just wish i didnt feel so bad
But maybe if it did it people would be glad
For i feel i have no home anymore
When my body feels so ******* torn
I wish i had a place to be
To get away from my dark mind
But life really isnt so easy
I think i just may be soon running out of time.
Do you think if i left a note
Would they care?
It would be so underwrote;
So then maybe not
My heart feels like it has a giant tear;
I dont know how more of this I can bear
Someone please hear me
My cry for help is never ending
Do you think if I left a note;
Would you care?
Sandra Jackson Nov 2012
I love you
Like kids like candy
Bees to honey
And crows to meat
Sandra Jackson Nov 2012
That girl,
Yes, her sitting underneath the willow,
Reads a note that a girl gave her

"You are fat, and ugly. It's no surprise you don't have many friends. You're too quiet. *****."

The girl goes inside her house and looks in the mirror
Looking at herself
She sees what the girl said she was

The next day she got another note
She sat in her room this time and read it

"You are such a *****. You called my friend a name today, well tomorrow you better watch out."

She went to school the day after
And came home bruised and ******
A bunch of girls beat her up and called her names.

Later that night,
The girl got another note from a girl who came to her house

"**** yourself, **** yourself now. Noone will miss you."

She looked at herself in the mirror once more.

The next day,
The girl who used to sit under the willow
Was gone
Her parents cried
The few friends she had cried
The bullies laughed.
Sandra Jackson Nov 2012
It's is the most wonderful time of the year
Snow on the ground
A cold breeze blowing about
Children and Adults
Opening presents
Lovers spend time snuggling
And kissing under a mistletoe

I love Christmas.
Sandra Jackson Nov 2012
We love to laugh together
and play our favorite music too
We like to dance together
and tickle eachother
You gaze into my eyes
and I gaze into yours
We love to smile big
and cuddle for a long period of time
These are the things we do together
and i love it
Sandra Jackson Nov 2012
I met you two months ago
You were the perfect sight
Shaggy hair and those piercing green eyes
You looked at me and I fell for you

Now I am facing a deadly thing
And you are the only one in my life I don't want to lose
If I could take you with me
I Would.
Sandra Jackson Jun 2012
Laughing and running,
Lots of water,
Kids laying down sunning,
A guy sits in a chair,
Watching his daughter,
While a little girl holds her teddy bear--
This is Summer.

It starts out warm,
Then a slight breeze,
They all notice the Season has begun to transform,
The leaves fall from trees--
This is Autumn.

It arrives with a chill,
People rushing around in jackets,
Kids become ill,
Adults get many packets,
Of steaming hot Coco,
We now know Spring will soon follow.

Everything grows--
Grass and flowers,
But still the wind gently blows,
We wait for hours,
Wanting to see the first ladybug--
This is Spring.
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