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1.3k · Dec 2011
Negativity is a Disease
Sandra Dec 2011
We consume this negativity
we inhale it like air
it inflates our lungs
our veins our heart
and it smothers it’s beating
controls it’s feeling
makes a hole in the middle of our soul
and infiltrates our mind
we stop thinking rationally
and start hating passionately
desperate to rip apart
anyone that seems happy
in our path
it makes you spread dismay
and ***** out gossip that decays
rotates, and changes an opinion
of a person
of a group
and it spreads like a disease
like a virus from mouth to mouth
ear to ear
hand to hand
we don’t understand how it began
it just evolves
until someone’s resolve
because we tore them down
chewed them up and spit them out
that’s what negativity does
it drowns out all the happiness
that was in ones heart
it blackens the soul
until its done its part
then it leaves…
washes away with the eve
and your left standing with a guilty plea
‘I’m so sorry’
1.0k · Dec 2011
Sandra Dec 2011

Take me from these wintry prisons

That captive, I am, through misery’s fangs

Be still, defiant, no more to me

my course heart beats, so guiltily

Harsh words I spoke, regret, I fold

Your care, I trust, to gaurd me safe

Humility bars me, I fall so low

I’m sorry..

I’m sorry…

Defeat, I pulse, my blood runs warm

In relief, my spirits, content to you

Vulnerability guides me to your arms

Sanctuary, take me away to your heart

Hold me not to my flaws

Forgive me, my love, I plea…

I’m sorry…

I’m sorry..



Such solitude, you rescued me

My love, I gave compassionately

Yet now I find I’ve lost the sight

No sanctuary, are you, this night

In light, I guard my heart from you

This pain I suffer, I hold anew

With filth and bile, my body tense

Struck upon your cheek, my harsh caress

Alone I sit, to ponder such strength of love

Such confound deeds you treason for

I surrender myself to a subconscious alcove

Understand me, I have strength none more

I have forgiven

I can’t forget


Apologize, your actions speak

Arrogance,your sin, you live vanity

A lust you craved, such a tempting taste

The distinctive man now gone to waste

Bountiful bosoms, and laughter equips

All of my once pleasure and happiness

Selfish desires, contrite you now seem

Was my heartbreak worth your wanton need?

I’m vulnerable, you seem so strong

I live imprisoned within your arms

I take you back, my weakness of love

You rapture my heart, your mistakes undone

I have now forgiven

I can’t forget
689 · Dec 2011
Before We Were Wiser
Sandra Dec 2011
in sympathy we speak
empathy we try
but really,
we don’t understand
until the shoes are filled one day in time
and it makes us wiser to those
who understand not,
     their woes
as we understand not,
     our own
until we grow and become
that once advice we held on to
but never really had hope
to overcome the obstacles
of such miserly trials
in time
yes, time
that one thing that never
really dies
it never stops
   this life
it goes on outside of our strife
we move on
and live stronger
than we had once felt
before we were wiser
593 · Dec 2011
Sandra Dec 2011
I look down to my hands

and feet

fingers and my toes

I often wondered

how are those

so physically able?

when my heart trembles

mumbles, and stumbles

with its broken beats

it’s not capable to handle

another careless keeper

to not drop it, scrape it

crush the remains

then hand it back to me

I’m steel gaurded with a key

don’t ask me to let you in

just for me to believe

then have you hand me

another broken piece of my

still constructing heart

that no longer beats

compassionately for a true love

with all it’s mishappen

sewed up, and bandaged,

cracked, crumbling, bruised


I am vulnerable

but not weak

I am strong

no longer naive

Don’t let me Believe

Let me see

proof is through actions that


words are nothing but

pretty wrappings

charming but hiding

something within their

nice packaging

I’ve learned from my past

the mistakes have imprinted

at long last

not to trust a pretty smile

and perfect teeth

because the ugliness

is buried deep

it’s in a dark soul

A pretender masked

with an angel’s face
Sandra Dec 2011
Whisper as the petal falls

Soft bare steps across wood floor

Strangled mourning drowned by breathing

The rain pounds windows with soft beating

A heavy bottle -held- by innocent fingers

Gasping, failing, contorting features

Purity poisoned with clear amber

A mind distorted near disaster

Fading visions, pleading calls

Footsteps stumble, as you fall

Rising slowly, gaining strength

Grasping doorways along the way

Intakes deep of icy air

Reflections haunt in windows glare

A handle twists, a door creeks open

Breaking glass sounds, liquor’s flowing

Lashes flutter, eyes bloodshot

Crimson stains white, muscles taut

Searing pain and misting sights

Screams now fill the cold still night

Unlocked secrets, truth unmarked

Wilting flowers paint the dark

I wonder why you drown your sorrows

As sun dawns a new tomorrow
548 · Dec 2011
No One Wants a Crying Girl
Sandra Dec 2011
Let’s play make believe
Dress up in crowns for royalty and capes for enemies
With swords as weapons to slay the evil dragon
that stole the damsel in pink
No one wants a crying girl
that’s why it’s called fantasy
Let’s play reality
Dress up in skirts and heels to flirt
and jeans and shirts for comfort
With drinks to lose ourselves to unwanted feelings
and memories to having fun without a scene
leaving the stolen to fend for themselves
Noone wants a crying girl
that’s why you ignore the weeping
that’s why you play unfeeling
as you slur your words and blur your sight
It doesn’t make it right
but it’s better than taking responsibility
That’s why people make believe because real life isn’t like the fairy tale stories
483 · Dec 2011
Sandra Dec 2011
The crisp of autumn’s sigh
brushes my hair into my eyes
With a giggle that muffles
behind my closed lips
I am kissed with a
nostalgic bliss
Beauties of golds, reds, and yellows
orange and faded greens of trees
A crunch follows me with every footstep
Upon fallen leaves
I am lulled into a wakening dream
a fairy tale I love so well
Made up with every single sight
a sight that leaves me breathless and light
So innocent, how children do
living within their childhood hue
I grasp for that inner being,
that little girl that never stopped dreaming
and its so wonderful, that naivete
to stop and not worry of how life is supposed to be

— The End —