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Dec 2014 · 309
Samuel Haefner Dec 2014
wishing for you to love me back
was like asking the stars to never shine
your lust made my sanity crack
imagining that you were mine
Dec 2014 · 1.0k
Samuel Haefner Dec 2014
even skies away we cannot flee
but that's pretty hard to see
i want to cry all the time but my eyes finally have gone dry
and it's starting to lie, since i'm the guy, and we're the sky

how can thunderstorms look so pretty
the flashing lights just wont agree
how can i be so loving to something that could make me die
it's ******* up our minds, but you can't fly, at least you tried
from an original song, which can be found here:
Oct 2013 · 334
Samuel Haefner Oct 2013
| c|n't r|member f|r s|re
|nd e|er||ne wou|d be jea|ou|

*I love you Alyssa
Oct 2013 · 348
Samuel Haefner Oct 2013
all we will
is wait

until y(m)o(e)u

at least those birds
are try to sing
but sing

— The End —