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Oct 2011 · 417
Samuel Francois Oct 2011
I loved a woman that didn't love me
and she knew what I felt for her
I loved a woman that couldn't see
that there existed nothing truer

I would walk the streets
clutching my heart, sobbing to the night sky
my headphones on, jamming to beats
replacing my want to die

She is a wounded dove
with a pierced heart
and she swears she can't feel love
I think she's just way too smart

Or maybe, not enough emotional
not enough feeling and free
but my feelings are uncontrollable
and I can't live without thee

Or so I thought, but then I walked
moving one foot in front of the other
I called her, and we talked
and then I knew there wouldn't be another

but she started to cry
and it broke my heart
when I realized why
and that we will never start

I hung up the phone
went cold that day
becoming a mindless drone
not knowing what to feel or say
Oct 2011 · 369
Samuel Francois Oct 2011
Tick, tock, goes the clock
as the happy hands of time
tick and tock winding down
this is an awful rhyme

Love you, love me,
back and forth we go
doth thine poem maketh sense?
surely, I don't know
Oct 2011 · 445
Hello Cloud
Samuel Francois Oct 2011
Hello cloud, floating up high
you're their for all to see
I wish I could join you
oh cloud of clouds
it could just be you and me

We have a lot in common, my dear friend
our heads are swimming on the winds
and when you're sad,
oh we all know when,
for the tears don't seem to end

You puff yourself up
trying to be bigger than you are
a pointless gesture indeed
for when the tears rain down, falling to the ground
there's nothing you can hide from me

Oh cloud, my cloud,
there you go again,
floating along the skies
I hope to see you tomorrow, if not, well then
the rain shall surely fall from my eyes.
Oct 2011 · 473
Samuel Francois Oct 2011
Here at last we meet,
I and my melancholy stare,
facing an image so sweet,
a soul so pure,
a canvas so bare

Let not be influenced by the darkness
Do not be deceived by my uninviting stance
for my time is up, or surely drawing near
throw me one more glance,
grant me one last dance

Creeping while weeping,
sleeping while dreaming,
may your life be filled with bliss
Hoping and beaming,
with tears streaking
perceiving visions of the ******,
walking the abyss

Perfection escapes both I and you
for beings like us can never be
That essence is no longer,
we must purse
content with yourself,
for you have grew

At last we meet again
a meeting I have dreaded forever
happiness there,
now to gain
but are we strong enough to whether.
Oct 2011 · 521
Samuel Francois Oct 2011
Have you ever wondered, for I have wondered, what it is like to live? I sat and pondered, over and over, what I’m suppose to give. It must cost something, nothing is free, a truth that we all come to know. So I sit and I ponder, wondering wonder, what it is like to grow.

— The End —