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1.3k · Feb 2011
No sense
Samuel Francis Feb 2011
This typing
this gibberish
no sense

stop running
you swan
master composer

Floating towards
a clock
A robotic ****

Eggs form cash
and runaway
the status quo

Rats play chess
often regally
Not those lot

Rotten apples jogging
with expression itself
madness on trial
Copyright Samuel Francis
1.2k · Feb 2011
Samuel Francis Feb 2011
Nothing that is presented on mass is relevant.
relevancy of a new haircut
is *******.
The relevancy of infidelity of some famed idiot
is none.
Why do we keep buying into this irrelevance.
Everybody is becoming less relevant because we do.
Apathy will **** irrelevance.

The relevance of these "demi-gods"
is making us dumb.
stop being so ******* dumb.
Your life is more important
Your happiness.
**** the irrelevant ones.
Let them conclude it for themselves.
Copyright Samuel Francis
1.1k · Jan 2011
Samuel Francis Jan 2011
I am wandering through streets, magnanimous  in demeanour.
the gentle breeze had filled my lungs with cold air.
The air soothes my lungs.
The soothing is abruptly ended by another pull on my cigarette.
I drift past the people on each side of me,
Whilst the marketplace inside my skull blares noise.
It is filled with merchant idea makers, all trying to make the easiest deal,
They scream at the singular customer.
The agony in their voice is chilling, palpable.
They shout and bellow at him, he is so apathetic to their cause.
Their ventures are meaningless.
*******, he muses.
No dream is worth that.
No nightmare is without debt.
No thought is without consequence.
No belief is without struggle.
No idea is without rejection.
So he chooses none of them, he just sits.
Uncaring and his opinion unknown to the sellers.
I am still wandering.
Copyright Samuel Francis
912 · Jan 2011
Samuel Francis Jan 2011
The bark of our shyness, is falling away from our trunk like souls.
We are opening our pages, to pens of other entities that are foreign to ourselves. This freeing from shackles, of what before was curtained and hidden, has allowed an expansion of feeling.
Our emotive scribbles have been the pornographic musings of other well trained eyes.
We pray that this exposure will be met with grace and sincerity.
However our minds by giving in to this release are made stronger,
and somehow more calm.
They are brewing with a happiness which will soon be substantial enough to digest.
Let this be the serotonin substitute our being has craved.
We are now safe and surrounded by warm friends who cushion our beings with love.
Copyright Samuel Francis
862 · Jan 2011
Samuel Francis Jan 2011
The sharp clipped tones of a passive nightmare have entered the creamy sea, that exuded calm only moments ago.
Now all that is left is the wait to see.
Whether the cloudy, hazy future will clear to rays of sun,
or whether it will incur a blitz like storm, of unforeseen doom.
I wait patiently for my fate to arrive.
Copyright of Samuel Francis
852 · Jan 2011
Samuel Francis Jan 2011
Cosmic tides hammer the stellar atmospheric shore,
with there cannons firing arcs of illumination.
They Flick and wander
along the experienced and travelled ground.
Which absorbs the life breathed into it, whilst
it gently nods back, to the sphere of light.
That ebb and flow of coddling, comforting energy
caresses the most vulnerable centre of our soul,
Our spirit is granted the tepid heat it demands, so it can bathe and dance in joyous realisation.
A self awareness is reached, a moment of truly unexpected clarity.
We are mere scenery in a infinite story of euphoria.
Our roles are to gain all we can,
Materials are even smaller scenery, just props that interchange between acts and scenes.
Memories and experience are the true treasure of mankind.
All the things we have valued over our minds because we fear the loss of the glass house, we have built around ourselves.
The fear of the  gleaming yet storm prone waters of endless epiphany,
has driven us into the thick, opaque sludge covered shoreline of individualism and self loathing
However as we allow our gaze, so full of hope and awe to see over the clearing clouds that once blackened our horizon.
We fill our hearts and lift our spirits and confess to ourselves,
even if only in hushed and softened whispers.
That we have the gifts to forge and cast our own paradise with the divinity of our existence.
Copyright Samuel Francis
820 · Mar 2011
Slow Burn.
Samuel Francis Mar 2011
Sitting as the wave engulfs me,
unprepared and trembling.
This thought I have birthed,
creeps and slithers
its terrible fangs, gleam of death.
It is time.
Stalking youth, time is endangered.
Youth is too brief, its a vice.
Tempting faith.
Filed away in tabernacles.
Forgotten through consensus.
812 · Jan 2011
Numberless Verse
Samuel Francis Jan 2011
I sat in a room full of unlucky souls.
Waiting to hear the sound of something pure
something worth hearing.
Then a small blonde headed boy
ran towards me and said
"what do you do"
and I realized
I couldn't answer him
My youth was my biggest achievement to date
how pathetic.
He reminded me of that.
Copyright Samuel Francis
805 · Jan 2011
We Us Are
Samuel Francis Jan 2011
We Us are the most cruel
the most destructive
We Us are doomed
the outlook is
We Us are murderers

We Us are the most loving
the most defiant
We Us can survive
our defiance is
We Us are mothers

We Us are flawed
the most vision
We Us have a choice
the answers
We Us are one
Copyright Samuel Francis
788 · Jan 2011
Brutal Truth
Samuel Francis Jan 2011
As I sit so frantic,
whilst my mind is at war with itself an epiphany flashes through my dark and shadowed conscious.
I am other.
A thing I did not aim to achieve,  but have become unknowingly, it had never been a thought that entered my scattered library of thoughts.
A vast pool of different musings, but this state of realisation has left me in a much more dumbfounded way.
I now struggle with the concept of reality as it has been presented to me.
Why have I rejected its norms and rulings?
What in my minds eye allows me to exist in this limbo I have created.
Everyone whom I love exists in the reality, have I merely imagined these relationships, am I real?
I muse through thoughts in my head like filed documents to find evidence or proof, that I belong in their world.
That my consciousness is at present infected with a virus which is determined to rip me away from them.
A virus fuelled by warm tears and screams.
However I found I cannot find any substance to these claims and accusations I make against the shadowy and cloudy workings inside my skull.
My presence in their reality bears no fruit  but destruction and the subjugation of joy with despair.
I am the tear bringer.
I have done these things without malice or a sinister thought, more an adolescent, selfish and naive notion that my being was pertain to a slightly as-cue normality.
It has been displayed to me in the most brutal and haunting of ways, that this sense of normality was a façade, created either by my own psyche.
Or by my peers in an an attempt to give me that sense of belonging, they feel my mind required.
All this has done is create a dam, which has broken leaving a flood of nightmares, and the purgatory I now inhabit.
This chaos is mine.
The frantic chatter of demons remains.
I desist in warm-blooded dreams.
Copyright Samuel Francis
777 · Nov 2013
Samuel Francis Nov 2013
Across the way seems taught,
It stretches the wits
Lifeless forms, unyielding but fraught
Flowing from the depths

Neophyte the new thought take
mirrored opacity
Dumb mouths, cease to communicate
All out in the middle ground

Lidless pupils temperature moves
derived discourse
Winners only fail to lose
Eventual slouch is universal

Ones and Twos, entrenched in hate
forgotten loss
Trembling nails, cease to quake
Swiftly sweeping like hair in wind.
766 · Jul 2013
Samuel Francis Jul 2013
Search through repression
Self-tempered aggression
its all a lesson in wit,
Slip and suddenly split
your mind eyes up two faces
that line right up opposing
I'm composing verse, or is it reversed.
Verse composing me you see, but not only me
its us
in spite of all trust, lust, one night stands and bad *****
we're here still procreating.
Our insatiable need to keep it all going
to keep it all turning. We're yearning for a lack of
anything, something to rub up against and start grunting.
Thumping our heads against walls, the city sprawl
fights back
always on your back
'til you middle aged, in a rage and you feel a crack.
So lacking my shoulders slumped, I'm stacking.
Bawling my eyes out on pills, ****, coke & ***,
"steady on son, steady, its all a bit of fun"
My shoulders slump some more, I'm lagging
"Give 'im a ***, he's hanging."
Knuckle dragging, I'm prangin'.
But guess what, I've got a little tip
Everyone's medicated its a shame they don't know it.
So that's my little note for the day.
Read. Ignore. Fade Away.
723 · Jan 2011
Its Nothing.
Samuel Francis Jan 2011

Hiding behind uterine walls
confused and helpless.
Sight is for the blind
and then she spoke.

My breath was paralysed
I was an idiot with a pencil.
What a calamitous roar
if only I was deaf.
Copyright Samuel Francis
720 · Jul 2013
Samuel Francis Jul 2013
I hear that old jungle playing
lost in a series of drum loops
we bun zoots, let out fears and exchange glances
dancing away those fears, through our shuffles and prances.
Everything tackled in a hard-headed manner
do it this way not, that way
and if not I'm not bothered
"I'd rather be robbing, or out in woods *******"
say the ones who are bored.
Truth is we're all bored, stuck in the rat race.
No time to get space, no time to breath
Desperate for a reprieve, a rebate or a chance to go out and become a state.
This great wide world it'll hurt you
make you insignificant
If you allow it too.
I won't allow it too
so i shout louder, take more powder
and power through.
This way or that way we all end up in the same place
that earthy bed, just dust in space.
No noise now, like living in a vacuum
depth or meaning seems irrelevant in the face of this absurdity.
"Oh really, its just me?"
Relax, relax, re-lax, its all OK
no its not OK, its rotten and it'll be the same tomorrow and the next day.
Guess that it, all I've got to say.
710 · Jan 2011
Haiku 2
Samuel Francis Jan 2011
Pooled into cages
dissolving pains of springs clean air.
I wept smog.
685 · Jan 2011
Samuel Francis Jan 2011
I dragged my feet,
cartography is a theory
This drift from mud to mud
a cell.
Something lingers
deep and unseen
a thought.
Singular and isolated,
somehow it breaths.
It lives.
If I wait
can anything remain.
Tearing and grinding
Inhaling into
empty vessels
a poignant shudder.
This is more than a test.
I watch
knowing the horror
I embrace it.
Caressing the curvature
tempting savagery.
Dawn is followed by noon
a haze is coming.
Awake to nothing.
I fear death.
logic is deaths critic.
My pulse is weary
venom is coursing now.
Stinging my perspective
I will write back soon,
I will have much to tell.
Copyright Samuel Francis
641 · Apr 2013
Coming Back to Something.
Samuel Francis Apr 2013
Being Away is vacation
Coming home to vocation
All the time lost, wasted
So many moments constrained

Lost, lost, lost is the whim
Found is the voice
Deepest regret
Meets inevitable choice

Screaming down receivers
Chewing the fat,
I was hoping for greatness
How tragic is that?

Nightmares come quietly
Whilst shouting in sleep
I address them quite calmly
As they sneakily creep

If you stop for a second
Then you'll never get started
Just keep chipping away
Please don't get disheartened

So we keep all the form
Whilst removing the strain
Always aware,
That knowing is pain.

Knowing is something,
And that's all it is,
If we could only stop knowing
We'd really ****.

But whizzing is cheap
And cheapness is poor
I feel a lot richer,
Asleep on the floor.
584 · Jan 2011
Samuel Francis Jan 2011
Swollen lips and tongues of wandering souls,
resonate through a calm darkness.
Copyright Samuel Francis
537 · Jan 2011
Samuel Francis Jan 2011
my vision is tunnelled
an absence of shine, or suns blaze
winter of my psyche.
Copyright Samuel Francis
530 · Feb 2011
haiku 3
Samuel Francis Feb 2011
Euphoric am I
her form viciously melted anxiety.
******* is god.
copyright Samuel Francis
473 · Jan 2011
Going Back
Samuel Francis Jan 2011
Trudging through snow
in June, I guessed
that this is what
life feels like.

Its cold
a struggle
to achieve anything.

Those believers
all is well
what do they know.

Have they
finished it
their guarantee
positive outcome.

Like life
a warming sup
of whiskey
will ease.

Hope will
drive you mad
but is somehow

is just a residue
left by
continuing struggle.

Nothing is infinite
I die a little
every single day,
bleak isn't it.
Copyright Samuel Francis

— The End —