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Jul 2012 · 1.6k
Samuel Famobio Jul 2012
There's no love deeper
Than love of the father
The chief stone of the corner
His love is forever

There's no care greater
Than care of the father
Bread He gives the eater
Seed the sower

There's no way safer
Than way of the father
His promises better
His standards clearer

Christ my brother
Lead me to our father.
I'm a living proof of God's goodness.
Jun 2012 · 760
Samuel Famobio Jun 2012
It looks like love
But it's a lousy lust
Implore the youth to count the cost
For problems are on ground for him to solve.

Love for all is a good concept
Life is love and love is life
An ill-built love will lead to strife
Watch your gush rush love has precept

"This urge is too much for me to bear"
It's a deadly chorus prepared for a danger song
Its pain will ache its span will long
Its mission is only to wear and tear.

Simple obedience will save willing lives
God has warned the world to flee
Take to your heels before evil arrives
He will take your obedience through the dark alley.

— The End —