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854 · Nov 2012
Kiss me.
Samuel Nov 2012
I look deep into your eyes
Every second of my life they buy
You take my breath away
You make my heart sway
My soul and my body cries out
"Kiss me now" without a doubt
I lean to you and hold you tight
You wrap your arms around me
Without a fight
I pull back slightly afraid
You pull me closer. Much more brave
You lean to my and our lips meet
The taste of yours oh so sweet
I worry on how you think
If I am a small link
But you kiss me.
You kiss me.
691 · Dec 2012
Forgotten barrier
Samuel Dec 2012
I was always guarded
Always planning
Always alone
She came to me
She ripped apart my walls
She made me forget my barriers
I was free I was no longer alone
I fell out of my throne
Surrounded by great walls
No longer was I captive in my own mid
She made me live
She made me smile
She made me forget why
Why I built my barriers
663 · Nov 2012
le baiser d'une rose
Samuel Nov 2012
kiss from a rose*
Soft and caressing
Are the petals you adorn,
You are so beautiful
But when I say it you only scorn,
Your smooth and sweet
And your smell is breathtaking,
But as you get deeper
Your strength is earth shaking,
Thin and slender
Yet mottled by thorns,
It is you who are miraculous
And it was how you were born.
A soft kiss I place upon you
Only a peck
Sweet, and smooth
602 · Nov 2012
oublier l'amour
Samuel Nov 2012
oublier l'amour
forget the love
She would say every night
oublier l'amour

They all told me to remember
It was to return
But she didn't feel that way
She would shout
oublier l'amour

I would try and reach to grab it back
But all I could see blazed in red
In my vision turn blurry
oublier l'amour
513 · Nov 2012
I told her I missed..
Samuel Nov 2012
I told her I missed her today
She still hasn't replied
I feel that her affection has swayed
I feel I may have died

I told her I missed us today
She still hasn't replied
I assume she's just away
It's not me on which she relies

I told her I missed our talks today
She probably won't reply
I hope I see again some day
Or I guess it's a worth a try.
462 · Nov 2012
My mind
Samuel Nov 2012
My mind is away
Focused in one thing
It was lost in the day
But still wants to sing

I've been thinking of someone
Someone I adore
But when that thought is done
I can still be sure

It will never work
Never for me
So in the background i'll lurk
And in light I will flee
Because I know
She won't think of me
455 · Nov 2012
Samuel Nov 2012
Calling the darkness yet again
Can't hear the rain or the thunder up ahead
The path is covered by the blackest veil
I've fallen again and will not rise
My ears are deaf to the sounds of love
But can hear the shriek of the painful world
I've fallen again but will start to see
The world around me as it turns and brightens
Taking everything into account as beautiful
I've fallen again but now can stand
I hear the shouts of help and the cries of love
The screams of safety and worry as others fall as I have but now I stand. And I will stand up for you.
445 · Dec 2012
The gave me
Samuel Dec 2012
I told them death
They gave me life
They gave me the struggles of pain
Of a never ending strife

I begged for mercy
They gave me none
They gave me the slow never ending trauma
Just to show they could have fun

I begged for light at the end of the tunnel
They closed off the entrance and watched
As I ran to end towards the light
They gave me hope
They tore it away
They sealed the exit and I was forever trapped in darkness
I begged. I pleaded.
I wished,
For her to return
They heard my prayer and granted one but only one
The way was opened.
I am to never see her again.
I guess it really starts as a poem then just goes into a little rant. Sorry about that
415 · Nov 2012
Samuel Nov 2012
Don't forget the time we shared
When we were together
Don't leave behind all the care
Of when we would dance
Don't forget who I was
But forge who I am
And remember our time

Don't forget the words
We shared together
They fall apart and fly like birds
Since you left
You took it all now set me free
I don't want to have to remember
What we had
385 · Jul 2013
Samuel Jul 2013
A line a flash that's all I see
When you lie here next to me
I don't know which words to say
As we wait for the break of day
A streak a zip through my mind
And you're the only one I can find
A love like yours can never be wrong
I'm glad I had waited so long
I'll give you everything
Everything I am
And my love
Accept it
If you can
380 · Nov 2012
Samuel Nov 2012
Her body lies so close to mine
She makes me feel weak
The smell of her hair her arm wrapped around me
It feels, oh so divine
She whimpers on her sleep just a soft sound
She slightly stirs frightened
A nightmare has been found
She looks around and hopes in still sleeping
She feels embarrassed
She hopes I don't see her weeping
I take her up into my arms and I whisper to her
"My dear oh my dear
You should not fear
The light day will soon be here
And I will always be near"
She lies in my arms slowly drifting back
And I kiss her lips as she starts to sleep
In a silent slumber
She oh so needs.
378 · Nov 2012
Samuel Nov 2012
everyday you look my way*
I cannot stand to see your face
It takes my breath my heart
It leaves me clinging to what we had
It fills up that empty space.

The problem is you do not see
Every word you said
Every time you laughed
It was just drawing me.

I would cry if I could find the tears
But as it turns out
You cured all my fears.

It's you I love and always will
Even if you ended it
But no matter what it will be you
You're the only one, who fits the bill.
366 · Nov 2012
Samuel Nov 2012
Will they hear those hollow words
The words of old and young alike
The words that are spoken
Yet hidden all the same

Will they see those wilted spirits
The spirits of those they harmed
The spirits that kept up
But fell back in fame

Will they touch the broken hearts
The broken hearts of those they left
The hearts that keep beating
Slow and lame
352 · Nov 2012
Samuel Nov 2012
The time it took for me to fall
Was the time it took for you to call
The meaningless words I would always say
They would leave you smiling the rest of that day
And yet now here we are
Where your just outside my car
You wanted to leave but I couldn't let you
But I had to watch, as you walked away.
Now I'm here thinking to myself
"How could I let her get away?"
But now I understand the price I'd pay
To get you back in my arms
I would go through any harm
And any pain
Just so I could gain
I miss you.
347 · Nov 2012
Call me by my name
Samuel Nov 2012
I was given a tag, a name if you will
That goes to show I am
I know that by now I fit that tight bill
At least the best that I can

You can me by names that don't attach
And you say it's in fun
It still leaves a scratch
It still isn't done

Call me by name
It was given to me at birth
I feel it's only right to stay in frame
To give the girth

My name is mine own
Please respect it
Just on your phone
Call my name in a little bit.
342 · Nov 2012
Samuel Nov 2012
I told her I missed her today
She still hasn't replied
I feel that her affection has swayed
I feel I may have died

I told her I missed us today
She still hasn't replied
I assume she's just away
It's not me on which she relies

I told her I missed our talks today
She probably won't reply
I hope I see again some day
Or I guess it's a worth a try.
323 · Nov 2012
Think on it.
Samuel Nov 2012
She is there
waiting for a care
She doesn't seem to know
Or it really doesn't show
That there's someone out there
That'll get out of her hair
He'll make her smile
He'll make her laugh
He'd better or
I'll make him sad.
Cuz she is awesome and totally cool
And you better know its true!

— The End —