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 Dec 2012 Samuel
 Dec 2012 Samuel
Warm lungs hide soft words, say it fast, faster.
Poetic dark room, grow teeth and watch closely because
believe me, life was, at one time, meant to be worth living.
Broken means finally perfect, wings heavy, sinking,
Iron-sure anchor felt like smoke,
looking from tree to tree as the leaves flutter down like pages,
mirrored birds watching, walking the covered ground, actions set in silence,
golden and grey, tell me you understand because someone has to.

Blame the glass oaks that swore not to bend,
blame loud smiles and blame body and tongue,
eyes held leftward, downward.
Different years feel shorter, the farther they get behind us
the harder they are to see.
Feet fell flat on rough asphalt, try to work no matter how you feel,
new talk brings new futures,
forced laughter leaves curves smooth
between silences.
I’m sorry.

Hard head made of clay from the ground he learned to walk on,
Dad told him when he was young, "Son,
there is a whole world past these city walls, but you will never see it."
"The wind is made of hardship, dad.
Everyone knows that."
He remembers the grit of his father's palms, rough on the back of his neck.
Righteousness is not always painless but it gets the job done.
He figured if he wore his roots simple and strong,
slung them over his shoulder, they’d hold him to the ground.
And he would bite through his own tongue,
for what else do his roots do but hold him to the ground
when all he really wants is to float away?
He wonders, singing out of open windows,
is any of it worth fixing?

Bring the winter, the shallow dove
writing bitter songs beneath the edges of her sleeves.
She caught happiness in her butterfly net when she was a kid,
but she packed that away long ago.

Raising a match to his cigarette, fighting tremors in his jaw,
he sees Satan across the street but he doesn’t wave.
Hell is a short walk from here in every direction,
any direction,
and despite what she’s read she decides hanging
is the best way to get there.
After ten Hail Mary’s and five Our Fathers,
she ties her best sash around her delicate throat
and makes the short jump
to forever and ever, amen.

Pressing intentions found in old books, fighting flames,
unpleasant conversations,
"Christ man, can’t we talk about something else?"
But she reminded him of satisfaction, of branches perfectly bent,
frozen, refracted and solid, fitting.
Shivers run rivers of liquid metal down his spine, amorphous.

The eighteenth time unfounded family found him
he blew the fire out in one quick breath
closed sleepless eyes tight
and wished with all his strength for death.  

Whispers grow, stone walls grey concrete,
rocks, trenches, I’ll be home tonight, he lies.
Paint burning skin with red lips, heavy breathing,
they could have danced forever.
They could still dance forever.
 Nov 2012 Samuel
Amber S
 Nov 2012 Samuel
Amber S
i'm leaving the bed as is,
with your fumes, your impressions etched into the sheets.
a mold in the pillow case.
when i sleep, i'll leave your side untouched.
so when i reach,
i will hold a glimmer
of you.
 Nov 2012 Samuel
Amber S
before, i was content with (sort of)
escaping into the sigh of the night.
before, i was happy with (a little bit)
drinking until the walls blended together.
before, i was satisfied with (not really)
the love of strangers.

now, i am content with (absolutely)
slumbering through the night enveloped in you.
now, i am happy with (definitely)
drinking you in until my veins sing.
now, i am satisfied with (no question)
the blaze of your skin, the hunger roaring in your eyes.

now. now. now.
i am all yours.
You never tell me your name

I play your wicked game

You tempt me and you tease me

You take me and you please me

With your red lips and alluring smile

You know how to get me for awhile

You got me, we can do anything

I am going to be your play thing

It is hypnotic the way you move

The ****** way that is your groove

I know it's wrong, the things we do

I know that I have to have you

Your passion is so ****** strong

I will desire you all night long

I will do things I never knew I could

Any style I want, I know you would

Well girl, this lust is never spent

On you, my passion will be pent

On the bed, the wall, table or the floor

You know I am coming back for more

copyright Chris Smith 2005
 Nov 2012 Samuel
Melissa Vance
We talk and it's all I can do but smile
You make me giddy
You make me feel like a little kid again
We joke and kid and I feel like I'm floating on a cloud
You'll do anything to see me smile
And I'll do anything to keep this going
I want this to last forever
I want to be able to stay here and revel in what we have
But like all good things, this must come to an end
You say goodbye and we part ways again
And I wonder when the next time will be
When I can float on this cloud again
And talk about absolutely nothing
With you
 Nov 2012 Samuel
Melissa Vance
Paranoia sets in as I wonder why I always seem to just miss you
Are you avoiding me?
Do you not want to talk to me?
Is there a reason we haven't talked or seen each other in a while?

I start to question everything
I start to wonder if I imagined all the wonderful moments we had together
All the flirting, the late nights, the texts, the calls
The days when you showed me something new or told me that you cared

I'm starting to question it all and wonder if it was all a ruse
Because deep down I'm just a timid girl who's been hurt before
I've been played by the best and I thought you would be different
I thought that maybe, just maybe, you could be the one.
You could be the one that changes everything
The one that changes how I look at the world
The one that makes me believe that there is more out there than just this nothingness

Was I so wrong to think that?
Are you going to let me down?
There's really nothing I can do but sit and wait it out
A helpless girl who put her heart on the line

With nothing but a little bit of hope that it will all work out in the end
Commentary and Critiques are always welcome :) thanks
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