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 Mar 2015 Sam oryem
Devin Boswell
When I only live in my past
When my future is unknown
When my present is unshown
When my life path
Is buried with stones
When im so uncertain
What I'm supposed to be
I just do what i know
Do what i've seen
Only staying here
Because i don't know how to die
Only doing what ive seen
And surrounded by people alive
Wishing I left
Knowing im a mess
With so much stress
And no rest
It's a pain to live
It's like im consistently getting hit
Unable to get up
From this never ending hole
I'm staying alive
But i don't know my role
I look in the mirror
And don't know what ive become
So much hate
Not enough love
And one day
I realize all this stuff
I realize I've had enough
And hold the knife
In the hands of mine
But I can't make the move
Because I see my mamas eyes
And I drop the knife
And realize I have to survive
For my young ones life's
Because they did the same for mine
So another day I stay alive
Another day of pain
Another night of cry
An another day I try
To find the hope
And the rope
That'll get me out
Of the never ending hole
And realizing its about time
To put my life on forward
An off of rewind
And put on that smile
Even if its fake
No one will know the difference
Because no ones
been through the same
I move the stones Sent from devin
find my future
leave behind my past
Show my rath
Because I do what I need
And not what I've seen

— The End —