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Sep 2014 · 300
Feel the change
Sammy Swaleh Sep 2014
It started with the statesmen
Then here came the media
Telling us lies, fed by the noble class
But what do we have to say?
After our long wearing day
Just sit and give them our ears
While they are relaxed gulping beers
We will live by the lies
Continue to be blind, in our mind
Thoughtless beyond our eyes
Now we have the vocalist
Surrounding us with their playlist
Giving us what we would like to hear
Nobody wants to be sincere
We will live by the lies
Continue to be  blind, in our mind
Thoughtless beyond our eyes
We won’t feel the change
Unless we reason more
Sep 2014 · 387
Affection make us blind
Sammy Swaleh Sep 2014
Looking back at our past
I was too blind to see us
Never thought this will come to last
Even after going through a fight
We would always get things right
Guess is because we learnt things the wrong way
That the fights make us strong every day
Never knew that’s how things die slow
I keep saying I wish I knew
I would have taken control
And maybe our friendship would still grow
The late night calls and texts
All the crazy snaps we shared
The walks we did at the park
Not forgetting the ice cream dates
It was bliss
A thing I wouldn’t think I would come to miss
But it was all amiss
Never knew things would turn this dark
And haunt me every single night
Jun 2014 · 271
Drive You
Sammy Swaleh Jun 2014
Don't judge yourself by what others say
Believe in your self and forget the world
Everyone is special in his own way
But no one sees that better than your own self
People would want to tell you who you are seeming to know you better
But that's up to you if you think we are all the same
Everyone got his goals
Unless you adjust on them you will get lost on the way
No one would lack words to tell you
Its up to you to sieve the words and take what appeases you
Some will break you down and some will make you strong
Just make sure you don't get on the wrong
and get scattered out on your goals
Feb 2014 · 357
My Life
Sammy Swaleh Feb 2014
the only thing i will own forever in this world
i work had just to make it great
greatness is my happiness
and that's what i need all throu' ma life
then later maybe a gorgeous wife
that will help me preserve my happiness
and be acknowledged successful
because that's the best thing about Life
And for that i will be grateful
Feb 2014 · 613
Lady in Red
Sammy Swaleh Feb 2014
the lady in red
looking super gorgeous with the dreads
she makes me write more threads
just to get her on my bed
her smile so bright
than the great city light
her body so fine
i just wanna make her mine
Feb 2014 · 333
Todays Cities
Sammy Swaleh Feb 2014
Had to put this down
After studying the Town
some will say the town is at a better place
and some the town is in a bitter place
it all depends with where you are
one common thing is that we all endeavour to obtain the Daily bread
Bt Everyone got their own way of getting it and thus why we differ
Some will  copy the western life and some the African life
that ain't too small nor  large
bt again we are nt allowed to judge
Remember its a free world
everyone lives with their word
and not what others say
Feb 2014 · 319
Todays Cities
Sammy Swaleh Feb 2014
Had to put this down
After studying the Town
some will say the town is at a better place
and some the town is in a bitter place
it all depends with where you are
one common thing is that we all endeavour to obtain the Daily bread
Bt Everyone got their own way of get it
and thus why we differ
Some will copying the western life and some the African life
That ain't too small nor  large
bt again we are nt allowed to judge
Remember its a free world
everyone lives with their word
and not what others say

— The End —