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1.0k · May 2014
Sammy Lee Lykens May 2014
I asked the Lord
To be with me
as I journeyed through my day
it was so good to know
is all seeing eye
was on me
each step of the way
now I may stumble
and I may fall
still he remains
my precious friend
and although I may fail
he's always there
and he'll be there
right till the end
for he is there
No matter where you are
he is there
and no distance
will be too far
he'll just reached down
with his tender hand
and show you
how much he cares
so don't ever give up on him
for he loves you and He is there
now we all have those days
as I'm sure you know
when everything it just seems to go wrong
but isn't it good
to know inside your heart
you can always sing a song
or you can pray without ceasing
he will hear you
and answer your prayers
see there's never been a day
that I could say
my lord was never there
819 · May 2014
Sammy Lee Lykens May 2014
It's hard to think
this has happened
and I can't believe he is gone
But I know one thing for certain
my dad has made it home
he's gone where he will never see
another teardrop fall
But I know that
I'll see dad again
and it won't be very long
Oh and dad
I'll soon be there
standing by your side
you're there in gloryland
where are you now reside
in heavens beautiful city
that's been prepared by the lamb
dad you won't have to wait too long
for your family will join you at home
and we'll see you again
although I know
that he's in heaven
still I miss him
Right here at home
for you see
I loved him so
and my heart is yearning
to be where he has gone
but where he is
he will never say goodbye
that's why I know
I'll see dad again
whensies this splits
those Eastern Skies
This poem/song was written in memory of my late father who went on to be with the Lord April 3rd 1995 if you have a loved one in heaven may the words of this poem/song encourage your heart
617 · Jun 2014
Sammy Lee Lykens Jun 2014
I know that I
Have failed the Lord
And for that
I'm so ashamed
And only in my troubled times
Would I call upon his name

But God said
If you'll only speak to me
When trouble your way comes
Then you can rest assured my child
I'll surely send you some

I know I need
To spend more time
Down on my knees in prayer
For he said when
You call on me
I'll surely meet you there

Lord forgive me
Of my past
And the wrongful things I've done
I long so
Just to make things right
Between you and your son

For I know
That we're not promised
We will see The Morning Sun
And I don't want
To leave this world
Having left some things undone

Father make me worthy
To stand and tell the world
That I'm a god believer
And I believe His Word

He's coming in an hour
That we don't even know
And our souls will be
Required of us
O be ready friend to go

Eternity last forever
and 10 million years from now
my friend you will be somewhere
so why don't you humbly bow

To the God of heaven
he's waiting now on you
just ask Him for forgiveness
that's all you have to do

Then when it said and done
and he returns someday
he'll take you home to heaven
and there forever stay
506 · May 2014
Sammy Lee Lykens May 2014
I don't know the day
and I don't know the hour
when I'll  leave
This old troubled world
but I'm sure
that if I should leave today
I'll hold the nail scarred hand
that lead the way for me
I'll hold to his hand
and he won't let me fall
he told me he
would never lead me astray
I'll put all my trust in him
and he'll lead me all the way
I'll stay close to him
for he is my dearest friend
he's always there
just when I need him the most
you see his love
has lifted me
from my misery
I'll never let him go
he'll be with me all the way
473 · May 2014
Sammy Lee Lykens May 2014
When I face a mountain
that looks impossible to climb
Or a burden
that brings me to my knees
or when it seems so unlikely
that a miracle I'll ever see
I call his name
and he meets the needl
he meets the need
and he never fails
he meets the need
He will prevail
every time I need an answer
or a miracle breakthrough
he meets the need
and he'll do the same for you
Now in times of desperation
I go searching just to find
An answer to a problem in my life
but deep inside I know the answer
is just one prayer away
when I call his name
he makes my wrongs alright
431 · May 2014
Sammy Lee Lykens May 2014
For the life of me
I'll never understand
Why a king would leave this throne
In gloryland
Leave all the slender Heaven holds
To come redeem
Our sickened sin-sick souls
I'll never fully know
The pain he bore
When they placed upon his head
That crown of thorns
I'll never know
For I wasn't there to see
But he did it all
For the life of me
and for the life of me
he freely laid his down
So that one day
I could wear a robe and crown
And I'll dwell with  the king eternally
Yes he did this
for the life of me
424 · May 2014
Sammy Lee Lykens May 2014
Coming and going
each day of our lives
Just trying to stay on top of the pile
we make mistakes we stumble and fall
  we think we've nailed it...we know it all
Sometimes we think  that we've got it made
life's just a breeze here in the shade
But need I remind you
life can turn on a dime
We're not promised tomorrow
So cherish your time
This morning you tied your shoes up real tight
But your Undertaker could
untie them tonight
  Be sure that you share a kind word and smile
As you walk life's journey
mile after mile
Life is too short
so choose wisely today
For its up to you
god bless you let's pray
Father I thank you for this day that you made I thank you for all the blessings that you placed in my life... my loving family my friends and my loving companion
Lord don't let me take life for granted
let me see the best in everything and everyone let me lift up those that have fallen let me encourage those that are down and let me be a pure reflection of your love this I asked in Jesus name Amen.
342 · Dec 2014
For Me
Sammy Lee Lykens Dec 2014
I know that he died
While hanging on a tree
And I know he arose
On the third day just for me

I know that he shed his blood
and bore such cruel pain
All for the likes of me
And he'd do it all again

I know that when I'm in dispare
And need a special touch
He will send his soothing hand
Because he loves me much

I need not worry about tomorrow
For he has it in his hand
he knows all about my life
And he truely understands

I'm not perfect and I shall never be
Until I reach the other side where his face I'll see
I will touch his nail scared hand and see my loved ones dear
I can't wait till I get there...that day is surely near

So to my friends who know me well
listen while I say
someday soon you'll find me gone
It could just be today

He's my loving Savior
Lord of all is he
And I'll be forever grateful
For all hes done...For Me.
320 · May 2014
Sammy Lee Lykens May 2014
I never thought
that I would see this day
to have you and to hold you
just seemed so far away
you and I have come so far
And at this moment
here we are
this is not a dream
this is for real

This is for real
and you are here with me
this is for real
and I hope somehow you see
The love I have for you
Will last forever and its true
you need to know exactly how I feel
that what we have together
is for real

I promise you
I'll stay right by your side
and I'll be with you
until the day I die
through the thick
and through the thin
together we will win
I loved to you in the past
I love you still
there's just no doubt about it
this is for real

* Written and dedicated to the love of my life
318 · May 2014
Sammy Lee Lykens May 2014
In these troubled times we live in
it's not easy just getting through
Often We find ourselves in turmoil
wondering just what we're going to do
but through the labor and all of the trials
if we'll just told to his faithful hand
You can believe he's going to be there
Bringing the victory as only he can
this is my day
this is my hour
and I'm gonna receive
unspeakable power
I'm gonna receive just what is mine
It's coming on in
and it's right on time
so hear me when I say
this is my day
when God says Gabriel
get your trumpet
it's almost time to play
I'm getting ready to call my children
and bring them home to stay
You talk about a grand homecoming
I'll be there forever to stay
praising God and shouting
hallelujah this is my day
291 · May 2014
Sammy Lee Lykens May 2014
I often wonder
what heaven will be like
they say the matchless Beauty there
is far beyond our human sight
But if Heaven held no beauty
For these eyes To behold
just see the face of Jesus
means more to me
than Heavens gold
I know I've got a mansion
In heaven someday
and I know
I'll never cry again
for he'll wipe
all tears away
when I stand in heaven
before the Savior
I will know a sweet release
And things will never be
the same again
for this is heaven
land of peace
Now there are days
the tears just feel my eyes
for my heart's
So touched with grief
But in heaven
There'll be no heartache
no sadness all pain will cease
And I can't wait
to join that number
where we'll see him
On his throne
and when he steps out on
the clouds for me
I'll be ready to go home

— The End —