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582 · Jun 2016
body without a bone
Smol bean Jun 2016
she said: oh lover hold me i am afraid and i am small,
there's nothing that can keep me here i think that i might fall.
she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on for dear life,
he crumbled like old stone and he felt sharper than a knife.
without one to hold she wandered off alone,
his memory is nothing more than a body without a bone.
389 · Jul 2016
wandering alone
Smol bean Jul 2016
there is freedom in wandering alone,
there is beauty in every step.
do not be afraid to journey unaided,
for you are more than enough.
the only guidance you need is your own,
you are in control.
318 · May 2016
Speak Softly
Smol bean May 2016
Walking through the forest in a dream-like trance.
And you're on my mind,
And you're always there.
Using my hands to feel my way through the leaves and bushes and branches.
I'm sorry I'm always like this,
Believe me, I try not to be.
And you're in my head, most of the time.
Other times I tell myself off for being so dumb.
I tread softly, speak softly, almost disappear, I don't deserve to be here.
In this place, too good for a thing like me.
I move my arms as I dance alone and imagine you with me.
Don't talk to me, I'm tired of always doing this.
I'm exhausted, falling for you like I always do.

Just take my hand and tell me everything will be okay.
I don't care if you lie.
Just speak softly, don't break me, I'm not sure how much more my fragile body can take.
278 · May 2016
i don't mind
Smol bean May 2016
i suppose it is nice
to realise i can
without you in my life

i don't mind
i'm okay
i think i like it better this way
269 · Dec 2016
Smol bean Dec 2016
sometimes i think i change too much
i changed, i thought we'd keep in touch

i change my mind
i change my hair
i change the things i want to wear

i guess that change is part of life
but sometimes change feels like a knife
*david bowie voice* ch-ch-changesssss
263 · May 2016
i want
Smol bean May 2016
i want to be eating vegan cookies and cuddling you
i want to watch the sunset and sit with you and talk with you about everything on my mind
sometimes i think i want the universe
like it'll never be enough
sometimes i convince myself i'll be loved one day
but it never lasts
i want to be dancing to kate bush and kissing you
i want to watch films with you in a blanket fort we made ourselves

i want it all and i'm impatient for things i think will never happen
sometimes i just want reassurance and a hug and for you to tell me it will be okay

i want the universe and i want to be your universe, your whole world.
201 · May 2016
Smol bean May 2016
how did i feel this time last year ?
how does it compare to right now ?
was i sad over someone ?
have i grown as a person ?
where am i now ?

— The End —