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 Jan 2015 Sami
 Jan 2015 Sami
I would love you like an ocean. I would shift into a tidal wave for the shore of your hands. You would shape yourself into me like the sand does for the sea.

I would love you like a warm fire on a cold Sunday afternoon. I would warm your cold fingertips after a weary week. You would feel the wisps of my hair on your warm skin like the wisps of a comforting flame, and we would be at home.

I would open up your veins and set up shop inside each and every chamber of your heart. I would run my fingers along the lining of your soul and show you that you cannot stain my skin black, that I will not let you, that you are as much of a map as I am and that I will walk brave into the unknown and place my palm on the essence of you.

I would make myself a river basin for you. You could pour yourself into me and I would not send you back to the clouds. Let me be your anchor, let me pull you down into the embrace of my arms, let me calm you down and kiss you into a fervor and make you a home in the fresh white skin of my scars.

I would love you with so much force and equally as much softness. Just let me.
 Dec 2014 Sami
Weary Traveler
 Dec 2014 Sami
Weary Traveler
I am a Queen
Cut from paper
Folded however you want me;
The creases show your wavering.

I am a Queen
Colored in gold
Left blank my heart for you;
Which you forgot to draw.

I am a Queen
Who could blow with any breeze;
Glue my feet to wood
So that I can never leave you.

I am a Queen
In a wax palace
Which melts with your touch;
But your flame can destroy me.

I am a Queen
Giving Paper Orders
To Paper People who know of no better;
Who you place before me.

I am a Queen
Sitting on my throne of cardboard,
Reigning over all;
Except you who manipulates me.

I am a Queen
Only two-dimensional,
But just as malleable
As you would like me to be.
 Dec 2014 Sami
Weary Traveler
Thomas O'Reilly was not a fool,
Nor was he depressed or teased at school.
In fact, he was nobody, a no one at all,
Which is why he thought it nice to take a large fall...

So they'd know who he was, a real person now,
One who could choose how he left his mark on the town.
He thought death romantic and noble and right,
He thought it each day, morning, noon, and night.

What Thomas O'Reilly didn't know was, however,
When you're dead, you don't know if you were thought clever
Or nice or smart or worthy of greatness;
All you know is your version of your own self-hateness.

The greatness is in you, hiding somewhere,
It has a small voice, because like you, it is scared.
But if you find it's location, it is sure to come out,
Then loving it will make it scream and shout.

So don't be like Thomas, and live for today;
Find out what it is that makes you okay,
Try something, everything, anything new,
There's a greatness in everyone, yes, EVEN YOU!
 Dec 2014 Sami
 Dec 2014 Sami
I long to write beautiful poetry
To have my blood be the ink of an incredible mush of phrases and clauses and sentences
On a torn piece of paper
Always torn
But perhaps maybe that's where the sticky sweet red stains come from; a tear
A tear in a broken mind
Or maybe a broken heart

But oh, how I long to write beautiful poetry
|this doesn't make sense|
 Dec 2014 Sami
 Dec 2014 Sami
You often hear that rain depresses
That thunder sparks fear in our minds        
And sometimes it does
But I believe in rain
And the way windows fog up
And sometimes your vision is blurred
And you literally have to brake
You have to stop
Just stop    
Because there are no windshield wipers to wipe those drops away
They just have to melt away until you
Can't see them anymore
Can't feel them anymore
Don't notice them anymore
But that's when you need to feel the way water sticks to a surface
and the way it leaves a streak forming a small pathway
Because once down, it can only go up and
Although you can't make the rain reverse it's path you can stick on a jacket and pop open an umbrella and prepare for rain
Because you know it's coming  
And sometimes it's okay to rejoice in the rain                              
I am a strong believer in windows being stained by
From clouds in the sky
 Dec 2014 Sami
I knew
I knew
I knew and I made myself believe I was seeing green lights when it was just a mirage of a red light
and we hit all the red lights
we hit every single one of them
even when it was right in front of my face I didn't allow myself to read in between the lines and I made myself believe I was worth something more than just copper to you
I made myself believe I was rubies
and maybe I am but most people don't see that
and you definitely didn't see that
but I thought maybe you did and I threw myself out in front of your bus and I want to believe you caught a glimpse of me in your headlights but you refused to believe it was really me
I don't think you wanted it to be me
but the headlights always choose to point in a different direction and when the light turns green you head straight to her when I was in the turning lane
you are the swimmer in a stormy ocean and I am the raft refusing to let you go far without me beside you because I don't want you to drown, yet I'm the one getting capsized over and over and over again, but you keep swimming, and I want you to keep swimming
I want you to reach the infinite places you want to go, but I will miss you
and I will never stop telling you that I miss you
so I will be waiting for you at the traffic lights and one day you are bound to turn and you will see me
you will realize that I have always been there waiting for the green arrow

— The End —