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Feb 2018 · 156
samantha Feb 2018
I wake up
I'm thinking
I fall asleep
I cant cause im thinking
I'm thinking about each of the days I spent with you
I close my eyes and there you are
Staring back at me with a piercing gaze
I keep wondering why you have this effect on me
Is it your smile
Or your eyes
Or your laugh
I'm not for sure yet but I know it's you
Sometimes the thought of you is amazing
I'm wrapped in your arms
Your laugh is echoing in the background
But most of the time they are bad
I’m crying
Your quiet
I’m pressed up against a wall
And you are walking out the door
You say you don't care about me anymore
Even though nothing has happened yet
I don't doubt it one bit
And when i tell you
Don't tell me that you swear it will ever happen
Don't promise me you'll stick around
You can't make promises
Because how do we know that you will stick to it
How do we know that my thoughts won't come true
How do we know
Feb 2018 · 115
samantha Feb 2018
My first love was amazing
Or so I thought
I was young and naive
I didn't know that love was such a strong word
That it shouldn't get thrown around carelessly
I thought love meant three-hour phone calls
Or calling each other babe
Or sharing small hugs and chaste kisses
But love is so much more than that
Love is ¨drive safe¨ texts you get
Or them ordering you your favorite food when you are down
It's about reading your favorite book even though they don't like it
It's letting you fall asleep on them when you are tired
Or the soothing hugs you get when you are sad
Love is caring for a person so much that you are willing to do anything for them
no matter the cost
Feb 2018 · 138
samantha Feb 2018
The cold air nips at my porcelain skin
The pure snow crunches under my feet
The small flakes stick to my hair
My hands are cold to the touch now
Without your hands to warm them
My body is frozen into one place
Without your arms around me
My whole body is taken over by numbness
And I can't tell if it's from lack of warmth
Or from the lack of your love I crave

— The End —