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1.8k · Apr 2012
Sami Preshaw Apr 2012
I’m trapped
Like the caged tweety bird singing a happy song while everyone watches in amazement
She does her flips and tricks stringing them along for as long as she can
Then they become bored, then angry
They didn’t like her anymore
Truth is she wasn’t all she was cracked up to be
She began to question herself, the others, everything
Trying to make the right decisions for everyone
When all the bird wants to be is free
Why cant she be?
She starts to sing her sad song and for a moment they actually listen
People actually listen to this misfit unimportant simple bird
This simple bird who wished she was so much more
And still so much less
She tried so hard to not be perfect, but to be happy
And only in her unrealistic dreams would she truly be happy
This poor bird was stuck being poked and prodded and watched everyday
Herself watching the rest of the world around her
Caged between life and death
Caged between beauty and disgust
Caged in a world of incompetence and love
Caged in her cell, landing perch and water bowl sitting there were they always were
Waiting for the door to open
Still caged
673 · Jul 2012
I want to write a poem
Sami Preshaw Jul 2012
I want to write a poem so beautiful
it makes your head spin
A poem so amazing that there is no more room for speech or higher sense of knowledge
only tears and feelings no one can quite explain
A poem that's fresh
A poem that's new
A poem that will wrap you up, take you in, and eat you from the insides out
Only to then spit you back, sitting there bare and confused
a gooey mess drenched in an unfamiliar substance
Something that will make the heavens shake
Make the earth quake
And make the boys and girls stop feeling like they have to be fake
Not this mere poetry
Filled with amateurs and over used rhymes
Cliches which would stop you on a dime
With only the first grade teachers and the proud mothers who keep reading
None of that
I want nothing to do with you or your hopeless dreams and unfulfilled schemes just wasting time making no use or yourself
I want this poem to take you by the hand, lead you through you life, whispering secrets and playful lyrics
And with it you should be able to taste the sky, hear the grass, and feel the night
But you already knew that didn't you
595 · Apr 2012
Sami Preshaw Apr 2012
Speak your mind they say
Tell me what you mean
Sometimes it isn’t that easy
Sometimes we find it difficult just to say one word
I wish I could say everything
I wish I could show everyone just how difficult it is to speak
My mind is my own enemy
Making things hard to understand
Making it cloudy and hard to see
There are so many things I wish I could say
But so many things prevent me from it
Being scared, being discouraged, being muted, being unsure, being underestimated, being me
It’s a terrible feeling not being able to get across what you want to say
And when you try to only a few things are muttered
And then people don’t see the whole picture
They just see lines on a piece of paper
Not the full colored complicated abstract image
I don’t even understand half of the things that run through my head
I don’t have enough time to because has soon has there here there gone
So know when you tell me to speak and say what’s on my mind
I’ll say I cant because you just wouldn’t understand now would you.
589 · Apr 2012
Sami Preshaw Apr 2012
Take a dream and make it happen
and keep dreamin'
don't ever stop
Breath in knowledge and release inspiration
don't ever stop
When you think you should stop
when the skies are gray and the rain is pouring down
don't ever stop
When no one is there for you not even yourself
don't ever stop
When it's the end of the world and all you have is a pocket knife and the girl you love
don't ever stop
When people tell you to stop
when people are shouting, hoping, wishing that you'd stop
don't ever stop
When the Man is bringing down is iron fist
don't ever stop
When all you have to make you happy is to eat, sleep, sing, dance, smoke, drink, fly
don't ever stop
Don't ever stop dreamin' because dreams are the basis of our lives
We just have to give them a chance to happen
502 · Feb 2012
Do you remember?
Sami Preshaw Feb 2012
Do you remember the first time we met?
When the innocent hands of fate brought us together
And we didn’t really understand each other, or why this was happening
But we were glad it was

Do you remember the little moments?
The times when those three little words meant the world
And how we would never forget them
When one smile, wink, nod, and touch seemed like they promised “forever”

Do you remember the details?
The way our hands fit together perfectly
The way our eyes told stories to each other
The way each minute seemed like a year
The way my head rested so softly on your shoulder
The way we would sing and our voices would come together blissfully
The way it was so difficult to breathe when we weren’t together

Do you remember me?
Do you remember us?
Do you remember any of it?
Because I do
And I can’t forget it
428 · Jul 2012
A poem about a poet
Sami Preshaw Jul 2012
In life there's not many people to choose I choose to listen to
Some ramble
Some curse
Some speak in a language so drenched in spite and pity you wouldn't dare let you ears hear them
But others are different
Others can take a dream, a vision, a plain image off some paper and make it come alive
They have the skill to make it  walk off the mere parchment it sleeps on, dust itself off, and do something extraordinary
Some take a thought and make it a story
Some take a feeling and make it a lifestyle
Some without even the slightest difficulty paint the brightest and clearest picture
Using their words as paint, the mouth as a brush, and the audience...its canvas
So that it may paint upon the canvas a new picture each time
A new way to look at something
Though they don't see it
It's art
371 · Mar 2012
Things are better
Sami Preshaw Mar 2012
Things are better…
but not the same.
The wounds he left me with are still crippling.
And I feel them worsen each time I draw a breath.
The pain still comes and goes and with each passing moment I know its still there.
The hurt.
The frustration.
The knowing that everything wasn’t ok in the end.
The understanding that the love and admiration hasn’t gone away.
And with every chance I get I use up the memory and drink it down into my soul hoping that it would numb some of the feelings.
Sort of like that favorite medicine.
Were you weren’t happy to take but it sort of tasted good.
And you know what maybe I like the pain.
Maybe I like punching a wall 10 times and still wanting more.
Maybe I like the constant reminders that bring me to tears.
Because feeling that…
is better than feeling nothing about him at all.
Things are better…but not the same.

— The End —