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Feb 2014 · 237
Jen Feb 2014
is a game .
you lose - you die
succeed or not it doesn't matter
as long as you just try .

but what if you can't lose just yet
but can't proceed or make a move -
you're stuck with feelings that you like
but they are also killing you ?

you live like that and you don't know
rather this feeling flows both way
if he return this thing you feel
or you are just another friend

what would you choose -
to live like that and guess your life
or take the  chance - the risk it is -
to find out what's inside ?
Feb 2014 · 218
Jen Feb 2014
A delicate rose,  its petals pale.

Always been aside, outsider and a stranger.
And as she gaze at the horizon, all she saw was an ocean of fear.

A small island, they called it hope, appeared and disappeared.
A broken  porcelain doll, too fragile to play with
Yet too ugly to be seen as a little decoration.

The last petal fell.

And she is me, my mind and soul, my thoughts and conscious.
I stare with empty eyes, I read the words.
I want to laugh and cry, but ill deny - at any cost - that I have ever read
theses lines.

My heart goes out, Im worried sick but no, I wont say any single thing.
Because Im still a little rose.
And I am drowning in the ocean - the island is not at sight.

And Im afraid of being once again the little doll that  has been thrown away.
And I forever remain silent.

My heart wants to scream, but its my mind that's got the key to my sealed lips.

— The End —