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Feb 2014 · 4.2k
Hurtful Mother.
Samantha Sitzes Feb 2014
Why did your hurt me, when I gave you my love?
Was it because I wasn't good enough?
I cry, tear after tear,
And I wonder why you are not here.
You use to call me ''baby girl'',
But now you say hurtful things that make my head and heart swirl.
You pushed me away when I tried to make things right,
And now I am to weak to give another fight.
Your words and actions ate at me like a predator devouring its prey,
You numbed me, so all I can do is mumble senseless words while I lay.
I can see that things are turning for the worse,
And I blame myself for being a horrible curse.
I am sorry that I hurt you deeply inside,
But all you did was tell me meaningless lies.
I hope one day you can forgive me,
But as of right now let me be.
Time will tell me my fate,
But I know for sure I wont ever be your bait.
Feb 2014 · 788
Defeating Depression.
Samantha Sitzes Feb 2014
Hello old loyal friend, I see you have came to check up on me,
But what you don't understand is that I want you to let me be.
You hardly ever leave my side and your touch is like piercing knives,
You filled my mind and heart up with hurtful lies; why?
I suppose that is your job,
When I finally come to realization on what is going on, I begin to sob.
You hurt me deep down in side and it feels like my emotions are protesting against you; my emotions spark up like an uproar,
Though many times I'm walking around in a dazed stupor.
Oh but how joyful I come to be,
When I finally see you leave.
Happiness fills my soul, and it is then I know I am whole.
My dearest loyal friend, I told you, you wouldn't stay too long,
And now you are hiding and hissing as I sing a cheerful song.
So long, farewell, I hope I don't see you ever again my dear,
For that if you show up again I'll send out my soldiers and make you fear.
What you don't realize you ignorant ******* is that blood is thicker then water,
And instead of bringing me down with you, you will be slaughtered.
Jan 2014 · 677
A Sweet Death.
Samantha Sitzes Jan 2014
Precious dark angel, you have came to see me today.
I know it is time to go, but wont you give me one more day?
In the past I have called on you, you disguised yourself as a crow,
Until you shifted into a remarkable young fellow.
Your ebony hair cut neatly to the shape of your face while your black wings peaked out from behind you,
I stared at your gorgeousness, my pain fading away and breaking the walls that confined.
You leaned in close your lips hardly an inch from mine,
Tears trailed down my cheeks and I knew it was my time.
I accepted your venomous kiss that would bring me into a silent peaceful death,
Before I accepted that kiss I never thought back to the people whom I had just left.
You, Dark Angel, sought me out and gave me the key,
The key to release not only my soul but me.

— The End —