you just run away and hide in sleep
in the unconscious world where nothing is wrong
you wont fight with me...
i don't know if its because you no longer think anything is worth fighting for..
or if your scared that i will show you the ways that i am right!
i know that what you not okay.
if leaving would be what it took to make you want to look a little deeper into this mirror...
i knew you, and you were beautiful
and you are still......mostly
i just don't want this to get out of hand.
anger and hate do no woman or man any good!!
it tears apart families and love and people....
it is what makes people hate themselves and everyone around.
it will eat you apart slow like a cancer.
you will lose everything, if you let it.
i don't want to say anything to make it worse,
but i know that i cannot make it better
and i hope you understand that you are not broken...not to me
you just need....we will call it reprogramming.
i know who you are!
this is not you!
i don't know how to fix this...
i will be gentle and i will be calm...
but, i need you to listen
i need you to hear me....
i need you to want!
to want to be better...
for me, for you, for us, for them, for life!
i was this way before...
angry and hateful and uncontrollable
please don't misunderstand me...
i don't want to control you,
but i want you to have control
i need you to have control!
please tell me you will not let this consume you
please tell me you will try something, anything!
please tell me you will...
just please tell me you will....