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Aug 2014 · 271
I fly above the clear blue sky, with a lovely
Little light that shines through the moonlet
Sky, I will fly. As the wind whispers a lullaby,
I hear it sings the songs of the sky. As the
Other dragons they now fly I sit and wait
For my wings to for fill themselves. I cry
Out threw the massive sorrow that lies
Beneath the never ending skies. A disability
Of mine is that I am a dragon that can
Not fly. My broken wings, my broken wings
O'Lord my god heal me once again. Heal my
Wings so I can fly among the others, O'lord
Shield me once more, protect me from the
Demons. O'lord fix my broken wings.
Aug 2014 · 727
The Beauty in motherhood
Conseption begins through making love to a strong man.

Nine months of waiting, and watching your body change. To feel life growing inside of you is nothing more the complete and utter beauty.

With this experiance you gain an understanding of ones purpose in life. The birth and every moment after is a emotion most people dreamed about complete bliss at knowing pure love.
Aug 2014 · 295
His vampire charm raps around me

And I am suffocated in his embrace.

I try to rid myself

Of his love but it is impossible.

His love moves through my veins

And I am stuck in a confused daze.

I release my stubborn heart yet

My mind tells me to hide it away.

Now what do I do if he crushes me,

And leaves me bleeding.

Crying in the solitude of a midnight

Hour, because my heart had just been

Devoured. But his eyes, that cut

Through my soul with each glace,

Will make me forgive him and go on

With our doomed romance.
Aug 2014 · 197
Is this the last
You’re Hand in mine,

Your word linger in my mind...

Thinking to myself that our love

Is too good.

Too good to last, to easy and way to fast.

This cannot be real, if so it will disappear because no matter how

Hard i try; happiness always comes and goes...

Never stays in my life.

I think to myself,

When you tell me you love me,

Is this the last time I’ll hear these

Words from your lips.

When you touch my faces and embrace me into your arms, and

Kiss me gently,

Will this be the last time...?

When you smile at me with that light in your eyes,

I can't help but to think

Will this be the last time...?
Aug 2014 · 1.7k
I am Chant
Be = Do = Have: I am Chant!!!
I am committed to being all the finest parts of me!!!
I am beautiful, unique, and astonishing!
I am loved, loving, and treasured!
I am empathetic, emotional, and kindhearted!
I am brave, courageous, and adventurous!
I am intelligent, adaptable, and organized!
I am well-built with my self-control, self-discipline, and drive!
I am inspirational, significant, and exceptional!
I am passionate, persistent, and precious!
I am energetic, motivated, and relentless!
I am a remarkable wife, mother, and companion!
I am an extraordinary human being!
Aug 2014 · 242
Fighting for you
Sometimes I cry and do not know why,

Sometimes I lay down and the world is spinning on,

Time is going but I have not moved on,

Perfection is not positive to receive happiness and Confusion is not positive for chaos.

Lost Passion can be required again, and nothing is a means to an end...

Loss, Lost and repeatedly lost in loss yet not broken or gone.

Paused but still growing, learning anew but the process is slowing...

Hope, Faith, and Belief in the strength to keep on keeping on...

Mistakes are always occurring but mending them is growing in the tree that springs new life.

Fighting for a new, fighting for you, fighting the fight that will bring you back to life...
Aug 2014 · 317
The art of loving you
We pride our love on judgments that do not matter, our love should be given in forms of goodness and kindness.

what is it about you , you love so much...

is it ur hair, your mouth , your touch,

is it your skin, your weight, your legs,

is it your intelligence, your humor, your laugh,


Is it you acceptance, your forgiveness, your love,

your passion, your friendship, your strength,

your hope, your power, your devotion,

your charity, your humanity, your empathy,

your generousness, your selflessness, your courage,

The art of loving you is to start loving the true you,

The art of loving you is to love you for being you.

The art of loving you just the way you are and no different.

The art of loving you is the formula for loving others, and in return other loving you!!!

— The End —