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Dec 2013 · 2.0k
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
I gave you everything
All that I could give
I tried to make you happy
Tried to help you live

You constantly spoke of your misery
And it sounded so much like my own
It struck me to the core
Your pain made my soul groan

Because you know that I know
Exactly how you feel
What you also know is that
Your pain was leverage so I would kneel

You knew I would kneel before you
And lay everything I had down
My heart, my love, my innocence
Just to reverse your frown

You knew how to get inside my head
With your **** sociopathic ways
Using your words and your afflictions
So that I would be swayed

Swayed into love,
where I fell deep.
Swayed into your bed,
where I wish all we'd done was sleep

But know I sit and ponder,
I lay on my own and weep
Because of all the lies you spoke
You've plunged your knife quite deep.

I hope those other girls were worth it
And I hope they don't fall like me
Seeing someone else go through that
It'd be quite awful to see

My only hope is that some day
You will understand.
Understand what you did to me
See that it was by your own hand

That I was destroyed, crushed, deflowered
Now I will never love again
Because you are a wolf in sheep's clothing;
Funny, since you said you weren't like "them".
Feb 2013 · 716
Your lips look so soft,
and your voice; like velvet, so sweet.
You make me feel so warm
from my head to my feet.

I love the way you look at me -
your eyes blue like the sky.
I wonder what you're seeing
as you look right into mine.

I wish you'd put your thoughts into words,
wish you'd whisper them into my ear.
With that smooth voice you have
you don't know how I long to hear
you saying what you think of me.
Tell me exactly what you think -
please, stop leaving me guessing..
Analyzing every move you make, even the way you blink.

I know, I'm a hopeless romantic.
Daydreaming of you constantly,
wishing you'd man up.
Just guts up and ask me!

Maybe I'm rushing things,
but how can I not?
You got my heart racing
and now I can't make it stop..

All I want is you and your heart,
I'll do anything to get it.
I know you want mine too,
even though you already stole it.

The.first time I laid eyes on you,
you took my breath away.
I know that you're a gift from God
and I hope His plan is for you to stay.

You make me feel like a queen,
a beautiful, delicate princess.
I'm still trying to see
what I'm supposed to make of this.

Never have I felt so loved,
except by God Himself -
you make me feel so wanted,
you've helped me see myself.

Sweet boy, look what you've done;
you melted my heart, set it free.
Your beautiful heart for God
has helped to remold me.

And your beauty on it's own,
it lit a raging fire..
I don't think you know
about this passionate desire.

I just want to hold you,
make you the happiest man alive.
Darling I can't explain
how truly hard I strive.

I strive to let the "me" in me shine,
to be the masterpiece God planned.
I want to be perfect for Him so that maybe,
just maybe, He'll have you be my perfect man.
You have my heart running wild and my soul on fire for God. I love the way you love Him, it makes me want to love Him more. It makes me want to love you. It makes me want you to love me. God put you in my life for a reason, and I hope that reason is eventually supposed to make us be "us", "we", whatever you want to call it - as long as you're with me <3
Feb 2013 · 588
This brokenness inside
is not allowed to linger
for my God, the Most High
has set me free.

I am a new creation;
God's own masterpiece.
I've been chosen for this nation,
chosen to save those like me.

I am not who I once was,
no longer slave to sin.
I am now a slave to righteousness,
I need not fight to win.

For the battle is already won,
the battle for my soul -
God sent His only Son
so His Spirit could make me whole.

This victory was not only for me,
many do not know.
You all can be set free -
my God has made it so.

Just say a prayer to Jesus,
accept that He's the Son,
acknowledge that He has saved us
and you'll see God is the One

He is the One who saves,
He is the One who loves,
by His amazing grace
I am now courageous.

Many battles I have overcome through Him -
cutting, suicidal thoughts, addictions.
Just try it with me and see,
God is THERE through your afflictions.

You're His child, His masterpiece
He wants to hold your hand.
Right now you can begin the journey,
you can break away from man.

I'm not saying it will be easy,
I will say that it's not.
But I'll tell you what He did with me -
He has shown me all I've got.

Ask me for my testimony,
ask me and I'll share.
i'll tell you of my Savior's glory
and I will be the living example that He CARES.
i hope this encourages at least one person. God loves you. I love you. It doesn't matter if I know you, I don't have to. If you're reading this then I know you have purpose in this life because everything happens at His hand and happens for a reason. I am here for you. Talk to me and I will listen. You are loved, and you are a masterpiece, sweet beautiful child<3
Feb 2013 · 1.4k
This jealousy that's inside my heart,
it hurts to harbor.
When I see her look at you it starts.
My blood begins to boil,
I feel my stomach churn.
Oh how I hate this toil,
this uncomfortable burn.
She's supposed to be my friend;
but when she speaks to you,
I ask myself, when will it end?
Her pointless talk and flirtacious eyes,
truly, she ****** me off -
this feeling is so hard to disguise.
Can I keep this up much longer?
Does anyone else see my demise?
As my feelings for you grow stronger,
this jealousy continues to burn my insides.
Feb 2013 · 440
8/20/90 - 2/14/11
Two years now since you've been gone,
yet two years doesn't feel like long.
Forever in our hearts since the day you left,
on this day the sorrow is renewed in our chests.
Your beautiful smile and friendly eyes,
since that fateful day you've been flying high -
looking out and watching over our lives.
They say it gets easier over time..
In a sense, yes, that is true
but never ever will we forget you.
Stay beautiful, Johnny. You are forever loved and missed.
Feb 2013 · 548
From Love to This...
I loved you.
I showed it.
You knew.
I tried.
Tried to help, tried to heal -
but now I see,
you really hated my zeal.
My excitement, my attempts
at giving you love
in return, you gave contempt.
How was I so blind?
So blind to your passiveness,
was I out of my mind?
The answer is yes,
I was "in love" -
really just infatuated, I guess.
All I wanted was to give to you
what everyone wants most -
something real, something true.
I gave you what I could,
and what did you do?
You took my love and threw it,
you threw it all away;
but this was long ago,
now what do I have to say?
Well here it is, you arrogant little boy,
I wish I could hate you -
you treated my heart like a toy.
But to hate you, it'd confuse me..
Truly, hating anyone,
the thought just drains me.
So now, I hope you see;
you're not the one I hate,
really, it's just me.
Feb 2013 · 462
See Me
How I love the way you tease,
so subtle yet so bold
your words, they grip my heart -
you've caught it in a stranglehold.
You're making me fall, I don't think you see
that right now, you're becoming everything -
everything to me.
Your lovely accent,
that beautiful smile -
just stay with me,
stay for a while.
I promise to love you,
I'll love with all that I am -
you don't know it but I've been trying to;
I'm doing everything that I can.
I can be all that you want,
and anything you need..
My sweet darling,
when will you start to see?
Feb 2013 · 419
My Savior
Holy, Holy is Your name.
I give my life to bring You fame.
Your sweet love is all that I need,
Your beautiful grace - it captivates me.
My life you have changed remarkably;
oh God, Your face I long to see...

Amazing grace is what You are,
I can feel Your love near and far.
Reaching down from Heaven,
You're using me to reach the broken.
You are love, You are grace
and I praise Your mighty name.

You've set a passion deep in my soul,
and You're the only thing that can make me whole.
I love Your quiet voice always in my heart;
and we all fall short, but love is a start.
My Father, never will You forsake me..
Your presence is the only place I'd like to be,
so forever I will stay.
God, You are my way.

As I fall to my knees to bring You praise,
I throw up my hands and turn my eyes to Your face.
Your reviving Spirit fills my life;
God, You are holy, and forever mine.
Feb 2013 · 1.1k
The Dove
I never thought there'd be a way
for someone like you to come and say
such simple things that make my day;
all I ask is that you'd stay..
Forever, stay and make my heart complete,
for without you now, I fear it may not beat.
After it felt your touch and love,
you sent it soaring, now a beautiful dove -
graceful, light, sweet and pure;
because of you, now I'm sure
true love truly exists.
If it doesn't, then what is this?
This feeling stirring inside my chest,
so much different than the rest.
Now but a crush, but for how long?
For as time goes, this love grows strong;
building up, developing -
I can feel myself falling
deeper and deeper into you and your love,
as my heart soars at the thought of you..
My heart, the dove.

— The End —