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Let it be known
That we are the simplest of mathematics
Each of us is a half to something magnificent
A wondrous beauty
Depicting a masterpiece
A bond
Created from the bits of scattered fears and dreams
Mists of tears fallen into streams
Beating down the barriers
We must all face our own problems
Sometimes the equation is wrong
And the solution is within our reach
We are just looking at it from the wrong angle
It may take several tries
You will always find a way though
To reach that final masterpiece
Of simple mathematics
Not to run;
A reason to flee.
When all the world is colliding,
Where will I be standing?
I feel like I'm a piano in a sea of glancing eyes.
My voice is broken and out of place.
No where left to hide.
Photographs and microphones
They won't let me sleep
Won't leave me alone

Tell me I'm not your other
Talk with me my friend
Whisper to me my lover

These waves in time
Can't wash away the visions
Just a beat against the stone

Whirl winds follow me softly
Please don't forget me
I am not the same

Molded words
Shifting ever so slightly
Pull us forward into existence

If I fall into your arms tonight
Facing all I've left behind
Don't let me look at myself

With so many fears
Every unanswered question
Scattered into the air

Coming to terms
With the truth
I'm forgetting these memories

Forgive me my dear
I did not mean to intrude
I am but a passer-by

A hopeless wanderer
Searching for infinity
A way to live forever

The way you live in me
Through my dreams
When we were young

I have to believe
That we will become stars
Floating within  an instance
Things could be....

I could be a child.
So innocent and free.
No judgement, no pain.
Just you and me.

I could be in love.
Never facing the lonesome cold.
Soaring through the clouds.
Feeling untouchable, heart of gold.

I could be fixed.
No more pain, Nor sorrow.
These imperfections vanished.
Within a brighter tomorrow

I could be a hero.
Braver than before.
Fighting for purpose.
Honoring life throughout its core.

What I could be,
And what I am.

The scars of yesterday.
The lessons of tomorrow.
Upon the horizon,
Lined in a row.
What I am..

Facing the truth.
Words left unsaid.
Engraved images.
Reflecting in my head.
What I am..

I write the words.
The ones you couldn't see.
Restless in my skin.
Pretending in time
What I am..
But a memory in the cold,
Your petals glisten in the Autumn Rain.
You are whispering,
"I am Alive."
Though the world does not hear,
You are weeping for the warmth you once knew.
The scattered breeze threatens your stability,
Awaiting the time when you will snap.
But never will you give up,
This world you once knew.
Once living in the blissful gardens,
Breathing in the colors of spring.
Through your shades,
A love that is burning.
Like the Autumn Leaves,
You burn shades of passion.
Floating away with the night's sorrows,
Wishing upon a broken dream.
The nights blossom into days,
Suspending imagination.
Lingering on thoughts of clarity.
You are but a simply Rose,
Nothing more than reality.
A carrier of joys,
A river of sand,
Drowning in emotion.
With the compassion of few,
And the wisdom of many.
You are but an Autumn Rose,
Awaiting Frost's deadly kiss,
To bring you back to life.
These tears are like acid, as they retrace this familiar path, burdened by the weight of my sorrows. Falling once more from their shallow pools, they whisper stories of hatred. The deep sense of loathing towards this never-ending vortex. These swirls of liquid nightmares, turned reality. Held once in your arms, I now lie in ruins. Lay to rest the hopes I once had, for you no longer wish to have this love. Bound by words, broken and untrue, you tied a knot around my heart. No questions, no struggle, it was yours for the taking. A ball on a piece of string, you toyed with my emotions. A cat, cruel by nature. It was what you had always known. Your arms wrapped around my waist, I wait for the last embrace. You were all I had left. You were the blood in my mouth, the scar on my wrist, air in my lungs. But that air was wasted, on Good bye. I'm left to sit in my darkness of self-hatred and lost memories of forgotten hope.
From a far.
Choking on,
My words.
My distance,
Too Nervous to,
Come find you.
I was always,
With you,
Without you.
Ignoring you ignorance.
I waited,
For my reflection,
To become clear,
Next to yours.
Only to be,
Denied my place.
Like a ghost.
Mirroring ,
Only what you wanted to see.
As any woman would,
Who loved you,
Like I do.
I am your shadow.
Your one,
And only,
But even truth,
Is a lie.
For I have loved you,
As long as,
You have loved me,
Ignored me,
Left me.
Without regret.
I have taken care,
Of those,
Blind Eyes.
Helped them heal.
So maybe,
They can see,
The real truth,
In my words.
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