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Samantha Cooper Feb 2010
felt like riding my bike, so i did.
even though it called for rain.
even though it rained before leaving the driveway.
even though my bike has never experienced rain.
it was chilly, for august.
no jacket (but i wore cords and shoes).
i went
and rode
and it rained
and it was nice.
a glorious morning. i feel happy.
Samantha Cooper Feb 2010
bees. and bees. and bees. bees bees bees. flee from bees. forced inside.
army of bees, trying to conquer my sandwich.
beautiful weather, but a storm is on its way. desperate housewives sky.
i miss primetime television. looking forward to fall. to routine (tv routine, at least).
missing school. missing learning.
need a job. NEED. A. JOB.
grow up.
Samantha Cooper Feb 2010
back home. need to declutter. need to remove things. things. things are everywhere.
stressful. too much stuff. i need money. should trade in my things for money. sounds simple.
need space. need zones. need flow. want to do things. no space. too much stuff.
need to do things. need to let go and grow up. stop procrastinating.
not today, tomorrow.

— The End —