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 Jan 2013 Samantha
Francisco DH
My love for you is like Violin dubstep
Starting out slowly moving effortlessly as if I were in space
Then it hits with  a bang

Pushing me right
Pushing left
Makes me drop
Makes me rise
Oh , my love for you makes my feet come to life

I get lost in the Rhythm
One Beat
Two beats
Four beats and more
Pulls and plucks my heart string back and forth

Yes , my love for you is like Violin Dubstep
This senstaion that I get is nothing but ecstasy
Winding me up for the big finale
LOVE Oh love is Violin Dubstep
 Jan 2013 Samantha
Francisco DH
 Jan 2013 Samantha
Francisco DH
The love for you is
Heart Warming
cheek heating
mind spinning
Heart pounding

Your love for me is
Not there

The truth is
not welcomed
To hard to know

The pain inside is
Glass smashing
Earth Shattering
Mind splitting
........ Heart breaking
 Jan 2013 Samantha
Francisco DH

Listen to what I am saying
I love you

Did you hear me?
Were the words clear?
I love you

I know I said I didn't care and that I was done
But those were phibs, lies I told myself
Like a child telling themself that Santa is real and they ignore that they saw they's parents
Putting the presents under the tree

I love you no matter what they think of you
No matter what you do
I will always love you

I was sad, angry with you
For what you did, trying to push me away in the most unacceptable way
I know you might have done it unintentional
But I forgive you

I can't stay mad at you
I love you

Listen to what I have said
These words are true and they will remain true
as long as I have a heart to feel the love
 Jan 2013 Samantha
Francisco DH
The truth is
I  greater than like you
But less than love you
I am in the middle

This math circles me 'round
I don't know if I should add 20 or take away 20
I don't know if I should multiply by a 100 for the kind words you say
Or If I should divide by 100 for making me feel like crap

Should I square or find the square root
Find The Cosine or the Sine
Divide by 2 because you might love me halfway
or just multiply by zero cause your love is not there

I don't like this Math Problem
This Math Problem of love
 Jan 2013 Samantha
Francisco DH
I told you
and you yelled at me
with hate pouring out of your mouth
acid and poison

I cried but my tears did not mean a thing
You are caught up in the hate for my step dad you even compare me to him
You are caught up in the bible that you don't see that your son is hurting inside

Last night we were arguing
you told me all this
My dad must have molested me
some one must have touched me
But no
I was born this way

I now feel at peace with myself
and you know I might have someone  else
who will accept me

I don't care any longer
Whatever you try it's not going to work
I will never change
 Jan 2013 Samantha
Francisco DH
My weekend was horrible
leaving me emotionally numb
But on the bus I heard you bickering with another guy
"I am going to do it today."
"You should do it now."
Back and forth Y'all did

Then when we were inside
You asked for me to go outside
"I like two people, One is this girl, do you know the other one."
I knew right then
My mood changed
my cheeks warmed
"I do but I rather hear it from you." I said
I was in heaven
You took sometime and then you said
"Well it's you, I like you too."
Even though I knew
My day changed in two seconds flat

Even though you like her also
And I don't like being a a second choice
I will take this and make the most of it
because I have been waiting
For this moment
To make me feel happy in two seconds flat
 Dec 2012 Samantha
Francisco DH
Cupid, you fool
You devil in disguise
You are not the god of love
Torture is your tool

You shot your arrows
and hit me but the rest
Hit him not, and you didn't want to waste another
So he doesn't love me but I love this fellow

He loves me not and you could have made him
You could have nicked his heart like you did mine
But No, Cruel Cupid, You ignored my pleas
Ignored them with no attention
Can't you see this love does shine
If he cannot love then spare me

Cupid spare me from this torture
Spare me from this unwanted wanted love
Take my heart and undo your magic
Spare me, Cruel Cupid
undo what's done
Felt like it, the phrase Cruel Cupid kept playing in my head
 Dec 2012 Samantha
Francisco DH
If I told you I was fine
That would be a lie
because as long as this heart continues to want
I will never be okay

If I told you i was happy
That would be only the half truth
For I am glad you have someone
But I wish that someone was me

If I told you I never cared for you
And it doesn't matter anymore
You should catch this lie
because it would be the biggest lie
I have ever told
It would be so heavy that when you put me on a scale
it would break it

If you took each lie I told you
Peel them away like I was an Onion
and they the skin
You would find in the end
The truth

The truth that I would give my heart, body and soul for you
The truth that i will always care no matter what you do or say
The Truth that I still ,and will always, love you
I felt bored and wrote away :)
 Dec 2012 Samantha
Francisco DH
Her hand travels to my own with confidence and that confidence is boosted
When her hand fits like a glove
She looks at me sweetly and bats those green eyes and I smile back
But its a false smile

How long can this Charade last?
How long before I crack?
I don't know the answer so I keep playing

My heart beats for her, but not only for her
It beats for another who I cannot have
it bleeds for her but not only for her
The blood that trickles is for another

Broken In two instead of remianing intact
How can this be? How can this be?
How Can I be Inbetween?
 Dec 2012 Samantha
Francisco DH
What if, you loved me?
Would you hold my hand and walk down the street
Daring anybody to mess with our love?

What if you wanted me?
would you call me up every night
Just Cause you wanted to hear my voice

What if you tried to forget me?
Would you go through the emotions
And cry and curse the sky

These questions to you are not what if's for me
I would take your hand and walk down the street
and defend our love
I would call you every night casue your voice is music
I have tried to forget you and look where it has gotten me
Messed up emotionally
No, there are no what if's for me
The only what if? I have is

What if I never met you?
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