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Being, existing, living.
Loving, feeling, creating.
Destroying, destroying, destroying.
We are only human don't you see?
Get over it, it's clean.
Fresh and new again as always
~its all black~
sometimes when I try to think, I think the thought, I cannot think.
sometimes when I try to stop thinking, all I can think about is everything.

I really need to stop thinking.
silly humans
Flowers are beautiful, are they not?
I know that you look at them sometimes, do you not?
Are you aware of their texture and color, their smell?
Have you ever eaten a flower? Some flowers are very flavorful.
A beautiful sight to see can sometimes be a beautiful and fragrant bouquet of flowers...
stomped out on the hot summer concrete.

The most beautiful thing about flowers is that they die.
Sometimes they just need fresh soil.
the conscious line between our minds is absently pulsing
forgetting why we are here and never remembering why we cry
I am blind seeing you with closed eyes - nothing in my view
my mind just spins and sticks somewhere that has nothing to offer except sadness.
******* and your delusions
If only Writing like this were done more often... people would feel a lot better about themselves. humanity is fused into... ******* I make no sense?

— The End —