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Jan 2012 · 2.0k
Sam Schedler Jan 2012
There is nothing insignificant in walking past someone.

A whole universe just strolled by,
their anxiety caused by that test coming up,
their worldview that differs from yours,
their moments of joy
pure adrenaline
their troubles that may trump yours
their Aunt with that terminal disease
or the Dad that's never home,
their mental to-do lists that grow and grow and grow,
their images of reading on that comfy chair,
their time spent by the bonfire,
and their favorite quote that's always in their head.

But we just keep walking despite all there is to see,
and we're thankful for the people that walk by our side,
and share in our moments,
our troubles,
our images,
our time.
I thought of this after walking past a stranger and thinking something along the lines of, "Wow, I know absolutely nothing about her.  Her life could be crazy and interesting or super duper sad but I'll never know."
Sam Schedler Jan 2012
One of the worst things in life
is realizing that you haven't applied deodorant
in the past 24 hours.

One of the best things in life
is realizing that your deodorant fights odor
Sam Schedler Jan 2012
One of the best things in life
is getting revenge on someone
by walking in their vicinity
and farting
so it looks like they are the guilty party.

One of the worst things in life
is watching an episode of Hoarders
where everything gets all better in the end.
I didn't watch the show so I could watch you get better.
I watched it so I could see you throw a fit
about having to get rid of the old rotting cat skeleton in your basement
because it's "special" to you.
Sam Schedler Jan 2012
One of the best things in life
is being is a super loud and busy coffee shop.
You can hum the song stuck in your head at a moderate volume
without looking like a ******
who hums moderately loudly
in public place.

One of the worst things in life
is having a serious conversation with someone you respect
and discovering they have a quite visible ****** in their nose.
Do you let them know about it?
Jan 2012 · 1.7k
Airport Chairs
Sam Schedler Jan 2012
The trip complete there’s nothing left
Save for the souvineirs.
It was a blast, a welcome rest
I’ll think of it for years.

But here I am at LAX
No dream, no cardigan.
I’ll have to wait a hundred years
Just to lift off again.

Don’t get me wrong the airport’s nice,
The smell is odorless?
The chairs, the chairs, Oh god, the chairs:
The source of my unrest.

I’ll sit and sit and try and sleep
but always: no avail.
The strangers stare, don’t offer help
They watch me as I flail.

The pillow doesn’t offer rest
The armrest pokes me, merciless
My mind white-hot and furious

Just calm down.

Relax your self.

It will all be over soon.


Denied:  my only boon.
Sam Schedler Jan 2012
This is a Deep poem.
The sound of it resonates in your Soul.

You can tell it's deep for a couple of reasons:

random words are Capitalized and they shouldn't be and it's weird.

I use words like cacophony and Endless.

I talk about things like Conformity and Pain and Myself.
Can't figure out why that word is italicized?  I can't either.

I look at the problems of Society and say "I am going to talk about you so hard right now."

The title of it is confusing and you are trying to figure out "Why?  That literally has nothing to do with anything in the poem." And I laugh.  Marvel at the deepness.

Some stanzas are
b­ut it's all just part of the
In the moment of silence after reading think about this poem and
how RAW
how REAL
it is.  

Everything necessary for a deep poem is in here.
This is a deep Poem.  Just trust me.
Jan 2012 · 1.8k
Practical Joke
Sam Schedler Jan 2012
"Why are we just stopping here?  I feel like we're just being lazy."

"No no no, this will be so funny."

-Mayan Calendar Men
Jan 2012 · 1.2k
Work Ethic
Sam Schedler Jan 2012
Yes, I am totes going to turn this assignment in when it's do you think you could give me just like three more days?
Jan 2012 · 2.0k
The Potato
Sam Schedler Jan 2012
I was in an art museum once.  
I saw a black and white picture hanging on the wall.
It was of a potato.  Nothing else.  Just a potato.
I was angry at first. I had just meandered through an exhibit of miniature houses that must have taken hundreds of hours to complete and a crazy amount of attention to detail.
This person took a picture of a potato.
I thought of what my hipster friends would say.
“It’s isn’t just a potato.  It’s so much more.  It’s art. It probably stands for famine or the Depression or a childhood friend...”
No.  It is a picture of a potato.  
I thought I would jump on the bandwagon.
So here is my poem:
Jan 2012 · 1.8k
It's Not You
Sam Schedler Jan 2012
Oh, my dear.
The time we’ve spent together has been the greatest.
I've loved hanging out with you, etc.
But with this new found technology I think we need to talk.
Here’s the deal.  There is just not enough time in the day.
Lost is my number one priority right now, as is Weeds, Parks and Rec, and Breaking Bad.
You try to communicate with me at the worst possible times.
My PS3 controller turned off during 30 Rock and now I have to get all uncomfortable and turn it back on.
Can’t you see I’m busy and that I simply cannot answer my phone?
And your solution… Nay.  Your “solution” of me simply reading the plots on Wikipedia has cut me to the core  and you have crossed the line.
Yes, it would save time.  It would also be the worst thing ever.
It’s clear that we are not compatible.
It’s not you, it’s Netflix.
Jan 2012 · 716
Night Time is a Funny Thing
Sam Schedler Jan 2012
We lay awake sometimes, staring at the ceiling.
But not really at the ceiling.  Our minds are running
Thinking of how we can change the world tomorrow.
We'll make posters get signatures and do that one thing everyday.
Starting tomorrow.
The adrenaline pumps and makes it hard to sleep.
The possibilities are literally endless.
Oh, the things we can do tomorrow.
Then we wake up,
And everything seems so much lamer than it did the night before.

— The End —