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1.4k · Apr 2010
Homeless Students
Sam S. Apr 2010
Perhaps, so much hard-luck
Lightened up the kind of stressful event that
Several privileged dogs see.
What we really learned
And we thought
Was therapy,
Which employed relaxation.
It was largely warming -
Laughing away depression.
This is a newspaper blackout poem. Picture here:
911 · Mar 2010
Anti Social
Sam S. Mar 2010
Know that I hate you all
With not even one to spare
I'm sick of your masks
Your dreams, your dares.

I'm tired of you whining
To me all the time
Go find yourself a wall
And give me peace to rhyme.

Take with you
Your pitiful minds
Please, leave me alone
I'm trying to be kind.

This world does no favours
To the undeserving
You might as well flee
While there's still a clearing.

I can't comprehend
Your random bitterness
I don't want to know
About your thoughtlessness.

It takes a lifetime to earn respect
You threw it all away
When you sacrificed it all
For a passing fancy that day.

You're trapped in a dimension
Filled with your own tears
Engulfed by your own misery
Fearing your own fears.

So now you have nothing left
To give or take
Now you have nothing left
To show or fake.

So head on to your grave
And the world will be happier
Head on away from me
I should have said this earlier.

Sam S.
All rights belong to Sam S.
891 · Apr 2010
Sam S. Apr 2010
This is not really a poem, but a song...

It's a corny little song for saying goodbye to everyone.

We’ll meet again,
I’ve said it so many times.
That’s why
There’s no pain,
It’s ok, I don’t hurt inside.
You might
Forget my name,
But I’ll still recognize on sight.
That’s why,
I’ll say this
One more effing time...

Goodbye and farewell
I’ll see you someday
In a year or maybe 12.
See you soon and au revoir
I’ll miss you some days
And I won’t on others.

So why
Bother to cry?
I’m not exactly dead.
I’ll try
To dream you at night
To call you so you won’t fret.
Let’s defy
The social norm
And still be our best friends.
That’s why
I’ll say this
From miles away this time...

Goodbye and farewell
I’ll see you someday
In a year or maybe twelve.
See you soon and au revoir
I’ll miss you some days
And I won’t on others.

The VIDEO is here -
Watch so you know what it sounds like :)
All rights belong to Sam S.
655 · Apr 2010
Sam S. Apr 2010
Every time,
I try to think of something else;
And every time,
I end up thinking of the same;
The times I've spent
Back home where I belong;
I've been driven out,
Yet I'm the one to blame.
I never knew what I had,
But I do now,
Those words that I may
Never say again;
The people met, or memories
Relived are not forgotten
By this astray,
Regretting dame.

--Sam S.
So, I practically deserted all my friends and acquaintances and flew over to spend the rest of my life in Canada without telling anyone one night. This is the aftermath.

— The End —