I don't want you
Though I want someone.
What I want is someone solid
Someone who will stand like a rock,
By my side forever.
You have done nothing
If not proven your fickleness.
Ever since I was yours
(and maybe even before)
Your habits have been
To fool around on your men.
Now you bear the weight,
For which I have no hate.
I still love you,
And no doubt,
I would love your child, too,
But I cannot commit to someone
Who has done what you have done.
You picked the father,
So why should I bother
When that father
Was another?
Not only that,
But you rejected me years ago.
I relive that day in my mind, you know,
And I cannot escape the damage you have done,
But I also cannot make you think you've won.
In consolation,
I pray you have a beautiful daughter
(or Son).
I hope you'll be good to your
Little one.