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Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
It’s a long way between point A. and B.

Sun shining down on us
Windows open with the wind blowing through your hair
My hand resting on your leg as you shift gears
Loud rush of the air ripping by my ear

It’s beautiful

Your eye catches mine, we both smile and laugh
No reason for the joy shared now

Didn’t win the lottery
We’re not going on a grand adventure
Or maybe we are

Feel my heart swell just for being in the same place as you
Seat belt across my shoulder with the sun beating down
As always giving me strange tan lines

But I don’t mind
I have you
Sam Greig-Mohns May 2012
Not so ******* the outside
As being inside
Where monsters play

But this now
Again struck with temptation

No rule book to guild them
Or chains to bind them

Just eyes burning
Deep as cattle brands
With distrust

And lust
All those voices crying
I must, I must

Retreat back
Safety in numbers

Now only shadow bars
Crossing over
Back and shoulders

As I move forward
Out into the light
Of freedom

Hard won
After I lost
Just one fight
Sam Greig-Mohns Aug 2015
Somethings are always real
solid with certainty
a brick walled reality that wont budge
like breathing
happening every moment without pause
without thought or need of reminding

this is not like breathing
it staggers through time
hesitant and awkward movements
lumbering through my reality

a Godzilla rerun
smashing brick walls
laying flat the steady rhythm of conscious thoughts
that pass (in one... out two) like breath through me

it crowds the air like smoke rings
choking off any escape from it
hanging a heavy shadow over my mind

Then its gone again
slipped away on a stream of thoughts that cant stop moving over one another

my brain feels like a mine field
nuclear test zone
cratered and still
burning debris is collecting in corners

why do you always make me feel this way
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2016
Don't stop
don't think
just walk

A step at a time

Don't look up
don't speak
eyes down and lifeless

Keep moving

Don't see the danger
don't question it
just walk

Right off the edge
you're one of them now
one of us now

There's no turning back

You're one of the herd now
Sam Greig-Mohns Jan 2015
We laugh
at least you do
I watch you laughing
thinking the joke wasn't really that funny
at least to me

But maybe that's the punchline
I know to you this all makes sense

But that's a different punchline isn't it
for another joke I've never heard
or just don't find funny

maybe this just lacks context, don't you think
even the slightest sense of reality

But the gap between where I stand and where you do is only getting wider
we're drifting, but not together

You keep punching holes in your boat
like bad jokes
asking where the waters come from as you sink


I think its time I untied you from my life (preserver)
less you climb aboard when your boat sinks

Bad jokes and all
no punchline here

Just you and I, not making any sense at all
Sam Greig-Mohns Jan 2014
When was the last time
anyone took notice
of blank spaces
of silence

the ones that sit
hang back awkwardly
stand guard over lonely stretches
hesitate at crucial moments


in combination
they are limitless with possibility
weaving out of nothing

take notice then of silence
that sits and waits
giving meaning
to every word
by being
Sam Greig-Mohns Jan 2013
Kissed me on the playground

And again out in the street

Kissed me on her door step

And once more down on the beach

Another kiss at sunset

A secret one in the woods

A soft one in her bedroom before we went to sleep

She kissed me between her ropes and snares

She kissed me when I bled

She didn’t kiss me when I pleaded

Not even when I wept

I kissed her for her nightmares

I kissed her for her charm

Sadly she didn’t kiss me before I slipped from her arms

I still remember those kisses

And how my blood stained red the snow

But you’ll never find me back there

Not for all the sweet memories in the world
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
The peace of late night silence
When the wind is whispering in the trees
Softly giving a voice to shadows

While a heart speaks without language
As old as the universe itself

Beauty in lovers eyes meeting
After such hardship suffered together

Wordless is the passion whispered like shadows between them
Love endless as eternity
With the brightness of stars

A promise to such a love
In a language that may never be spoken

Until every star has long faded from memory
And the universe has passed into beautiful silence

Wordlessly made in the eyes of a lover
I promise
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
We were explorers my brother and I
We delved down into the deepest darkest jungles
Climbed the tallest mountains and walked deserts

Even if the jungle was a bunch of bush’s and the mountain our front step
The desert just a field across the street
We were explorers

We were lion tamers my brother and I
We had lion taming hats and chairs to fend them off
There roars were deafening, but we made them do tricks

Even if our hats were mixing bowls and the lions were our cats
The chairs we fended them off with from my tea parties
We were lion tamers

We were monster hunters my brother and I
We looked under beds and in closets without being afraid
Our trusty flashlight with us until the monster jumped out
And we would run away screaming gleefully

Even if we were both a little scared
Our flashlight was a key chain and the monster was played by dad
We were monster hunters

We were bone collectors my brother and I
We had big shovels and a huge pit full of dino bones
Everything we found was put on display
And we were famous

Even if our shovels were spoons
And the huge pit was a small hole in the back yard
Our dino bones just rocks put in the window sill by mum
We were bone collectors

We were super heroes my brother and I
We had capes and leapt tall buildings in a single bound
Saved innocent people from burning buildings
And all the other evils we could imagine

Even if our capes were made of towels
The buildings were pillows on the living room floor
And the people we saved were only toys
We were super heroes

We were best friends my brother and I
We hid together when we were scared
And no matter what we could tell each other anything

Even as I watch him grow up right in front of me
When he felt like a stranger living in the same house
And I would stay up all night just to make sure he came home
Because he knew strange people
We were best friends

We still are like that sometimes my brother and I
Still pretend that we’re not afraid
That we really did tame lions
And that our capes aren’t made of towels

But we never had to pretend that we’re best friends
My brother and I
And can still tell each other anything

Even if he grew up right in front of me
And can still feel like a stranger living in the same house
Were still best friends my brother and I
Sam Greig-Mohns May 2012
Cards passing hands
Back and forth

Hissing as they shuffle together
Then apart once more
Laid out before her

Bangles click softly
Air thick with incense
Sweet and heavy

Jars arranged along the shelves
Each collected carefully by size

Glittering things
Some slither or sing

Whispering words
As the cards turn over

A fool smiles beside the devil
Dark Tower forever crashing earthwards
The path unfolding

A story now told
Under the cover of a gypsy's wagon
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
All or nothing
Brick by brick, please don’t slip

Fingers grasping tighter now
Harsh gasp as the stones cut deep
Look down between your feet
Why do all those people staring look like sheep?

Heads turned up and mouths agape
Silent cheers and little sneers, tearing eyes
Fall, fall there all waiting for it

Another step upwards
You’re on your way, hold tight now don’t forget
This moment there can be no regret

Teeth grit hard as the blood runs down your wrist
It feels good doesn’t it, hot and slick
Just of bit more of this messed up ****

The brinks in sight fingers grasp tight
Another step onwards upwards
Brick by brick as stones cut deep
Look at all those people like mulling sheep

Sharp laugh pulled up and over, other hands are grasping tight
Over the wall you tumble free at last

The sheep have passed
Eyes no longer cheering, calling, tearing in those silent voices
Fall... fall... fall
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2013
The last picture I have of you in my mind was with blood on your lips
the way you smiled and told me not to be afraid
even though you were the one dying

How my hands felt too small as I tried to catch the life that was running out of you and put it back
but it just kept slipping through my fingers

My last memory of you was holding my hand as we walked together
not that we were in love
just because you were my friend and I liked knowing you were always right there

Telling stories about ghosts that dwelled in the halls of our school as we sat in detention together
for a fight we never started

When you rescued me
but all the teacher saw was you
with blood on your fist
and me
right there beside you

When you came to school with bruises
but still smiled

You fell at the park you would say and laugh
a laugh that made your eyes sparkle
like you read about in romantic books

But I knew

You never fell

You were the grace in my awkward silence of a life
you flew when I crawled, smiled when I could only look on in awe and wonder how
how the park was never the reason you came carrying your own pain as much as mine

Could still say you loved the man badly playing the part of a father
though really he was just a man that lived with your mother

When he was the reason you lied to our teacher
that you had fought with your brother
the reason you had come to me with an eye so black it was nearly shut

I never told you I knew you were an only child

I watched in awe of how you could love so intensly and completely that nothing ever touched your heart
not even when it broke your skin

I watched your life burn like a bonfire
beautiful and intense
you were the passion in everything

I was a candle flame beside your light
flickering with fear and doubt
but your spirit never dimmed
and your warmth gave me hope

Be strong you said
be brave and never afraid
like you always knew

Knew that the most passionate and brightest fires burn the fastest
like the kindness, love and acceptance we try so hard to learn in our candle flame lives
you always knew

Your fire loved everything
from the sunlight to the bruises
the rainy days
school yard fights
and my tears on your face

The harsh color of the blood on your lips
never could hold anything to the light of your flame

Don't be afraid said the bonfire to the candle
some day we all go out
Sam Greig-Mohns Jun 2015
A hero really is just a stranger
hidden in a mask
to keep them guessing

They swoop in at the last second
save the day
and vanish...

Cape flying in the wind like forgotten banners
they can never stay long
after the villain has retreated

Vanquished for another day
they can never get too close
hold too tight

They fly on burning wings
every stroke cutting away at the time they have
to save those that can't hold them
feathers burning
counting seconds in ashes

The battles
The victories
The villains

It is only with the crucial villains final defeat they see their error
but it is too late

So as always they must depart
now seeing the truth the villain always knows

Without them heroes are just strangers in capes
that everyone forgets
Sam Greig-Mohns Jul 2013
It's always those ******* holding things up

sudden silence washed over the small space as destructive as a tidal wave
invisible until suddenly reaching the beach of onlookers to crash down on them with devastating force

no one wanted to look
or acknowledge the man with the hard eyes and steel colored hair who had hobbled awkwardly into their presence

his cane gripped tightly in one arthritic hand
knuckles rounded with swelling as though he were an unfinished sketch
disjointed collection of misplaced orbs holding together stick like limbs

though someone did dare to mutter some small comment under their breath in relation to the state of the world today

but it was small and quickly lost in the noise of grinding gears as the bus strained onwards

the fear that came was a strange tangible thing
a sound of everyone holding their breath
waiting, but not at once to turn and look as this old man grew into a monster in their minds

how they wished too
but would not dare to speak out against him for fear of being persecuted by his words

to be labeled
branded Jew lover

he spat and cursed as the bus labored to a stop
gnarled fingers gripping the seat in front of mine

offering a hand only to be greeted with that look of sheer contempt
as though touching my flesh might somehow contaminate his views with mine

silently watching as he struggled from the bus muttering obscenities
feeling only pity for his narrow minded way of life as our eyes met but once as we passed one another

ignoring the sudden outburst of angry noise from those around me
I pulled out my pen
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2020
The train is full of strangers

I am not looking at them yetI know they are there
Bodies pressed close to mine
Eyes closed I breath in their lives

Old leather shoes, perfume, hair gel and peach lotion

The stranger in front of me smells of a wet January afternoon
Cold and sharp, yet with a familiar damp mustiness that lingers in his absence
To his left is an early morning breakfast smell
Oatmeal and sugar
Brown sugar with heavy caramel undertones that melt into the memory

He steps past Wet January, past Hair Salon and steps off
Wet January follows on his heels while Hair Salon remains , now on my right

We are joined by English Sitting Room, he is made of cigar smoke and wooden matches, leather arm chair and stone fireplace, beside him is Darkened Movie Theatre and Old Gym Bag

Everyone shuffles; hive minded away from Old Gym Bag
Hair Salon is muttering.
English Sitting Room rustles a newspaper
Movie Theatre brushes my shoulder, apologizes and disappears.

I wish, vaguely to ask what I might seem to them in my own internal context if only to satisfy the slow bubbling curiosity that wells up in me from some deep hidden place

But my stop has come and I am stepping off now
Knowing my existence will pass silently from their thoughts all together as soon as the doors close behind me

Goodbye Hair Salon and English Sitting Room
Farewell Old Gym Bag, until next we meet if ever again
Sam Greig-Mohns Jan 2013
The time that passed between the moments
Of when you looked in my direction
But I again glanced away unseen
Your words whispered in the late of night
While I all knowing waited, silent and observing
Until once again I see you return
Across my horizon
Sam Greig-Mohns Dec 2014
This is not a poem of things that have happened
but things that never happened
this is a poem of lost things
pushed so far down they are forgotten

this is a poem of feelings
the ones that seem to have no place at all but still twist knots into your stomach
making muscles **** and spasm while icy fingers claw at your spine
while somewhere in your mind is lurking the hidden reasons for it all

why the sound of creaking floor boards sends frantic ripples through your mind
fingers gripping at your neck harsher then a nightmares kiss
can leave you in a seconds space on your knees and feeling sick
heart beat pounding in your chest, skin beaded with the coldest sweat

yet when questioned, queried, pressed to supply some kind of answer to any sudden change of action
you can only stand at a loss mind grasping at the empty spaces where a memory has been forever lost
Sam Greig-Mohns May 2018
when every mirror holds but a fractured selection of truths
which ones do you trust?
who is left to say what side once said This way up

or is every moment just a chance encounter.. rolling dice without numbers
over.. and over.. and over
until we land mirrored side up
smiling.. or not

or not

I'm not asking for sense.. just direction
so I can move forward
rather then just roll over
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2014
These hands are not mine tonight
no they must belong to someone else

someone that I used to know
used to know all too well

I used to watch those hands grasping endless steaming mugs of tea
wash dishes slowly between 1 and 3 (am of course)
turn yellow pages one by one
how they could fend off sleep with every movement

I used to watch them slick with soap caressing every plate and spoon
folding sheets still warm from the dryer

anything to keep from halting, pausing
resting even for a moments time to think

as I now sit and think looking down at those hands
think how much they still can not be mine

for I am resting, sleeping
halting them from moving endlessly

so they, must not be mine
trailing thoughts of sleepless moments
Sam Greig-Mohns Jan 2013
I'm still awake

the clock is ticking its nearly six

I'm watching the numbers change slowly

one by one

were coming close to seven now

I blink and wonder where the time has gone

where that hour has gone

have I slept? this is no dream
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
I forget sometimes what people tell me to do or not do  
Like right from wrong without a moral compass
One means no more then the other

What they tell me slips away into the backwaters of my memory
Where it drowns in all other memories forgotten
Until my mind overflows with all these forgotten things

And I too am lost in them
Without so much as a ripple
Vanishing below the surface of my own mind
Sam Greig-Mohns May 2012
There was a time when you and they
Or maybe them
Went away

The sort of away that means to say
For always
And forever after

So there was only I, or me
To stand and wave
Hello, goodbye

Thought tears
That were many

Or maybe...
Just a few least one or two
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
The ache for power in man manipulates all.
Like love though it is as essential as breath.
As blood.
With only fleeting truth to tell of the beauty.
In death.
An eternity of watching.
As dreams fall fast to shadows
Sam Greig-Mohns Jun 2013
I don't know what happens next
I've never danced this tune
the steps all feel so out of place
is it one left foot or two?

Through the fox trot
to the tango
maybe a waltz or two
I don't know what happens next
I've never danced this tune

Feel your hand around my waist
your voice close by my ear
Never fear I'm right here
please let me lead the way

We've come a ways with our sashay
Ballets and musicals
a better friend I've never had
then when I danced this tune with you
Sam Greig-Mohns Apr 2012
You scared?
I know...

But dreams can't last forever
As I thought once upon a time
When your heart held mine

Tears fell only to be wiped away
By your hand
Now gone

As I, breath in the lonely darkness
Of the room that was
At one point ours
But now mine alone

And you
Of course have gone
As only dreams do

Leaving me
Eye to eye
With my fear

Of life
Without you
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2013
Sitting in the world’s most uncomfortable chair as I readjust my seat for the sixth time… it seems to be a futile effort.
An overweight man in a grey jogging suit is walking in, his white shoes leave wet foot prints across the faded carpet as he crosses the room and begins taking up the chair opposite me with a heavy sigh as though he has walked a long distance though I can see his car through the half closed blinds.

I think the carpet used to be red, like the long carpets they use in the lineup to see Santa but now it is a muddy color… like the water one might use to rinse paint brushes after it has been used too much.

The woman beside me is wearing a faded floral print dress, she smells like garlic and is snoring softly a rumpled romance novel clutched in one hand as her head nods forward onto her chest.
I watch it rise and fall slowly for a few long moments before finally pulling my eyes away again and look towards the desk where the blonde receptionist is sitting.

Her hair is pulled back into a messy bun and there is a pen stuck in it to keep it in place, the pen is blue… or black I think but there is a red cap on it.
She is wearing those nurses’ scrubs they are a faded purple color with chains of daisies decorating them.  

I look past the blonde receptionist and her messy bun with the blue… or black pen with the red cap sticking out of it to the hallway with its bright lines of light and glossy floors.

Another woman is walking out of one of the doors, I can’t see it but I hear it close loudly in the silence, the woman beside me with the faded floral print dress jumps a little snuffling and grunting her dime store romance novel held up before her like a shield before she realizes it was just a door.

Just like the overweight man in the grey jogging suit as he to tries futilely to get comfortable in one of the world’s most uncomfortable chairs, I don’t think he has ever jogged… maybe he just likes the color.

The woman beside me is slouching a little further down in her chair... in another moment she is snoring again softly, I watch the woman who just came out of the unseen door.

She has a little boy with her, he is wearing black puddle boots and Spiderman pajama pants his coat is blue with black racing stripes down the back… he is tugging at the woman’s hand and saying something in another language.

She hushes him and turns back to the receptionist with the messy blonde bun, I watch as she reaches for the pen that is holding it in place… that one that might be blue or maybe black with the red cap on the end before she stops and picks up a black pen off the desk and writes something on a slip of paper before handing it to the woman.

She looks tired, her black hair is braided loosely and strands are falling into her face.
There are large dark circles under her eyes and she dressed in faded jeans and a grey windbreaker with the crest of a sporting goods store I have never heard of embroidered across the shoulder.

The boy is tugging at her hand again and as she turns to look at him she wearily sweeps her gaze over the rest of the room before she answers him.
Her voice is very soft with a practiced kind of patience most parents have, though I can’t make out her words I am sure they are also in another language that I do not understand.

I watch as they boy runs towards the door and pushes all his weight against it making a great show of his strength as the door slowly swings outwards and he leans back against it digging his boots into the muddy colored carpet as the woman follows him out.

The man in the grey jogging suit that has most likely never jogged before has gotten out of his world’s most uncomfortable chair and is eyeing the other still empty seats around him mentally trying to guess without having to walk over and try them which is the least uncomfortable.

He looks across to the woman beside me in the faded flora dress as she gives another snuffling murmur her fingers slowly letting the rumpled novel slip from them, it slides onto the floor and bounces before landing cover side up. Fields of Passion.

He looks at me and our eyes meet, I roll mine in a dramatic gesture of my opinion of the sleeping woman’s taste in reading... he smiles but says nothing and finally decided on another chair right beside the one he had before and sighs heavily as he settles himself into it.

I hear my name being called by the blonde receptionist with the messy bun held together by her blue or black pen with the red cap.
This time the snoring woman with the bad taste in novels doesn’t stir, the man in the jogging suit smiled a little as I pass him and I smile back before turning and disappearing down the hallway with the glossy floors and bright lines of light.
A totally dull moment made more interesting through super observance and creative story telling =)
Sam Greig-Mohns Apr 2012
Touch of insomnia
It's nearly 3 am
Sleeps not getting any closer
And I havent got a friend

There no one waiting for my calls
Just bad dreams of **** school halls

Retreat to the safety of a computer screen
Watch the little lights on the modem blink green
Boot up log in, disappear to hide from alone
Drown feeling in pixels all identical

Every site another chorus of broken hearts
To much like real life
Again I'm fleeing my own thoughts
Scared to listen

Instead, wandering down a long list of user names
(6-6) in every room I pass

Near the bottom and close to the end
Stopping, eyes catching
(1-6) all alone

Breath held, hand shaking
Feeling stupid, there's no risk I'm taking

Computer screens can't see who sits on this side
Maybe though.. they're alone too and I wont have to hide

You're two spaces from me
As my game starts, we sit silently

Cursor blinking slowly in the little text box
Fear creeping up my neck

Question hanging, to say something or just hold back
Took just a second, only three keys to press

"Hi", started it all and I'll never go back
From what if's and maybe's
To being your baby

It's been so long together, that we cant be apart
My soulmate...
I cant believe we met on a puzzle board
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
Rainbow ribbons, cotton candy

Sweet innocence can be mighty handy

Whats behind those big blue eyes

Wicked smile

Pretty lies
Sam Greig-Mohns Feb 2013
Rage and sorrow gripped me then without ever thinking that in a moment I might inflict not just one but two black eyes on a boy that lived just down the street

Who I had, just the day before run and played with, laughed and joked while sitting on my grandmother’s front porch
In our hands tall cool glasses of different colored beverages, ice cubes bobbing

If time had frozen in that moment I might have had a chance to gauge the sudden surprise at my aggression
The cry of pain when my fist connected
Before he ran away

Looking down around my feet I took in the carnage of his deeds
The burnt up matches, those little boxes
And all those now dead butterflies

I recalled from half a block away
The flutter of light that had drawn me, with a twisted sense of irony
Only to watch with mounting horror

A tiny body
A flash of light
A smoldering of orange and white

I looked on for what seemed forever
Trapped by a cold mix of disgust and mourning
As he released that butterfly

Wings aflame it took to the sky
It was a cloudless summer night
A dancing candle, a tiny life
Sam Greig-Mohns Jan 2013
its not your words exactly
more like the way they touch my skin
like fingers in my hair

its listening to your voice whispering
makes everything ok again

all those little things you do but never notice
things I count like stars, beautiful

your words touch like kisses against my skin
only matched when I can press my self into your arms

I'd like to return your kisses
whisper soft romance that would make the stars blush

please keep them
until we are together again

I promise I have all of yours
come closer and I'll tell you what it feels like

everything will be ok
you'll understand

I love you
but there no need to say it

you already know
your soft words tell me so
Sam Greig-Mohns Mar 2012
Sometimes watching pretty girl trudge through snow
Dark hair stand out like bright eyes
Against ice and white

She never really know I watching
Hiding out in nothing like monster

Me thinks maybe word for feeling
Watching her makes Yeti feel warm inside
Even when it grows dark and there is no light

Hear other human call feeling love
Love sounds warm and soft... but is sometimes sad
Like fluffy kitten that chokes to death on bit of pretty ribbon

Like Yeti hiding in snow
Watching pretty girl that will never know

But now it is time to go
While feeling warm in ice and snow

Maybe one day she will know
Yeti loved her

— The End —