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Apr 2015 · 499
Off the Cuff
Sam Newton Apr 2015
Always off the cuff with my words and my ideas
Trying to flesh out all my thoughts and calculations
There seems we never get to enjoy our time in the dark
The allegory of the cave keeping us safe and feeling smart.

Its very late where I am. Starch white moonlight keeping me warm.
But just across a couple states, a couple bodies of water, a few more Geographical boundaries to endure we can find a new place. In fact, one can find a new place even closer... Though it may feel completely new to one who had not had the ability to perceive this area. If we count our senses how many do we really have? How much more does a particular emotion from one interaction make one feel than a sight, or a sound, or a smell? Or does the fact that we attach ideas to our senses with images make it another form of perceiving an area unknown to one before? The allegory of the cave again. How can we perceive the light if it is blinding? For whatever faith may be to one, it is the human heart which seeks it out. The curiosity from down south. A movement in the human core to believe that Faith. In something. It is important to find it in every interaction. Utility. Make it purposeful to oneself. Because no one wants a parasite. Contribute something meaningful because everyone needs insight.

Its like conversation, a trade off. The perks of trading an idea, the benefit you didn't know existed until its utility delivered itself to you.
The idea of convenience and luck, yet denouncing any omniscient plan.
What reckless beings we are to find solace in so many places, yet no where at all, when given too much thought. The study of entropy engrosses me with fraught. I am chaotically decaying everyday. Every human is. Its called dying, and one can only die if one is living, so enjoy the fact that one day you get to experience death and even create new life. It means only that you will be able to perceive differently however you may believe.

Now don't go seeking it out, but understand where it lies about.
Death is all around us.
But so is life, and life takes time and energy to enjoy. Be spontaneous because the natural world is. Understand it because you are a part of it. Enjoy outbursts. One mind controls a microcosm of interactions enveloped in emotion and imagery and sound and smells all in the same place. We just have to use our memory. Everyone has their own Mind Palace. A collection of ideas and random thoughts and things which stuck to the wall that is our meaningful existence. What are yours? What makes you tick when there's no time left? What is your eternal clock?
If not religion then what?
Jul 2014 · 870
I should have been home
Sam Newton Jul 2014
I should have been home
Like Blaze Foley sang in the song, I'm
A Texas boy who left for a little too long.
I arrived to an empty throne, with an empty bottle,
Tears in my eyes. I didn't even question why.
I understood the moment wasn't mine.

When you try to save someone's mind
You'll forget your's in time.
People can only save themselves and even if you fight like hell,
It doesn't matter what you tell,
They must independently become well.

I have wasted too much time and too much energy for anyone to see the good that was in me.
I promise, I'm good, I promise I love you, but for now it might not be above you. It won't change anything but at least you know.
I regret not being at home.
More than ever I regret being alone.

It seems to me the only way to free,
Is to be the good old boy I claim to be.
Keep drifting tree to tree and hope some lovely lady sees.
Forgets what she didn't know and remembers my inner glow.

But I'm keeping my fingers crossed, that one day I won't be lost.
I just hope that it isn't too high a cost.

So today I'll get up and play, maybe even crack a smile that won't go away.
I miss my old ways, what everyone used to say. A happy boy who cared too much. That's what I like to think. Now I'm drowning in my drink.

Well throw me a life jacket, and call me a shrink.

I'm getting back there, to who I was and want to be. If that means I have to be naive, then I'll be dumb and free, but never mean.
I will always be second to the people I care about, and I'll probably break my back trying to sort it all out.

They say hope is wasted on the hopeless, well what is the person who brings them their hope? Is he wasted, or is that his purpose. To be used up with no return. I guess we will find out, and I'll let you know before I'm ashes in an urn.
Trying to help people who cannot or do not want to help themselves is very tiring, yet very noble in my mind. I will do anything for the people close to me, and if it means I am taken advantage of by giving too much I am quite alright with that. Because giving everything I can to the people closest to me is me.
Sam Newton Mar 2014
Am I leaving to start a new journey?
Or failing to satisfy my current yearning?

We stay up late and sleep too little. Devising our schemes.
Though no dreams, can be ignored. Even when being fickle, and rarely forward.
We pretend to contemplate, while we belittle
Our aspirations.

The lost generation, in the age of information.
An oxymoron, searching for the said promise of fortune.

It was all lies.
They squeal and creek as a damaged door hinge.
The door never opens, it can never be closed.
It remains a hole in a tremendous stone.
It's a pathway to our heart's catacombs.

The road less traveled?
Well it's only for the successful.
Which is yours to measure.

So then why is it all so stressful?
So high frequency?
Is there something in me that I can't see?
Something that I strive for, but possibly can't be?

Circular logic prevails as I slowly,
Possibly even,
Account in further detail.

Every kingdom needs a king.
Every dream must have a gleam.
A shine, an allure, a variable that will one day be your cure.
An idea that will free your soul.
An accomplishment which will make you whole.

But why am I telling you, what you already hold.
It rests inside of you, like a fire, steady to mold
The rest of your world, and influence your goals.

Dreams keep us grounded, they are what we desire.
All the while making us rise higher.

It's frightening, the possibility of missing one's mark.
But how will we know what we can achieve, if we never even

Chase your dreams. No matter how silly, or unfavorable by other parties. They are yours and yours alone to do with as you see fit.
Jun 2013 · 1.3k
Introspection is Creation
Sam Newton Jun 2013
I am not some mere romantic
Hopelessly in love or seemingly frantic
I am simply a man with sophomoric antics.
Closing in fast and with my dreams supplanted
By what I can only imagine is a place unwieldily for simple magic.
For there are no dragons of ancient lore,
Nor, for me, beautifully tantalizing ******.
But simply mistakes of my past, to reach me at last.
I imagine everyone creates this place of loathings' past.
While some do not believe in hell defined by a scripture, I assure you somewhere in your eternal slumber you will experience the guilt of past discomfort.
I pray it is only for a second for you, not minutes or hours or years or eternities.
But to whom will I pray? Myself I dare not say. However there is no man in the sky to consider my actions against me, there is no entity impartial to judge lonely old me. There will always be a standard for justice, good, evil, loyalty, infidelity, and of course, people.
But who is our judge? Is it not oneself? And if not, then who else?
I say none have the authority to constrain one but himself.
And if he wish to abide by his own moral abomination, too far outside similar creations.
His life, it will be taken.
If you cannot answer to yourself, you cannot answer to anyone.
Sam Newton Jun 2013
I'm narcissistic, egotistical, over confident and certainly blissful.

Realizing this. It makes me love myself. A life of highs and lows. Looking for,
Just a little more to know. Looking for, a new way to grow.

It makes me hate myself. A life of empty smiles and hellos. Looking for,
Just a little more glow. Looking for, a new way to show.

It makes me Proud of  myself. The fact is, right now, I have no idea who I really am.

So, for now, I will be training to become a great man.

Please, don't let this be just a plan.
Jun 2013 · 1.7k
Conservation of Ashes
Sam Newton Jun 2013
Everything in life has a pattern,
Even Chaos.
The study of Entropy, I'm sure will
Pay off.
But how much will they let us experience
Before reviving our spirits?
Or will we lay dormant,
confused, cold, and lonely?
Before there's more of us
consumed, old, and owning.
A sense of pride for our lives, which we call experience.
The ones we remember, and the ones why people fear us.
Skipping the embers, and going straight to ashes.
We say they are laws. But that is just madness.
The conservation of ashes, breads no life, only more sadness.
Jun 2013 · 821
5 Minutes
Sam Newton Jun 2013
Five minutes to write this poem
Trying not to check my phone
Watch the time as it's flown
Hoping to god it's going home.

Knowing someday I'll be alone,
Instead just waiting to be grown
Looking for something to call my own.
Just wanted to see what I could come up with in 5 minutes at 5:23am
Apr 2013 · 744
Sweet, Sinful, Love
Sam Newton Apr 2013
Her* lips were soft,
Moist as Her clothes fell off
Anxious I would never be lost
In the maze of Her loft.
Crawling around in the dark,
Wrestling with who we are.
Thinking that if the world were to end,
We could repopulate the ark.

Slowly losing sight of Her heart as I
try furiously to split Her apart.
Sweating swearing turning yearning
Trying to be smart.

But it is beaten by an evil lurking somewhere in the start.
I just wanted to remain inside of Her for a lifetime,
Remembering that the only love She had ever felt was mine
as I finish up just in time to avoid his eyes.

I'm sure Her boyfriend is still quite blind,
Just how much She shines without him in mind.
Apr 2013 · 4.0k
The Rivalry of Rivalries
Sam Newton Apr 2013
Rivalries are an excuse for animosity to be abused.
A tradition to explain the irrational and depraved.
A justification for future insubordination
Of logical arguments by the sane.

Beasts competed with one another through physical altercations,
But we have evolved to call everyone our brother.
So why is it that we must see fighting between one another?
Why is it that we may not all show that we're lovers?
Is there something wrong with the tolerance of each other?

Whatever rationalization is created for the promotion of hatred,
Should be abolished and ashamed,
That it may show its head and become a vein for placing blame,
Is unsettling all the same.

We are all too similar, and that should not promote altercations of an individual,
Rather it should be used as a connection to the familiar.
It should be used in stride with the builder
Of peace, and a reason for all this nonsense to cease.

We have developed into adults,
and it is time to show this with amiable results.
By citing a rivalry as traditional is exactly the reason
It is sinful.
One day we may see the end of this spitefully built fence,
By breaking down the wall separating far too many of us all.
I hope it is my lifetime here, for failing to unite us,

is my deepest of fears.
Apr 2013 · 933
O Father Where Art Thou
Sam Newton Apr 2013
All I ever wanted to know was where my dad is,
But now that I'm grown and over my own madness,
I feel that everything that never matter was the sadness.
I've become a person who is stronger because of his absence,
And luckily, the man who raised me was never hurt by me asking this.

Who was he and why did he leave me?
Where in the world could he possibly be?
Is it something I did wrong, or something he saw in me?
What did he see, that made him disappear so suddenly and flee?

But when I look back on my life,
Trying to understand what caused all of my strife,
I never consider the cause to be,
The one who took on the responsibility,
To care, nurture, and look after me.

Because without him, who knows where I'd be.

Not knowing my father is not something I could explain to my future daughter.
It is a void in my soul, a place that will forever remain far from whole.
Growing deeper and darker because of a man I never knew.
While the man who raised me will forever remain to be,
A shining light, rising higher and brighter
Burning inside me, becoming the fuel for my fire.

I hold no compassion for the man who left us behind,
Because I was saved by a real father, one stronger than any potential dad of mine,
A tangible fodder to my fire, to help me live on so one day I may die,
A better person because of my experience in life.
Far beyond any expectations, despite my former father's resignation.
I will forever hold one man in my heart, who taught me to always lead from the start.

I know who I was raised by,
And he will be my father for as long as I am alive.
And after, until the end of all time.

Rest in peace former father, for you are no patriarch of mine.
I was recently legally adopted by the man who raised me. If it were not for him I would never have understood the true meaning of love.
Apr 2013 · 1.3k
Sam Newton Apr 2013
As Some early rap group plays in the background of my life
The relationship with my Brothers has changed my insight, it helps me decide when to lie and defines who I am, what I mean to the fam and everybody who truly knows me as Sam.
That isn't to say I'm not intimate today,
I love everybody in a different kind of way,
It makes me smile even just to say it.
I have people in my life, worth the slang I derive from these pretty soulful lines
Something I cannot measure, but simply as a sense of pleasure
All in a world I feel is mine, making them Brothers and therefore a lifeline
Any person I can call when I need little time,
If I need a friend or a relationship to mend, some cash in my pocket for my next canned soda
Looking at the twizzlers thinking I could use them as a straw, daydreaming again, just a big kid standing a little too tall.
Looking from the top thinking that's a long way to fall,
But as I get closer to edge and look down on,
I see that my Brothers already have me harnessed up, they intend to let me jump.
Letting me learn my mistakes to help discern from the fake,
Because the ones who criticize you are the one's who hold you when you cry,
Trying to make myself better, if only for my guys.
The brothers that I never had, they help me see who I want to be
Help me envision what I want, but make me stand to reach my next treat
To find the earth from this place up here.
Looking, I contemplate how I want to create to change, or maybe cause fear
If only small things, I will be the force to define the voice of my people
A generation left behind to figure out what is evil.
A knew definition nowadays because of where it's living, in our hearts and even in this page.
All I want to do is sleep because without my Brothers I'm just dead meat.
All I want to do see a world made for me and you, my Brothers, a relationship above all others.
The thing that means the most to me these days, is the fact that no matter where I go, my Brothers will be with me. Something I can always see, it resides somewhere inside of me. Emotionally and Mentally. Today they rest with me. Humans, people, beings, whatever they are to me, you couldn't possibly begin to conceive.
I would **** for the people I call my Brothers. It deserves to be capitalized after what we've been through together. It sounds a little too sentimental. But without them I would not have developed into myself.
Aug 2012 · 670
Working in World
Sam Newton Aug 2012
I am not a hard guy
Just as hard as the wall I leaned against all night
Stuck in fantasy about about amnesty
But how can you forgive someone who doesn't feel?
Because compassion is real
And in order to heal
Its takes a person the audacity to stand when sitting
That relaxed sense of spinning
Something that we can only call surprise,
When we are becoming ourself, we are only one step closer to die
The maturity of time will always outlive any of these lines.
Why we must  act now and rise,
To the calling of good deeds, not by any entity.
We see the problems we have created in the world, so why not absolve the rest of the unfurling
Now or never, so let it all come together.
Aug 2012 · 614
Working in World
Sam Newton Aug 2012
I am not a hard guy
Just as hard as the wall I leaned against all night
Stuck in fantasy about about amnesty
But how can you forgive someone who doesn't feel?
Because compassion is real
And in order to heal
Its takes a person the audacity to stand when sitting
That relaxed sense of spinning
Something that we can only call surprise,
When we are becoming ourself, we are only one step closer to die
The maturity of time will always outlive any of these lines.
Why we must  act now and rise,
To the calling of good deeds, not by any entity.
We see the problems we have created in the world, so why not absolve the rest of the unfurling
Now or never, so let it all come together.
Aug 2012 · 616
Place of Art
Sam Newton Aug 2012
I've got a twisted sense of time
One that never dies
Turning and burning but never reffering
Only through my eyes when I pass
I'll wake and think it was mine that sent you there
How'd you find your way?
Love won't guide you to this place, only my mind.
Only walking in with that key of mine,
Back to the place of ***** bathrooms, clothes and mess on the floor
I'll find a hole for the two of us, one that gets you off my head
And into my heart, only for the night
Until the morning starts, no pause
But drop the blinds and hit the lights
I'll consider you mine in this place of art
Aug 2012 · 686
My Dear
Sam Newton Aug 2012
There's something about us.
Daft Punk makes the music feel fresh,
It spreads the love like freedom of the press
Sells out sets, so quickly among eyes
That can't quite catch their breath, no blinking
We wish we could but the bass hits too hard for breaks
I know by the end of the day I wont have to wait
Because one way you'll walk me home
Either we'll be too drunk to care, or I'll give you an offer
To hold your hair, hand you the water and let it all spill there
Into the the oval bowl of ceramic snow
The percipitation gets ***** and you feel better
But only until the next caring couple comes by to help our affair
I miss the nights I can't remember and hate the mornings I do
One day I'll see it all clear, hopefully you still wait for me my dear.
Jul 2012 · 1.0k
Vast seas of placement
Sam Newton Jul 2012
How did we meet,
Was it out there on the crossing paths of the street
Eye contact interrupted by the buzzing of the bees
A bus and trolly wafting a cool breeze through the air towards me

We could never know because it's only a single serving interaction
A single packet of cream on an airplane
A single serving packet of asprin
Something that will never amount to the idea of what my eyes wanted to claim

But in that moment stranded in time, away from everything else
The lock of two strangers eyes can amount to all that I needed to see
To help me know what I alone could be
The anonymity of your life to mine the mystery is what makes it a beautiful lie

Not a lie in the sense of a falsehood
But rather in the sense of placement on a fairway
The geographical landscape of our lives,
In which I can spot you and you can see me
But we remain never to interact
And live on our lives in the vastness of our own the sea of lies
Sam Newton Jul 2012
Drugs are fun to use, abuse, infuse, and include
In all of my activities, to be used into infinity
While I write for my infantry of souls dancing
My thoughts move forward and grow colder
For the serotonin in my brain is all but in order
And now I must refrain to live a life of logic
Just after this one last puff, and after this one last line
Because oh my lord how I've never felt this high before
I've found a new place now within my mind, but between twine of two worlds,
Heavenly and fiery and thats how I plan live among the almighty...

Even if I dissipate in years, minutes or seconds
I will always remember my first time
There is no perpetual high, there is no lifetime I can cheat death to sneak on by
So why not live it up while I'm here, aren't we all just waiting for our chance to disappear?
Sam Newton Jul 2012
His holiness is my virtue
But not the divinity it commands
Nor the depravity it understands

But what I alone as one man
Can come to understand

Why do we follow so blindly the belief
Why do we seek so longly his relief

In my world I am my creator
And I will live for my savior

It is no one else's fate but mine
To disregard his time
And take my place in a long unlawful line

— The End —