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sam May 2013
I often ask myself the question, what would it take to be your queen?
To have a love so un-obscene
And if there really was a chance we might just fall,
I wouldn't have to worry,
No not at all.
sam Apr 2013
I think I'm going to drink a little more
Because I heard you where laughing a little more

It'll explain my bad behavior
You and i know that love never was  in my favor

So write another ******* song about another girl who has done you wrong
            you couldn't say that about me.
sam Apr 2013
I'm tired of wishing and waiting
Though, there is so much more I could be hating

How long before I can call you mine?

And if we still have time
Then why is it so hard to make this **** poem rhyme?
sam Apr 2013
I wish I could write a poem
But it's a talent that I lack

I'd write words to steal your heart
so full of love, you'd never look back
sam Feb 2013
"I'm not handling this very well"
What, did you think that I couldn't tell?
I can read you like a book.
I know every cranny and nook
Of your mind

I know you better than you know yourself.
sam Jan 2013
He says "you're the exception, my girl."
But I'm not yours
And if what you're saying is true
Why is this all coming out of the blue?

*I wish I could disappear
sam Jan 2013
You can melt me with a touch
Yet, freeze me with a look
I think you were right
I am an open book
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