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the waves wash over our feet
as we gaze out into the horizon.
we stand together,
but are worlds apart.
hands aching to touch,
hearts filled with longing and fear.
love should be enough
but sometimes life gets too complicated.
the storm is inching closer toward us,
who will be the first to walk away?
I urge my feet to go,
afraid of the darkness that clouds us
but I cannot let go.
not yet.
I cannot live a life where we're just strangers living apart.
out in the horizon,
the sun creeps up,
light bringing to life all that was hidden by the dark.
and I sit all alone,
with your footprints being the last I have of you.
they'll wash away without a trace,
and all I'll have is the memory of you.
this love like a ghost haunting every step I take.
Feb 6 · 24
I'd fade into the shadows if I could.
become a reflection that lingers on the waters, that flows along the earth.
to escape the loudness of the world,
and the restlessness of my mind.
to find solace,
to find peace,
to find quiet.
I'd run the distance of the world, if I could.
never stopping anywhere long enough to let my heart be overcome with despair, or love.
but I can't escape the thought,
that if I am just a shadow,
I'll miss out on the substance of being human.
the tangible guilt, sadness, happiness, and grief.
if I am a reflection, how will I touch the ones I love? how will i hold them close to my soul?
how will I bow on my knees and say a prayer to my God?
if I run,
if I escape,
would it be worth it?
Jan 7 · 31
we are like butterflies.
but first, we must accept the process before the transformation.
the ugliness of slithering in the dirt,
the loneliness of the cocoon,
and the pain of the change.
we are two broken little creatures,
groaning and writing,
finding our way.
but you, are by my side as we reach our completion.
we are learning to become more of what God has intended.
we are learning to become beautiful.
Jan 5 · 324
my heart has hardened.
as I grow older and look at this world,
it all makes me turn my eyes away and ponder where the love has truly gone.
where the wonder has gone.
when life was filled with colour and eager expectation.
i want my heart to be so open, and filled with love, that when the world sees me, they see Christ.
let my pride wither away, as with my flesh,
let me be humble, and fall on my face in constant awe.
let me not pull away and hide from the agony around, that my heart becomes bitter and enraged.
oh, let your love change us, o God, I pray.
Dec 2024 · 41
It's in the sound of the rain falling from the skies and hitting the ground.
The dulling of the clouds, hiding the sun's rays from reaching this little corner of the world.
The lightening that strikes and the violent thunder that speeds up the beating of my heart.
There's so much more I could say, how when I experience the earth, and when I look around me, it all points to You.

How could I escape You when even the sound of the wind rushing through the trees, whispers your name?

I close my eyes and listen to the birds, and I know it sings Your song, waiting patiently for Your return.

How wonderful it is, that it's Your hands that so tenderly formed every one of its little feathers.

You, my God, are Splendor and Majesty. Like the fields of flowers, filled with endless beauty.

Like the ocean blue, that rages and stills, washing us completely, covering all the earth.

Yes, how beautiful you are. More than I'll ever fully know, yet one day, I shall look upon Thy face, how terrifyingly wonderful the thought.
Nov 2024 · 58
The LORD is strong and mighty.
Courageous, like a strong Lion,
Raging like a wild tempest.
there is nothing that He cannot do, nothing that could withstand the power and holiness that encompasses Him.
He is enthroned in glory, seated in honor,
none could surpass Him.
none can measure up.
He has created all that the naked eye could see, and all that it cannot.
He is the Master of the Cosmos and the sustainer of Life.
He is the LORD God, inhabiting Eternity, He is Holy.

and yet, He is my LORD God.
He is my Savior who took it in His hands to deliver His people from the grave.
He is closer than the breath I breathe, and greater than all the world's treasures and beyond.
Blessed be the LORD. I will praise His wonderful name, Amen.
Sep 2024 · 50
Soli Deo Gloria!
What you do in this life matters. It matters to God whether you are living for His glory or your own. And what you do today, impacts your tomorrow
if I could, my darling,
I'd take away all your pain within a heartbeat.
I'd stay with you until all the sorrows are gone, as we wait for time to heal,
as we wait for the Lord to turn the mourning into dancing.
let me stay and love you, I plead. I can't give you much, but I desire to give you my heart.
is that enough? would you let me hold you when the days are dark and uncomfortable?
is it too much to ask from a simple human being, is it too much to expect, too much to do?
oh, but how I want to love you that way.
let this be a godly desire, filled with the love my precious, Savior gives.
but how could I, mere human, love you fully and completely?
perhaps, this is how He loves us.
Greatly, vastly and intimately.
He loves us, patiently.
He loves us, perfectly.
He loves us, without a blemish.
He loves us, righteously.
Aug 2024 · 331
He is the reason
i was lost,
and Jesus found me.
even when i wasn't looking to be found.
now hallelujah, for He persists to share Himself with you too.
Jun 2024 · 83
all these words will pass away
like the petals of a flower,
or the leaves when autumn comes.
all will be forgotten,
a haunted memory,
of the thoughts and lives
etched across our pages.
but Your words,
echo through existence,
sustaining the universe
in power, might and breath.
yes, all will pass away,
but the words of God are eternal.
Jun 2024 · 86
To be forsaken and alone,
Jesus knows that quite well.
To face the anguish in quiet agony with no one to share the pain or the burden with.
To be utterly torn to pieces deep within.
With no hand to hold His, nor arms to comfort.
No cheerful word offered by a brother -
Only the sounds of weeping echoing in that garden.
But His pain wasn't aimless and neither ours, for now our Savior is the One to hold our hand and comfort us in the warmth of His arms.
He was forsaken, so that we'd never be.
He gave up His comfort, so that we could find hope in His suffering.
He overcame, and even when it felt like it, He was never really alone.
And because of Him,
Neither are we.
Blessed be the name of Jesus. Forever and ever. Amen
May 2024 · 68
ecclesiates 3:11
Let's ask ourselves the question, that if we're really happy, then why does it feel like somethings missing?
We desire something more, and reach the goal - maybe for a while, it'll make us whole.
But then the sting comes back and the emptiness rears its ugly head, yet again.
We're alone.
Telling ourselves, that if we just get to the next point, we'll be happy again, and the cycle continues.
We are like a puzzle, almost complete, but missing the most important piece,
trying to find something else to fill that gap.
But nothing fits,
And nothing completes it.
So what's missing?
‭To tell you the truth, you were made for something more.
But you can't find something more without Someone to point the way.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life.
Mar 2024 · 195
"and there is still hope for redemption in a sinner like me."
Mar 2024 · 89
Lover of my soul
I must have my Love.
That my heart may be softened through the tenderness of Your love.
That my life may have value again,
when You look upon me with Your patient affections.
How often I fail you,
greatly I do.
More than I love You,
do I so frequently follow the worthless lusts of this world.
Pluck out my eyes,
And cut off my hand,
That my devotion may belong to You,
and only You.
Oh, how my soul groans within me,
to be well with You again.
For our hearts to become one,
And my life again Yours.
If there's One who knows the depth of the misery,
of watching your beloved child anguish in death and suffering,
It's the One who gave His Son for our freedom.

The pain of the little hands,
clutching onto your own in fear, confusion, anger, peace and finally rest.

The turmoil of the raging seas,
the unrelenting storm inside,
no time to breathe, no time to think.
Riddled with the torment that the one who was of you, is no longer.

Wrestling with the battle inside,
the war to believe,
the ability to have comfort in utter weakness -
unable to escape the need for your arms to be full again.
And your soul to have rest.

And love, you freely surrender
knowing the great Comforter, will bring you home, there where your heart lies,
in the arms of the Father.
Cherished and never alone.

Free from the grief of the world,
free to be loved and live in eternal peace.

And so, even in the thickest of darkness, light shines the brightest,
And we breathe in the hope that lifts our soul, back to You.
For you, O church, we groan and yearn, that your joy may be complete in the sufferings and the hope.
To do and die for Christ, as the world turns its back on you, like it did to Him.
You bear your cross in weakness, and yet how strong you are, for the LORD thy God is with you as your blood is shed.
Your faith is bold and ever bright, even in the darkest of night.
Let it not dim, though you weary, you will not break, for those scars on your back, are the ones your Saviour bore.
Come and rejoice with those tears of gold, they are more precious to God, than we can ever know.
They burn your buildings, your children and wives, but bodies come and go, when your soul has eternal life.
Your belief is mocked, you are called a fool,
but better to be foolish than wise and not have life.
Yes, O church, how excruciating your pain, but we share in sufferings and we share in glory.
And when the stones hit your body,
And your hearts are pierced, the eyes of Jesus burn with love and fury.
So take comfort, that to be hated by the world and loved by God is an infinite beauty that endures forevermore.
Dec 2023 · 89
To behold the sweet mercies of my Father, do I yearn.
To gaze upon that glorious face shining brightly with holy light.
To sit at the humble feet of my Saviour, O Jesus, how I long.
How I long for those greener pastures and the beauty of the fields of heaven.
This is the promised hope I cling to,
The undefiled, imperishable inheritance that was poured into our souls by the sacrifice of the Son of God.
Blessed Lord,
Be glorified in your highest state,
On the throne as the great High Priest
And in the garden
as the suffering Servant.
In all,
You are worthy.
Worthy as the Lamb,
Worthy as the Lion,
Worthy as the King,
Worthy as the Rabbi,
Worthy of all praise.
may we be infinitely Yours,
and You, be infinitely ours.
Nov 2023 · 141
Arms of a Father
You came running down my prodigal road.
You came running with a ring and a robe.
Grace is the collision on the way back home,
With the arms of a Father who won't let go.
-Jonathan David Helser
Sep 2023 · 132
where the earth meets the heavens.
I know that I can touch the heavens because You have lit the way. The beautiful light of your ways paving the way to depth we could never know without You.
Your light shines in the darkness and the darkness can never overcome You.
You are our horizon.
Connecting us to heaven.
Aug 2023 · 114
Baruch Habah B'Shem Adonai
words fail to express how much i need You.
i need You with hunger and thirst unexplainable and unable to be felt with just human need.
a deep yearning and groaning to welcome You, oh Holy Spirit.
i need You as a child needs their Father.
i am weak and lost without You.
wondering if it's ever enough.
but it's only ever enough when it's You, Jesus.
my dear Savior,
my heart desperately longs to beat for You.
my dear God,
whom have i in heaven or on earth?
my desire belongs to You.
Baruch Habah B'Shem Adonai.
blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD.
Jesus is the only way to be saved. no amount of good works, will grant you favor or pardoning on the day of judgement. the sacrifice for your shame has been paid. paid in the blood of Jesus Christ--the one to whom every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess.
May 2023 · 380
kiss the waves
'I have learned to kiss the waves that throw me up against the Rock of Ages'
-Charles Spurgeon.
May 2023 · 153
Psalm 30
I speak to you, dear friend. Here is a love that chooses to give you grace and forgiveness when you don't deserve it. The hand that is extended to you to help keep you from drowning. The arms stretched open on the cross saying, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Your fear, your pride, your sin is keeping you from a love you'll spend the rest of your life fighting to experience, in a world that cannot give it to you. Cry out to God. Lord, please reveal Yourself, You are the only One who can save. So save, I pray, save.
Jan 2023 · 175
I honor You, LORD,
because You are good.
Your name is precious and holy beyond our understanding,
Yours is the only name that is worthy.
Thank You for the time You've given us to know You.
Thank You for the mercy You wash over us with everyday.
Even though this life can get heavy and we are pressed in from every side, I know that in You, we are never crushed.
You are the Conqueror, our Safety and Hope.
Salvation rests in us because we rest in You.
Bless You, El Shaddai.
Happy New Year, all. I hope this year the love of Jesus  will wash over you, because He's coming back soon. so message me if you want to know more or you'd like some prayer. God Bless!
Dec 2022 · 230
Dear Struggling Christian
Dear struggling child of God,

I know you keep trying to steer the ship back to the shore. Back to safety and peace in God.

I know the storms seem tougher than you are and Christ seems more distant as the waves push you deeper into the sea.

You tell ourself, "tomorrow will be different," every night you close your eyes and wonder when God will be near again.

Holy Spirit seems gone.

And you're left trying to tame the madness and chaos that He's left you to deal with all alone.

When your tears are concealed by the anger of the storm, and you wonder if God truly left you to deal with the storm all by yourself.

Child, I know how much you long for things to be the same, for the Prince of Peace to calm the storm or help you walk on water.

The worse part is, no matter how hard you seem to try, He just doesn't seem to care.


I have no courage to give you, or wisdom to impart on you. I'd say in your weakness, He is strong, but how could I when the weakness seems greater than God Himself.

But I want you to know, holiness is a journey that's not easy to embark on.

To be sanctified in Jesus through the redeeming work of Holy Spirit, feels like a battle you'll never win.

And trying to steer to the safety of the shore, is like running against the wind.

But when you think God has not prepared you to face the harshness of the storm, remember Christ who become a child and chose to be born in a stable. A place not typically fit for the majestic glory of God Himself.

When your body is limp and weak, remember the King of Kings, who was slapped and beaten in shame and carried so much embarrasment that His own disciples abandoned Him.

Remember the garden of Gethsemane, when Yeshua chose the cup of suffering that we may share His glory and be an ambassador.

Remember how He chose the wrath of God, for the freedom of mankind. How his hands and feet bore the holes of disgrace that came with dying a sinners death.

Being an ambassador of the great King, means we bear an image that represents Him. Though there is glory, there is also suffering.

So be still even in the rage, even in the discomfort, knowing that the God who created the seas, will direct you to where you must go, not where you think you want to be.

your struggling sister.
Oct 2022 · 142
whom have i
we've come too far to give up now.
Your hands have carried me through battles and wars.
Your hands have healed the parts of me, I didn't think could be healed,
and the scars that are now left behind, sing praises for what You have mended.
where can I go that You do not see or know.
where in my mind or heart, that You do not understand.
who do I have but You?
look at me, see the battered and bruised soul that weeps for You.
LORD, whom have I in heaven or earth, or below the earth?
it's just You.
Sep 2022 · 457

we look just like her.

I see Egypt in the distance, chariots and horses led by mighty kings that slay without a blink.

we are joined in battle. we fight together.

our warriors are blind and mute.
lips sown shut, we have no voice,
for we have sold ourselves as slaves to Babylon.

like a ball of fire we burn, but we must march on for our souls are not ours.

no mercy.

no mercy Babylon, not even to preserve the lives of the righteous.
we march on in the thick darkness, to a battle we were never equipped to win.


the LORD's army is dressed in Holy white, we tremble and fear as they surround us with light.
their King, the one called Faithful and True, leads them like a mighty warrior.
His light penetrating through our eyes that are closed.

babylon march, march babylon!

but everyone around is vanishing like a breath. the light is conquering.

babylon march!

I cannot, my legs cannot carry me to fight, I will die by the light.

run, faster than your legs can take you. cling to the arms of the merciful One.
the King, the Light of Life.
He redeems me.

I am only 206 bones held together by sinews and tendons. i am dry bones with no life. and then He breathes the breath of life into me and my gaze is no longer on Babylon.

my gaze is on the fiery eyes of the conquering Lion.

oh praise God!

yes, praise the Alpha and Omega.

my Beginning and End.

come babylon, He is setting us free. turn away from the lust and seduction of the world, see that you are chained. this is not freedom!

babylon, I plead with you, fight the good fight or perish in the fire.

accept the savior, Jesus Christ, who has the power to redeem.

that is true freedom.
Jul 2022 · 116
eyes flutter open, the room is darkened reflecting the absence of light outside.
the realization of who I've become dawns on me.
I am ashamed.
but I close my eyes again, "i love You, Lord."
I say the words in my heart hoping You know it's true even though You haven't been seeing it.
and when I open my eyes again, light begins to shine.
the sun rising in the sky and in my heart.
and yet, there is still hope.
despite how far I've gone and how long I've stayed in the darkness.
there is still hope for redemption in a sinner like me.
Jun 2022 · 160
what is equivalent?
what does it matter,
if i could give you all your desires,
but your heart would forever be longing
for something more?
if i gave you the whole world,
you still wouldn't be content,
you'd still have that gaping hole in your chest
waiting for someone to fill it for you.
"For what does it profit a man
to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?
For what can a man give in return for his soul?"
Mark 8:36,37 ESV
i was once drained of life.
face sunken and dried,
veins narrow, trying to take in as much blood as it could
a heart without enough life to live.
that's what you call someone with no heartbeat, an inactive brain and
an oxygen deprived, rotting pair of lungs.
that was me.
and then, suddenly,
Jesus Christ.
redemption blood coursed through my veins,
igniting a heartbeat.
compressions and then breath to my lungs and my brain.
"breathe," He said.
salvation runs red within my body,
giving life where there was death and decay.
i can breathe.
finally, i can breathe.
look, look at my Saviour!
with a bloodied and bruised face,
swollen eyes.
look at His hands and His feet, pierced.
look at the crown of thorns,
the blood runs like tears down His face.
look, He comes riding on a donkey and a colt.
pierced on His side, where my salvation runs free.
May 2022 · 115
there is a storm brewing.
it is violent, i can feel it,
but God how do i stop it?
how do i trust the Prince of Peace when my life has been so rebellious?
how do i walk out into the storm when my legs can only take me as far as the edge of the boat.
You wait there, patiently for me,
while i tremble and i collapse under the weight of the storm.
where do i go?
how do i come to You again?
it's easy to be distracted by the storm around me, but harder to set my sights on You.
i dont have the ability to be calm anymore.
but You are the One who sees,
our Banner of hope and victory.
You are the overwhelming voice of comfort in my misery and pain, when i am caught up in the restless storms around me, you sing over me, like a Father who loves His child.
Your arms wrap around us like a blanket even when the storms surround us and the sky turns dark.
yes, somehow, even when the sky turns dark,
God, i can still see You.
May 2022 · 416
what walls would say
if these walls could talk,
they'd start praising You, oh LORD,
for all that its seen You do.
today is the day of salvation.
Apr 2022 · 128
a message to you.
i have something to tell you,
something that's been on my heart for so long and i desperately need you to hear it.
God is telling you to come back.
come back home.
you spend so much time fighting against Him, that you miss out on the fact that He's been fighting for you.
of course there are struggles and pains in this world, but Jesus said, "take heart, for I have overcome the world."
so take heart, and come back home, because you will restlessly search for your belonging, that is found only in Him.
'I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”'
John 16:33
Nov 2021 · 130
Find Me
When i thought i was lost,
You knew exactly where i was.
And when i cried out to You in despair,
Asking you to find me,
You had always been right there.
Nov 2021 · 130
As thunder and lightening.
Hear the thundering voice of God,
Oh people of the earth.
Let the lightening strike the dead parts of you and raise them to life.
In spirit and truth we live and breathe.
Hear the thundering voice of God,
Let it awaken the life inside of you!
Hear the thunder roar!
Rise up,
Oh church,
let the lightening course through your veins.
Hear the voice,
The thundering,
Voice of God
and repent for the kingdom of Heaven is near.
Mar 2021 · 145
The Prodigal Son
My dear heart, why do you fight so hard for a world that only wants to see you fail?
Come back to your senses, and come back to your Father.
All will be well
Feb 2021 · 110
In my weeping
In my weeping and grieving,
Mourning and despair,
I cry out to the Lord just like the psalmist did.
I wait and i wait, in my weeping and shame.
My guilt covers me like a blanket wrapped snugly around my body.
I wait and i wait, in my weeping and heartache.
My spirit longs for you, oh Lord
But my heart wants something else to comfort me.
Strip me of this anguish, as i tremble and ache.
In my weeping, you tell me to rejoice for Your glory will be seen from within.
You take the most broken and outcast into Your glorious family.
In our weakness, we rejoice for we rely solely on Your strength.
He came into this world fully God and fully man.
having created all things for His glory, but  they did not recognise Him.
He disturbed them, He was despised by them.
all of nature bowed down to the Light, who was, is and will always be,
but man, in all their pride, rejected Him.
the divine nature and pureness of the lamb of God, subjected to division and darkness of the world.
living among sinners and oppressors.
living among the sick and the outcasts.
He lived a poor man's life and died a sinners death.
rejected by many, but loved by the Father is a love far more lovely than the foolish and temporary love that is often clung to.
Perfect and marvelous
He healed and ate,
taught and laughed
and loved a love that can still be felt through generations
and generations.
Glory, to the One who loves both Jew and Gentile,
Glory to the One who through His blood, brought salvation,
Glory to the One who conquered death,
and glory to He, who despite being hated by many, loved them so much, that He gave them freedom even though they were sinners.
yes, glory to the sinless lamb of God.
in darkness we roamed around this world, as wretched souls who were spiritually dead.
we are slaves to sin and oppositions of the Heavenly realms.
we thought we were free, but stuck in a prison with all our deepest desires, guilt, regret, shame and hurt splattered along the grey, decaying walls.
yet all of it should've been worth it, right?
we had some happiness, just a little, i swear it was worth it.
but its never enough, and we can try hard but we'll never be satisfied.
we make idols out of our deepest pleasures and bow down to statues and stars.
worshiping something, even though you'll say otherwise.
we serve sin.
we glorify sin.
and yet we want hope and peace that which cannot be found in the deep pit of division and transgression.
there was nowhere out.
you could try as hard as you want, but it's like an addiction,
and we're just looking for our next fix
because we thought there was no home to mend us.
Nov 2020 · 101
i'm sorry. i repeat.
maybe if i tried harder it would be different.
but i do try hard, at least i think i do.
its hard for me to tell You that i'm struggling, that i feel unable to be anymore.
everything feels so repetitious,
me wanting so desperately to be different but repeating the same patterns.
i try to take my feelings out of the equation, but they worm themselves back in and i'm left feeling like i don't belong with You.
like i cant do anything right.
like i'm never going to change.
i'm sorry.
i repeat.
i'm sorry.
i repeat.
like the tick of a clock, the sound deafening in the silence,
i repeat the words amidst the quiet.
loud and annoying,
i'm sorry.
i repeat.
but You're here, even in my struggles,
even when i'm sorry.
even when i feel like an addict unable to change, when i seek the change so much.
i'm sorry.
i repeat.
Sep 2020 · 99
shattered facade
a broken mask fractured on the ground
laying in a million tiny pieces.
I am afraid of who I am without my disguise,
which shields me from the uncertainty of this world.
will they accept me for who I am not?
or deny me of who I am becoming?
I can only imagine the rejection and guilt.
my anxious thoughts,
a constant reminder of how destructive my mind can be.
and also, a gesture of how You annoint my head with oil, like a good Shepherd.
who You are making me,
who You have called me to be, oh Lord,
is greater than all the confusion and pain this world holds.
may we cling to Your safety and refuge.
may we rejoice when our pretence is demolished.
Sep 2020 · 88
psalm 23:4
i am walking in the valley of the shadow of death, faced with the trials and tribulations it holds.
barefoot and in the dark, with my sin and guilt wrapped around me like a skintight dress.
all the mistakes, all the wrong choices, engraved in my skin like a tattoo.
i am hopeless and starving for another outlet, another drug.
i am afraid, i have no guide, no light.
those cold hands caress my body as temptation leads me in,
i cannot escape its grasp.
i cannot get full.
always empty,
never happy.
and then, You came along.
like a Shepherd, with your rod to pull us out of danger, out of the deep, darkness that encloses.
your staff to guide, and give us rest.
why should i fear?
when You are standing right next to me,
not giving me directions, or a map,
You give me Yourself.
You hold my hand and walk through the darkness with me.
Your light capturing the shadows and lighting the way to the narrow path we walk.
𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘴 𝘪 𝘸𝘢𝘭𝘬 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘢𝘥𝘰𝘸 𝘰𝘧 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘩,
𝘪 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘳 𝘯𝘰 𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘭,
𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘦.
𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘳𝘰𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘠𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘧𝘧,
𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘮𝘦.
Sep 2020 · 102
when the birds go free
stuck in a tiny metal cage waiting for someone to set them free.
an image of the pure beauty that was created, locked up for our pleasure,
to admire and to shame.
white feathers coated in dust and darkness,
where did it all go wrong?
who is to blame for this insanity?
"all that you want, i have," he says,
but he can never have all that they need.
admiring from the inside of steel bars, the picture of the great green and blue serene, always to admire but never to encounter again.
they are like prisoners, trapped in the confines of the jail he shamelessly created based on lies, deceit and manipulation,
and helplessly they became prey.
in a little metal cage, they gaze at was, and what could've been if their hearts had only fell into Your comforts.
vulnerable and exposed they wait for the day You come to open the tiny gate separating them from life.
and when the birds finally go free,
You will be there, in triumph, watching in joy and love,
giving them the peace that You are.
there will always be wants, but You are all that they need.
𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘗𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳,
𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘴𝘦𝘵𝘴 𝘶𝘴 𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘦.
Aug 2020 · 82
to the youth
your age does not determine your relationship with God.
children became kings, leaders and prophets.
david killed a giant
and the youth of israel were the only individuals who entered the promised land.
so i say again,
your age is not the deciding factor God uses to draw you close to Him.
𝘞𝘩𝘺 𝘥𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘎𝘰𝘥 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯’𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘮?
How does that make sense?
How do you go your whole life proclaiming hate on Someone you don’t believe in?
Because you can’t do both.
You either say something isn’t real and believe your truth, or acknowledge that It is in fact real and base your opinion on that.
But you can’t slander the very same God you say isn’t real.
You believe in gravity and yet it cannot be seen, and there is in fact no logical reason to hate it,
you don’t see it and there it is, keeping us stable and even so, we cannot explain the phenomenon.
However, we can believe in something as enigmatic as an invisible force that keeps you grounded but cringe, mock and scoff at any possibility of God.
And yet, you worship the moon and the stars—objects that predict your future and tell you who you are.
You detest God because you blame Him for the war and violence in the world, and you believe in free will.
We made the war and violence, we created the separation and pain, why do you blame God for what we did?
There’s a reason we have free will,
there’s a reason why, even though He didn’t want it for us,
Adam and Eve made their choice, the same way we have the freedom to make our own.
So you can say whatever you feel about Him but don’t simultaneously say He isn’t real.
𝘉𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘢𝘯’𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘎𝘰𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘯 𝘏𝘪𝘮.
so many conjunctions, oof!

— The End —