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 May 2013 Salma
Mary Stanworth
 May 2013 Salma
Mary Stanworth
Ashes to ashes
Dust to dust
Airborn and flying
Falling and rising
Sky high
Water below
Tears falling
Sobs growing
Heart aching
Stomach churning
Silence in the wind
Catching those tears
Soft touch
Warm feeling
Your here
At peace ………..
My mother past away. I wrote this after spreading her ashes of the Newport Transporter Bridge. Here were her best childhood memories of hanging to the underside of the moving bridge and dropping into the riverUsk below... its where she learnt to swim.... its where she is at peace.
 May 2013 Salma
Chellie Webber
Once upon a time
You left
A big hole in my heart
Completely bereft

Once upon a time
You returned
Only to find
An empty house

No longer a happy home

Missing your laughter
An ache in my soul
Yet I can't let you in
For I'd lose my self-control
 May 2013 Salma
Regina Derieva
It was not necessary to study
the language
of a strange country;
anyway, it would be of no help.
It was not necessary to know
where Italy or England
is located;
travel was obviously
out of question.
It was not necessary to live
among the wild beasts
of Noah's ark,
which had just devoured
the last dove of peace,
along with Noah
and his virtuous family.
It was not necessary to strive
for some holy land
awash in milk and honey,
according to rumor.
 May 2013 Salma
You make me sad
and that's why
I like talking to her
more than you.

But talking to her
makes me sad
because she makes me

and the only person
who should make me
should be you
 May 2013 Salma
Stephanie Cosman
Deep in my diaphragm, in the center of my body,
lies the very source of my being.
It is not my heart nor my lungs,
but the very core of my body.
It is the coming together of my rib cage,
the way my chest rises and falls
with each breath
that makes me realize that I am alive.
I am alive.

I am alive.

I am alive.

Feel my chest rise and fall and
I am alive.

But I'm not alive because I exhale breath,
but because that center of my body holds my very spirit.
I can feel myself inside of my body,
and for once I am aware that

I am alive.
 May 2013 Salma
Patrick Clinton
Above the earth and below the sun,
Exhaled from volcanoes long ago.

Stately as the ships of the Spanish Armada,
Sailing the horizon graceful and slow.

Bearer of ambrosia that innervates the earth,
Harvester of water and what the winds blow.

Ageless and formless, taking every shape
Suggestive to reason of what we do not know.
 May 2013 Salma
Madeleine Howard
What does it mean?
Until the world ceases to spin
Or we cease to exist
Perhaps it's when there is no one left to remember
not a one

Maybe it means
Even though the world ceases to spin
And we cease to exist
There's only one left to remember
Only a one
 May 2013 Salma
David White
 May 2013 Salma
David White

Wake, work, then back to bed


List the things you have to do


Take a breath, it's time to think


All the different shades of Gray

What do you know of Black and White?
The only colors true to light

— The End —