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Apr 2014 · 437
The Unbeknown Jester
Sally Apr 2014
I have been made a fool.
Yet I make no effort
To wipe off the paint that portrays me a clown.
With my shoulders hunched,
Eyes downcast,
I have all but given up
On the things that should be worth fighting for.

Like the wise man said,
“Conscience does make cowards of us all.”
So there is nothing more for me to do
But make a slovenly attempt
At keeping up with this thing we must endure
Called life.
A raw moment.
Apr 2014 · 351
Finally, You've Come Home
Sally Apr 2014
Though you were here long ago,
Back then I could see in your eyes
That you were still gone.
The recently passed memories of your adventure away
Filled your being--leaving no room
For anything else to occupy your mind.

You told me that you were done
And although I just sat there unsurprised yet in disbelief,
All you did was confirm my realization
That you were still far, far away
And that some day, you’d come back.

So, while I waited, I decided to lock up my feelings
In a box and tuck them away securely in my mind.

After months had passed, I decided to move on
Thinking that maybe this box I hid
Would never have the chance to be unlocked.

And then, it happened.
All at once you realized the fault in your actions--
Your immature displays.

Your returned affection acted as the key
That unlocked the box of my repressed feelings.
The memories of my endearment, thoughts, and our time together
Came rushing back in my mind like a deluge.
I thought I was done, but as it turns out,
You are still the shade of my heart.

I do not know how I can make myself wait,
Because wait we must for you must earn my trust again,
But what I do know is that
I Love You.

— The End —