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May 2011 · 1.5k
Salenna Harshaw May 2011
He shuffles in as 7:12 precisely.
The girl is always there, and greets him nicely
With a knowing smile that only can belong
to those that can say "The usual?" As if they knew it, all along,
What is so very very usual. At least, then,
He would never have to say it when
He orders his vanilla latte in a cardboard cup.
"That measures out my life. That sums it up,"
He thinks, eyeing the plastic coffee spoons.
"It's all due gone too soon, too soon.
The girl will be there, every day,
Regardless of what I ask or say
If I wanted to. Beginning is the hardest part, I know, I know,
But would it hurt to tell her so?"
Her arms are bare to the elbow there
And as she gets his drink, she sees his stare
And is a little flattered, and a little offended.
Would the world explode and land upended
If he commented on the ghastly weather as of late,
Or tell her that he loved her? That it was Fate?
But he will only mumble a thank you and leave a lovely tip
In the jar on the counter. And that is it.
May 2011 · 716
The Time Machine
Salenna Harshaw May 2011
A scrap of cloth
A brush of wind
The darkness falls
And we begin
If we be but the pieces of the great machine of God or something greater
Then we will not allow it to hold us. If Dr. Graise or Fate or
Something we don't care about should tell us no
Then who are they to tell us so?
For this we build our own machine
To leave behind the worthless things
And look to the world that they will be sure to destroy someday.
Here we are now, alone, and we'll begin again. OK?
The lights flash on like champagne corks
And circuits hum like tuning forks
And all that's true is there to see!
The Universe in front of me!
Right in front of me...
In front of me.

And here we are again. There's us.
They seem to make an awful fuss,
Building that machine of theirs.
What use is it? Who knows? Who cares?
What fools they are, we were, we see
To wish for immortality
When we did not want to live forever.
With all they'll know, they'll never
Feel as happy as they do right then. But...
Then is now, it happens. What
Could we do to stop us here?
Go back a day, a week, a year?
**** the then and more will come.
'Tis best the whole were all undone.
To stop the pointless waste of life
For causing reason into strife--
And better yet, go all the way
And stop the first new light of day.
It cannot end without a start.
'Tis true, I feel. With all my heart.
May 2011 · 703
Quite Contrary
Salenna Harshaw May 2011
Silver bells and cockle shells
And spirits from the depths of Hell
Rock and roll and self-control
And pretty maids all in a row.
We skipped to market up in town
We rang around and all fell down
The dish and spoon are on a roll—
Don’t weep for my immortal soul.
If I need help, I’m sure to ask
A flash, a jump, a candlestick
Just thinking of it makes me sick.
The man in the moon took off his mask.
I’m to sure recall I had a great fall
Down the into the well upon the hill
And ambled round from up the ground
The ones called Jack and Jill.
The rabbit hole as Alice told
Was lonely, dark, and always cold
So out Jack set for us to get
Away from ‘neath the stone.
With Jill and I ‘tween land and sky
He found the castle way up high
And fell the giant to the earth.
He killed the giant with his words;
The little dog, for what it’s worth,
Laughed so hard when saw the birds
In the dish before the king.
My Jack, they hung right upside-down
For birds and words and killing things
With flowers in our pockets, rings
Around him like the tarnished Crown.
The giant’s death, and Jack’s as well,
Did lift me from beneath the stone
But Jill stayed dead, and all alone.
‘Twas all for naught, as I can tell.
His pretty maids all in a row
Beneath the earth and stones
Did teach us in our ways to go
For how your garden grows these bones
And takes them back to life,
Though would have stayed with death,
My dear, instead of endless strife,
When once before I knew no more
When still was warm my breath.
May 2011 · 880
Salenna Harshaw May 2011
His hat would tilt o’er half his face
He kept it locked in a violin case
He’d grin cigarettes between his teeth
With a red silk tie held up beneath
He’d strut around like he owned the town
Till the hot red night they shot him down.
May 2011 · 509
In Between
Salenna Harshaw May 2011
He shall be off alone today
Till come around
Far away.
You see the place below? I’m sure
Where vantage points horizons blur
There’s just enough room to grow
Between the sky and ground below.
He will not let you ever be
Closer than what you can see.
Far away
He sees you come
And always
Far way
He runs.
Circle up the other side
But still he finds a place to hide
Somewhere always out of reach
No matter what you do beseech.
You’d fall into the void below
The edge of Earth before you know
What in the gap between the sky
And land forever does abide.
Salenna Harshaw May 2011
Far beyond the fairy hills where forest nymphs abide,
Far beyond the grotto where the laughing mermaids hide,
Far beyond the forest where the knights and dragons fight,
There is a place that magic’s lost, and lives each day by night.

It is a place that once was great, before the Walking Death
Did scatter people to the wind, and take away their breath.
For now, the skies are icy grey, and creatures stalk the street
Looking always, as they do, for someone they can eat.

The hero of our tragic tale is here upon this bridge,
A place that he has chosen for its view of yonder ridge.
There, he thinks, he saw a light, the night before that day.
It could mean other human beings—watch, he thinks, and pray.

He knows he has been spotted when he hears a mournful cry,
So turns about and sees the thing, and shoots it in the eye.
Then, he hears the thunder blast from far above in heaven,
And guards against the coming rain his AK-47.

He now must quickly leave the bridge, before the things can swarm,
And wishes (not his first or last) for someplace dry and warm.
It’s easy with just one or two, but if they come together,
The last thing he’d be worried ‘bout was cold and stormy weather.

He saw no people on the cliff, but goes there, just in case,
For even if there’s no one there, it’d make a handy base.
The highest ground’s the longest view, and knowing what’s ahead
Can save a man the trouble of him joining with the dead.

And would you guess, that at the top, he finds an empty camp?
And there, perhaps, the source of light, a little oil lamp.
Abandoned, though, and all intact, so there was little chance
That those who lived here hadn’t died and joined the shambling dance.

As if to prove his theory, then, he finds the man at last
Whose tent had pitched upon the ridge above the valley vast.
Sitting, there, behind a tree, his eyes are shining dull,
With bandages around his wrist, a bullet through his skull.

Bitter disappointment, then, for friends he never knew,
Who could have fought together as the swarms around them grew.
If he had not been bitten, then he wouldn’t now be dead
For choosing right the noble end, and blasting out his head.

He digs for him a shallow grave beneath the gnarled birch
As lonely as the sable crow that eyes him from her perch.
If she could bear him from that place, with wings as dark as jet,
He’d not have gone away with her, to fight the creatures yet.

For crows, it seems, will eat the dead, as those who have been bit,
And they can’t reason like a man, or find the cause of it.
If running could have served him well, he’d trade his loathsome life
To cure the awful Walking Plague, and end the living’s strife.

Of course, you know, the crow he sees is nothing but a crow,
And cannot save his life this day. I thought you ought to know.
She flies now, off her lonely perch, and being just a bird,
Cannot presume to warn the man, spoke not a single word.

At last, the final mound of earth is placed upon the tomb
While he has not the fondest thought of what will happen soon.
And so, the dead, as buried thus, had reached his bitter end,
The stranger whom he never met engraves his stone, A Friend.

The funeral is over now, with just one soul to mourn
Though never really noticing the sky, too, is forlorn.
She pours her sorrows from her clouds she painted iron grey
Till naught but time could tell it is the middle of the day.

He stands there, soaking in the storm, and then his face goes pale
As off he hears approaching him the creatures’ mournful wail.
He’d stayed up there for far too long, and hadn’t kept his guard,
And now, it seems, they’d come for him, and now, it’s raining hard.

No time to waste, he grabs his gun, and takes his rapid aim,
To **** the thing that doesn’t know its history or its name.
They come in droves, but he is fast, and gets them one by one,
And he is sure that if he holds, the battle will be won.

He guides another straight and true, above the squawk of crows.
He curses that what’s in his sites with every word he knows.
He pulls the trigger, soft, as though the angels heard his hope
And heeded him his prayer to them: Assure the fatal stroke.

But as the bullet leaves the gun, he sees the creature’s eyes
Lighting up with fear and dread, and then, with cool surprise.
And in her hand, she holds a sword, which she had used to ****,
For creatures will not stop their search, and never eat their fill.

And then, he knows, she is alive! She’d come to join the war!
And they could fight together, not be lonely anymore!
And as he finds his fondest wish had found him in the rain
The bullet that the angels blessed flies straight into her brain.

He sees her fall among the dead that still are marching on,
And at the feeding frenzy’s start, he sees his hopes are gone.
And there they are, the scoundrels, they are tearing up her flesh!
They wish to eat her to the bone, because her meat is fresh!

He cannot let them, not at all, he has to make a stand.
He charges at the feasting swarm, and feels one bite his hand.
He fights them still, keeps them away, till he begins to fade.
The sins of all mankind before, with this, they are repaid.

This grim thought was last he had, before he finally died,
With no one else around to see, none grieved, and no one cried.
The dead man stood. His eyes had lost their golden, burning fire.
Though finally freed from human strife, was not from his desire.

All around, the others were, and just the same as him;
No different thought than flesh and blood could even they begin.
The man looked down then to the girl, and knew not in the least
Whose fault it was that she was dead. He then began to feast.
May 2011 · 452
Salenna Harshaw May 2011
It’s very cold today.
I hug my coat against the fray
Of wind that’s like a pack of wolves
Or maybe, just one great whole
Who needs no others formed as he
To cause this world some misery.
The something made from nothing is that what we call loneliness
And should it seem impossible, then please allow me then digress
From the acceptable. I don’t mind. I don’t care.
That I should have the gall to dare
To be this way.
But it’s OK.
You could be the furthest grown
And then we would not be alone.
But I know. I know. Don’t speak.
I don’t know who you are, I think,
And likely it’s the same for you.
But could you feel this coldness, too?
To stand the fringe of dark and hurt
That hides in dust and stains on shirts
And grins from empty glass, and glares
From empty minds ‘fore quiet stares?
Nothing, nothing in the world makes me more afraid than them.
They keep me by myself. So pull the hem
Of my coat, useless ‘gainst all kinds of cold,
And wander on till I grow old.
May 2011 · 988
Sum, ergo cogito.
Salenna Harshaw May 2011
For eons stood in darkness,
Only didn’t know what ‘twas.
No sight nor thought nor touch of sound
No now, if, then, because
And that which I now call myself
Knew nothing of all this
And was content just not to know
That I did not exist.
Then what should hap, but on the lights
Did blaze with fury and with sound
And I could not then just ignore
That there was is around.
I blink still in the warm, new light
But now begin to doubt.
If I was not before the lights,
What then, when they go out?

— The End —