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lost in the depth  of confusion

Could not differentiate the peaks

Clouded by my disturbed emotions

So I gave the world a space

Suffering from the hangover of rejection

Gave the  love of my life a space

Broke up with my sensual feelings

Dumped the chaotic world for my visioned silence

In that instance,I  realised I needed the world

More  than that my anticipations for privacy

Missed the touch of my sensual feelings

I missed the voice that make my heart tremble

Though I kept the distance ,but I was imprison in a stronger bond

My soul kept  searching for peace even though It appears peaceful  

The price of my emotional independence

Is a constructed emotional slavery

In the depth of perpetual emotional Gitmo

Thought  you will be forgotten ,but you became relevance

Thought you are just a feeling,but I realise i'm indulge in that feeling

thought I kept my distance, not knowing I was getting closer

I need the chaotic life,I don't want to be normal

Cos normalcy is boredom at it peaks

I want be abnormal in your visionary normalcy

For once,i want to lose some sense of celebrated maturity

Be free as a wind, be  dominating as a storm
I was the perfect bore

Grace that with diligent perfections

I understood orderliness in all situations

It was all about getting to the right stage

So I staged my whole life on a career platform

Until you came,you led me to a different path

Showed me the strength in imperfections

Guide me to the beauty in making mistakes

The light beckons in me

So I see the ray of light in every darkness

It all started with a spark

Sparkled by the glittering mirth

Fueled by the unperturbed emotions

Lightened by your touches and kisses

As I navigate  my hands through your body

Feeling  all the indentations and the curves in the right modifications

The touch of my lips,rested on the most sensitive part of your body

Burn all the sense in me to absolute nonsense

In that nonsense flame,I 'm filled with strange convictions

you set a static life into motion

Suddenly a strange sound came into place

And that the sound of my alarm

Woke me up into reality

What a sadistic way  to end a moment of brilliance

A strange desire

Just for you
We were the perfect guards

Sworn to uphold  honour,serve and protect  humanity

Until greed imprisoned  us all

We became war merchants

We were fashioned to be priceless

we came out being auctioned

We were traded in an organised manner

We became sorrow to the people who saw us as happiness

We became distasteful to the ones who worshipped our taste

We brought pain to the people we were sworn to protect

We turn children playing ground to their burial ground

We became circumstances for victim of circumstances

Until the hunter became the hunted

We could feel the sorrow,we could see the hatred

We could hear the voices of our victims

Piercing through our minds,crying to be heard

Voices graduated to sounds which envelope our thought

Crippled our sense of belonging

We became lost in our own hatred..

Rejected by the illusionist and the perfectionist

Deactivated by the authority


— The End —