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Sep 2013 · 1.2k
Such is~
SALaprade Sep 2013
Cold and unforgiving, no longer caring,
no longer happy, but also not grieving
My body just sits here, numb, motionless,
for what feels like a thousand years
Forgetting what it means to remember,
like using logic to sort through the feelings
Like a statue made up of *****,
like a machine choking on its own tears
Like trying to escape from a room with no door
Surrounded by people, and still so alone
Each day comes darker than the one before
Heart turned cold, then turned to stone
Petrification of compassion and empathy
Metastasis of pathological apathy
Irony and cynicism replace joy and hope
Divinity and love exchanged for empty *** and dope
Unrelenting curses and half Muffled screams
Mask the sudden death of unrealized dreams
Such is the nature of love which has been lost
Before it ever even had a chance to live.
Such is the nature of mercy and grace
Before it ever even learned to forgive.
Sep 2013 · 459
Read Those Words Again...
SALaprade Sep 2013
The deeply personal thoughts and emotions which I've poetically expressed to you
did not come from some shallow and easily accessible metaphorical tide-pool
where through the clear water you see the empty shells which once were alive

No, those intimate and soulful words were painstakingly and lovingly lifted
from the Deepest depths of the most turbulent and uncharted seas;
where only the bravest of lovers have been known to survive.

So read those words again my love,
They are quite literally from the core of my soul.
Why do you deny what's meant to be my love,
You reject the truth that you and I both know.
Sep 2013 · 502
You Should Be Happy For Me
SALaprade Sep 2013
The pain of a broken heart is real
It's a physical pain, like an open wound
Raw, stinging, burning, aching flesh
It even has a smell all of its own

Yes, I can smell it, it burns my senses
It assaults my ego as it comes in waves
It invades my dreams by night
It selfishly monopolizes my days

My every thought is consumed
By the bitterness of my heart so bruised
By the man who in one moment loved me
And in the next made me feel so used

But now I've found a way to dull the pain
A way to numb myself
A way to stop the flow of tears
A way to make it through the days

You should be happy for me
Why aren’t you happy for me?
You should be happy… For me.
But I'm not even happy for me.
SALaprade Sep 2013
We were making plans, you and I,
And now we're not. We're just not.
How could we let this just slip by?

We were so 'in love', and it was real.
At least for me it was. For me it is still.
But you took your love for another to feel.

You not only took your love from me,
You took so much more than you know.
More than I will ever let you see.

So for now I'll just say that I'm okay
And maybe someday it will be true.
Eventually I'm sure the pain will go away

So many things I wanted to tell you
Things I KNOW you'd want to hear
And even more that we were going to do

I'm left with nothing but unanswered questions
And the slow death of our unfulfilled dreams
And that's alright in your world it seems.

You were so selfish in the way you took yourself away from me.
Not even the courtesy of hearing what I had to say.
You took the easy way out. No courage needed.
Just say your piece, then run away.

*Where is the honor in that?
Sep 2013 · 842
Essence Transcending~
SALaprade Sep 2013
I want to feel myself move slowly through you
I want to feel your skin against my skin
I want to know the day without will give way to the night within
My mind wanders through these thoughts of you
While my body sits for hours like a statue made of stone
Making love to your soul—With the essence of my own.
Gazing intently, passionately into each other's eyes—
These eyes become the portal through which our souls collide.
Transcending the physical. It's a super-human experience,
It's two souls becoming intertwined; moving through each other.
Divinity and beauty beyond words; beyond reason; beyond logic; beyond time.
And so with fire racing through my veins, and quickening breaths
At the very thought, I wait ever patiently to be with you my love.
I edited the title, the original just didn't fit.
SALaprade Aug 2013
Thank you for making my life worth living again,
Even if it was only temporary
Thank you for making my mornings fun to wake up to
With just a few simple words
Thank you for showing me that I am worthy of compliments
And how to accept them with grace
Thank you for filling my heart with happiness and hope
But NO thanks for letting it all slip away.

Sometimes I think about how hard and fast I fell for you
And it frightens me to say the least
I think of how silly it must have sounded to you when I told you
I loved you before I knew you
I feel like there's a fire in my heart when I recall how it felt
To be held and touched by you
I could so easily go to sleep in your arms
Because that's where I felt safe.
But not anymore, my love…Not anymore.
*I'll eventually get over it, I'm pretty sure.
SALaprade Aug 2013
I've never been a religious person,
And maybe now I can explain why
I'm not saying I can answer things like
"Where do we go when we die?"

So many of the answers are right in our face
But still leave the question to beg
Things like which one do you think came first?
Was it the chicken or was it the egg?

Now this may not really amount to much
But at least it's some food for thought
It has nothing to do with Darwin or even theology
Which through the ages so many people have bought

This to me, just seems to make sense
And believe me it's nothing divine
This is just my way of filling in the blanks
With these silly little thoughts of mine

Moses' life was altered by the weird **** he'd seen
When he came down off that mountain that day
He'd sat there and talked with a burning bush
and needed to explain that one away!

So he goes down to the people with tablets in hand
And behaving in a way that was quite odd,
He held up the tablets for all to see
And said, "Now look here, I've spoken with God!"

Now let's stop right here for what it's worth
And back up a bit and examine what he saw
There was rumbling and smoke, and a burning bush
But believe me that wasn't all.

I tend to think he witnessed the landing of a craft
Which descended from the heavens above
And the 'God' that he claimed to have spoken with
Was actually the pilot thereof.

This was by no means our first encounter
And it certainly wasn't the last
But doesn't this help to explain a few things
Which we couldn't explain in the past?
Aug 2013 · 495
Just Love Me
SALaprade Aug 2013
Look into my eyes and find the window to my soul
From there drink in the exquisite passion
That only a love like ours could come to know
Seems like forever that I've been searching for, and
waiting for, and missing a person I've never met
I loved you before I even heard your voice
Even before our physical bodies were introduced
I knew our souls have known and loved each other
Since the beginning of time and with absolutely no regret
I could only dream of what it might feel like
To be shamelessly lost in your embrace
And when in your embrace I finally found myself
In that instant I knew there was no turning back
So just love me like there's no tomorrow
And find me in your sweetest dreams
Let me be your heart's desire,
and you can be my fantasy
Jul 2013 · 482
Memories of Tomorrow
SALaprade Jul 2013
Memories of Tomorrow

*A place in my mind where yesterdays memories
lose their will to see the light of another day
No time like the present filled with the thoughts
Which in just a few moments will take their place
Having seen this happen all too often before
And not quite understanding how or why
Those thoughts that will become my future
memories of tomorrow
But that's okay…
Time's not linear anyway…
Jul 2013 · 966
The Spider and I—Part II
SALaprade Jul 2013
The spider stopped coming 'round one day
After a rather short-lived affair
It all happened in an innocent way
When he asked me for more spray for his hair.

As I was busy reading a book
I mistakenly grabbed the can of raid
I gave him a squirt, he looked at me with such hurt
And said, "Well played, my love, well played."

Then he slowly turned away from me
And marched stoically out of my sight
I have to admit that I was rather sad
When he didn't come see me that night.

I find it hard to believe that he suspected me
Of having premeditated this plan
He never gave me a chance to explain to him
That in fact I simply grabbed the wrong can.

So another couple of weeks went by
And I got back to my normal routine
Then one fine day, come as it may,
There appeared another spider on my window screen

He came in and sat beside me
Much like the one before
I looked at him, and said, "Oh no! Not again!"
And I got up to head for the door.

He ran after me, screaming "please wait!"
"Please lady, let me explain to you—
The one who came before me was my cousin,
And he wanted you to know his love was true."

I see your discomfort and it saddens me so
I really only wish to be your friend
I promised my cousin I would look after you
And so I shall until the bitter end."

He asked me if I'd like to join him for dinner
And winked at me with three of his seven little eyes
I said "I think that would be interesting, but it really wouldn't work,
Because you don't eat pasta, and I don't eat flies."

Then he motioned to me sayin' watch me now—
He threw his little fuzzy hands up in the air
And as if he heard some music playing on the radio
he began to dance around like he just didn't care!

I watched as he moved to his imaginary beat
And for having eight legs he really danced quite well
So I stood up, and began to feel the rhythm flow
And I danced, and he danced, til upon us morning fell

My spider friend came to visit each night
Before I knew it several weeks had gone by
I found myself really enjoying his companionship
Together we made quite a team, my spider and I.
Jul 2013 · 943
Mi Madre'
SALaprade Jul 2013
These ways of this world
And this life as it seems
It gets to be more chaotic by the day

My Mother, she's a strong one
Sometimes it appears as if she
Carries the weight of this world—On her shoulders

Determined to carry on
Even in the face of adversity
I admire the depth of her strength and resolve.

She never really lets it show
But deep down inside I know
She trembles with the fear of uncertainty

Even when things get bad
She keeps moving ahead
In her determination to see the good in the world

I sometimes don't know how she does it
When it seems things are against her
She holds her head up with dignity and pride

So here's to her endless supply of wisdom
And her ageless beauty and grace
To mi Madre'—My undying respect and love.
SALaprade Jul 2013
—The Boy With The Burning Match—

The burning match

A flame so small

On dried wood

Don't let it fall

The burning wood

With flames so high

A towering inferno

That reaches the sky

A forest fire

That burns like mad

For the dying animals

The world is sad

The world is on fire

And everyone's dead

And half the world

Was still in bed

Now everyone's dead

But spirits linger

The spirits turn to

Point the finger

At the little boy

Who played with the match

But still I must say

There is a catch

Was this just another

Forest fire?

*Or was this

The final funeral pyre?
Jul 2013 · 603
~Look Mommy! No Hands!~
SALaprade Jul 2013
~ Look Mommy! No Hands! ~*

You came into this world so tiny—So fragile
Indeed broken before you were even fully made
Born twelve weeks too soon and for all appearances sake
Declared dead before being given a chance at life
Doctors speaking at me as they looked right through me
Proclaiming you could never be
They said I should put you in a home and just walk away

But I fought, *and you fought harder
— and you showed them
(Look mommy! No hands!)

Then the day came that was never supposed to come
I bundled you up, and took you out to the car, and took you home
I was so frightened I didn't sleep for a week
So terrified that I would wake to find you died in your sleep

But you were a tough one; a warrior really—
(Look Mommy! No hands!)

And every so often through the years, I would glance up
Just in time to hear those four little words that strike terror in the hearts of all moms—
Look Mommy! No Hands!

I should've known after all that you'd fought so hard to get through that you were
Stronger than average, and I should have more faith in you
But when you were all grown, and set out on your own (I grieved tremendously)
Now I'm so proud of you and the man you've become
& your shenanigans no longer shock me—
"Look Mom! No hands!"

As you're running backwards & blind-folded,
over a bed of hot coals,
with rusty scissors,
While drinking from the carton
and leaving the fridge door open…

~Look Mom! No hands!~  

…LOL, son—LOL!    I love you!
SALaprade Jul 2013
‘Twas the night before surgery,
and all through the house,
no one was stirring,
not even my spouse.

Suddenly I awoke with
such a terrible fright
“Oh, my! It’s 11:45,
and I must eat before midnight!”

So I ran for the kitchen
with nay a moment to spare,
because I cannot eat after midnight;
No way! I wouldn’t dare!

There I stood in the
middle of the room,
staring at the fridge
wondering what to consume.

Then it hit me;
“I know what to make!”
It’s fast and it’s tasty,
a BIG chocolate milkshake!

But when I turned on the blender
it made such a loud noise,
that it woke up my husband,
and it woke up our boys.

So they came in and stared at me,
much to my demise
They all looked so bewildered
as they rubbed their sleepy eyes.

Then they saw the blender
and realized what was there,
“You all might as well go back to bed,
‘cause I’m not about to share!”

I poured it into a very large glass;
I filled it to the top.
Then I drank until it was gone,
& I felt like I could pop.

One by one, the hours crept by,
as I laid awake counting sheep.
That stupid milkshake made my stomach ache,
and I couldn’t go back to sleep!

‘Twas the night before surgery,
and there in my house;
they all slept soundly,
including my spouse.
Several years ago, I had to undergo a series of surgeries, during which time I learned that my anesthesiologist had a sense of humor. So I wrote this for him to let him know that I *knew* the #1 rule: Thou shalt not eat or drink for at least 8 hours prior to general anesthesia!
Jul 2013 · 519
That Night ~
SALaprade Jul 2013
That night — That one fateful night
The one where I slipped back into the world
Which I had fought so hard to come out of

That feeling — that liberating free feeling
Before my descent, I felt so alive!
I felt like for the first time, I was finally part
Of all that was going on

We all had fun — We had so much fun!
We talked, and we laughed,
And we listened to music in the bedroom
And watched the darkness slowly fade away

Then came the morning — A beautiful new day
That night was gone forever, but not from our minds
That night — That one fateful night
Jul 2013 · 409
Voices ~
SALaprade Jul 2013
Sometimes you feel sad for the sadness
That you didn't feel when you should've
Sometimes when you've had all that you can take
You find that you didn't take all that you could've

I wish I'd been there to tell you
that it didn't have to end this way
I wish you'd just kept believing
that you really would be sane one day

But you already turned it off —
The outsiders trying to find a way in

Turned off the volume of our voices;
And tuned into the hateful voices within

(Why didn't I see the signs?!)

You were right my friend, when you said
Those voices spoke evil to you
It was those voices which told you
That taking your life was all that you could do

Sometimes I feel sad for the sadness
I should've never had to feel
And sometimes when I think I can't take it anymore —
NO! — Wait! Just give me time. I will heal.

*I miss you more than ever, but take comfort in that you don't have to hurt anymore.
Jul 2013 · 380
*THAT* Girl ~
SALaprade Jul 2013
Oh — That girl.

She's such a strange one.

Such a strange girl

She doesn't cry — She bleeds

She can't talk

As hard as she tries

Can't find the words

That very strange girl.

She'll never fit in

Not even with her own family

Or even others who also don't fit in.

Pfft — just leave her be

*She'll go away eventually.
Jul 2013 · 747
The Trials of Life ~
SALaprade Jul 2013
The trials of life — they take me on yet another journey
Along a road as yet untraveled by even MY imagination

The tempestuous winds of change blow even harder still —
They knock me down — it seems for a moment that all is lost

But I get back up, and I brush myself off
And I feel the familiar pain, and I live the confusion

Only in the darkness of sleep, will I find my safe-haven
Sweet, blissful sleep — my cherished illusion

Until another day brings me closer to my destination
Jul 2013 · 830
A Mothers' Love From Afar
SALaprade Jul 2013
I know this must seem strange to you,
As I’d bet a lot of things about me do.
There’s just so much I want you to know,
And so much I want to know about you.

First, let me start by sharing something,
You are always in my heart, my thoughts, and my dreams.
Not a moment goes by without you in my mind,
For you I wish only the best of everything

What kinds of things make you very happy?
What kinds of things make you sad?
What kinds of things scare you and why?
And what kinds of things make you angry or mad?

You see, these are all things that a mother should know
Because she’s there every day watching her child grow
She doesn’t have to ask these questions like I do
But I ask, because I too need to know

I often wonder what you must think about me,
And why I’m not the mom I know I should be.
Then I get so sad and so scared inside
And I cry because if I were you I know I’d be mad at me.

There’s something else that I really must say,
And you need to know this, because this is what I pray;
Every time I talk to God I give thanks that
You were blessed with such a great dad in every kind of way.

Son, I love you and I’m so very proud of you,
And of the person you are, and the things that you do
I haven’t been there nearly as much as I should
And that’s my fault, it’s not because of you.

Sometimes when I think of you, it’s very late at night
I think, “What’s my baby dreaming of and was his day alright?”
I wonder what you had for dinner, and if you remembered to brush your teeth
And  then I wish you were here so I could kiss you goodnight.

So tell me my son, what makes you happy,
And what sorts of things make you sad?
What kinds of things scare you and why?
And what kinds of things make you angry or mad?
SALaprade Jul 2013
There are no doors on the seventeenth floor,
For the seventeenth floor is mine.
I've awakened here every morn
Since nineteen-seventy-nine

I wear no clothes, and I have no shoes
I've bid farewell to lust,
Because here I live on the seventeenth floor
With nothing but bugs and dust

My family now disowns me
And I have no friends these days
For their sights are keen, and they have seen
That I have set my ways

My head shrink says I'm crazy
He said that’s why I'm in this place
And on a whim, I agreed with him
It's a crazy even pills can't erase

I take my meds every morning
And then again at noon
I've been taking these pills daily in good faith
And still I'm loony as a toon!

When at first they locked me up here
Before they totally gave up on me
They said that if I would be as good as I could
That someday I might even go free

 Then one fine day they brought me a gift
Said it was a jacket made specially for me
They helped put it on, (wait! The sleeves are too long!)
And they ran away laughing as they threw away the key

Days into weeks, and weeks became months
The months eventually turned into years
It's been so long since I've seen any one
Do they even remember I'm here?!!?

There are no doors on the seventeenth floor
For the seventeenth floor is all mine
To be perfectly clear, I've been locked up here
Since July of nineteen seventy-nine
Jul 2013 · 836
~ Compromise ~
SALaprade Jul 2013
Sailing through the tunnels
In the morning by yourself
There's a very special feeling
It's the sensation all is well

If you stand and reach your arms out wide
Close your eyes and try to fly
It's all just an illusion
A truth from which you can not hide

There's no indication of
What we were meant to be
given up to strangers
begging, yearning to be free

You knew all the answers
And you shouted them like anthems
Anxious and suspicious
That God knew how much we cheated

And now you've spent your life
Waiting for this moment
And when you saw it come
*It passed you by and left you so defeated
Jul 2013 · 401
Outside The Box, or In?
SALaprade Jul 2013
My thoughts are chaos
No reason or rhyme
Belonging nowhere
In space or in time
Neither coming or going
Not inside or out
Because there never really was a box.

(Why didn't you tell me?)

The things that we cling to
The things we hold dear
Familiar faces of loved ones
Their voices we hear
The sensation of rain
As it falls on your face
A smell that takes you back
To a long remembered place

…And only in YOUR reality.

Because your reality and mine
Are not the same.
It's all just a matter of perception
Which differs as much as opinion.
We only share this moment
And perhaps the next if we so choose
Which we will, because that's
What we've been conditioned
to think should happen,
therefore we make it so.

We don't question our existence

We just ARE….


The date's not important—Time isn't real anyways.
Jun 2013 · 509
Smoke and Mirrors
SALaprade Jun 2013
It just isn’t right, it doesn't add up…

They demand bloodshed in exchange for our protection

Shallow promises of safety with no real intentions

Because this was an inside job
And that was a false flag operation

All smoke and mirrors, all to strike fear
In the hearts of what was once a free nation

Chipping away at us and our rights
One fragile layer at a time

Just sign here on this dotted line

Just sign here in the blood of your daughters and sons.

Then go home and be expecting us
When we come to collect all your guns.

So who's really the terrorists here?
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
The Spider and I ~
SALaprade Jun 2013
So there I was one Thursday night
Just kickin' back alone in my bed
Got my jammies on & pillows fluffed
With one arm tucked under my head

Staring off into space, lost in thought
'til I saw something move on my wall,
above me was a pretty big spider
skipping along frantically, trying not to fall

but fall he did, & he landed close by
as I laid there frozen with fear
at first I couldn't tell if he intended to cuddle or bite
then ever so slowly he began to draw near

his gaze settled on me with uncertainty
with his six or eight little eyes
then he brushed up against me ever so gently
I just kept still and whimpered & cried

Apparently he was smitten with me
And so chose a spot on my hand to sit
I couldn't tell him I don't like him like that
"No spider, Not even…A little…Bit."

Then I said "Spider – This could get crazy
With all of our legs entwined"
"you with eight, and me with two,
In total that's ten legs combined."

He looked really sad, and I felt kinda bad
Because a love like his is quite rare
So it went from being a one night stand
To this now complicated affair.
Jun 2013 · 487
~ I Am My Keepers' Diary ~
SALaprade Jun 2013
I am my keepers' diary – My covers bear a likeness to her resolve
My pages are like her fragile heart,
The ink on them are the secrets from the depths of her soul.
In me she confides that which no one else knows
Her joy, pleasure, happiness and pride,
Her anger and rage, her sadness and sorrow.
I know my keeper well – I have felt every flick of her pen
I can tell when she smiles by the gentle turn of a page
Or when she cries and her teardrops fall into me,
I dutifully soak them and hold them forever within.
Her rage! Oh God! Her anger, it stings like the snap of a whip,
As her pen moves swiftly and sharply again and again.
Just when I think I can bear it no longer,
She softly smooths her hand over the freshly scored page
And in that moment, I know she needs me
Like anyone needs a good friend.
I am my keepers' diary – My covers shall never betray her resolve.
SALaprade Jun 2013
I'm getting sick & frickin' tired
Of how I'm NOT livin'
Disenchanted by all the chances
That I'm NOT given
It's not that I'm weak
Or that I'm not driven
Not that I can't do
Or that I'm not willin'
And not now & not ever
Did I want to be a burden
It just ***** at times when
Hind-sight is your better vision
But I'm still steppin' up & tryin'
'cuz it's me and I have that ambition
Wild when I wanna be
Always questioning authority
Eyes wide open 'cuz I wanna see
What this life of mine has for me…

And I'm just so ****** tired
Of needin' to be forgiven
I can't do for myself
And you expectin' me to do
For you and feedin' your addiction
I love you just so you know
This was NOT how this was
S'posed to go
Nothin' in this life is free
I'm spent but you still look to me
Like it's my job to fix your pain
And keep you from sleepin' in the rain
There's only so much I can do
The time has come for you to fix you.
Jun 2013 · 372
A Play On Words
SALaprade Jun 2013
You finally made it!
I've been waiting for you for a long time.
Now I invite you to come into my world.
Shhh…Step softly…Close your eyes.
Just listen. Feel.
Feel the silence. Listen to the energy.
Now open your eyes.
Taste the brightness. See the sweetness.
Embrace the love.
Now go. Spread the word.
Send the others.
I'll be waiting.
SALaprade Jun 2013
You can shed tears that she is gone,
or you can smile because she has lived.
You can close your eyes and pray that she'll come back,
or you can open your eyes and see all that she left.
Your heart can be empty because you can't see her,
or you can be full of the love you shared.
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday,
or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday.
You can remember her only that she is gone,
or you can cherish her memory and let it live on.
You can cry and close your mind,
be empty and turn your back.
Or you can do what she'd want:
smile, open your eyes, love and go on.
Jun 2013 · 1.2k
Imprisoned In My Mind
SALaprade Jun 2013
You're welcome to examine my thoughts,
Just please don't entertain them;
To do so would be at your own risk.

From the outside looking in,
I can see how you'd be tempted,
But not everything is as it seems.

If you should happen to find yourself
Lost in me, Imprisoned in my dreams,
For your sake, step lightly through my reality.

If by chance you escape, sanity in tact,
Remember, just remember,
It wasn't personal, don't be angry for too long.

Don't be too worried about me,
I'll get along, and be okay in my own way.
And let me thank you for trying to save me from myself.

This labyrinth that is my mind,
It unfolds into what I know is my world
Sometimes my prison, sometimes my escape.

It's always been my reality
The choices are mine to make
But all too often, they end up making me.

I don't at all wish for you to go,
But I understand if it's hard for you to stay
My world can be a frightening place to be.

— The End —