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He was MY flower
So delicate beautiful
A crimson rose held so gently in between my fingers
That wrap themselves around my shattered soul
Silent kisses
And painful goodbyes
Torn hearts
And silent cries
Bruised lips
Ravaged delightly
Tormented minds
******* slightly
Your strumming on my heartstrings
But you dont even
Know how
Im tired of putting up with you
But as your queen
City night lights
Broken dreams
Twisted souls
Silent screams
Dreamcatchers and
Scented candles
Eerie night lights
His hands on my
Love handles ♡
My heart bleeds
Not for anything so much as for love
It is a pervasive and virus like
Affliction that insinuates itself upon my existence
To be so distraught by a mere emotion
Is unfathomable
I cant stand it
The rage that comes along with its jeolously
Sometimes i wish i could shut you out from the world
Like a delicate flower
I would nuture you with my own love
That no one would get to see
The delight that is your smile
The perfection that is your body
The love that is ours
And ours only to keep.....
But this is ever so hardly
So i only pray that i.may have something more
More than the fact that i love you
That on the day you decide to leave
I would seize to be vulnerable
Becausey heart would
Remain as you found it
But not
Lungs heaving
Pounding chests
Tears slipping
Unfound rest
Risks forgotten
Opportunities lost
Put up everything
At any cost
Fatal attraction
Painless death
He said
" i love you "
With his last breath
Yes,im broken
But not too broken
To still wish you'd
Pick up the pieces
I aint got no sunshine
I aint got no rain
Sitting on my backside
Trying to absorb the pain
And i'm wondering how stupid
This "love" can be
I don't wanna hear about it
Not now
Not eternally
I don't want to candle light dinner
I don't want no flowers
Because your probably going to
Stand me up
Leaving me there for hours
And i don't want no tears
I don't want no pain
I don't want to love you
And get hurt
All over again

— The End —