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1.3k · May 2013
Sahara Niamh May 2013
Graphite sticks from my pencil
You and you and you
Came from the same stencil
Two by two by two

Clone stamped houses
realize irrelevance and repeat
Tolerating spouses
Digression undisclosed and discrete

never so much of the same
induces those incomparably insane
at whom to throw the blame
branding bubble in the brain
Suburbia breeds mood disorders like nothing I know.
1.2k · Apr 2013
All at Once
Sahara Niamh Apr 2013
All at once.
Chitter chatter
Pointless banter.
Back and forth
Words pour out from lips,
Hang in the air
and resonate a bit.
Then fade away
become forgotten.
But for some they stay.
Shaping, molding
Minds are holding
To the two dimensional
Too much, Too soon.
Two words are seeds
and assumptions root.
Grows the confusion,
Constructed reality
Confused consciousness of
this time, moment, universe.
I cannot write this poem here.
The future
Is now
Is past.
So when?
1.2k · May 2013
Sahara Niamh May 2013
like Neeve*


not neeme
1.1k · May 2013
Self Aware
Sahara Niamh May 2013
This is a poem.
This is a repetitive line.
Second stanza
Above is an Alliteration
This poem does not rhyme
This line is a considerable amount longer than the other ones, quite unnecessarily.
This is the end.
I have wanted to write something like this for a while.
1.0k · Feb 2014
Sahara Niamh Feb 2014
My life goes crust to core.


my skin my voice my hair, I.
My crust. hard and rugged, rivers flowing,
valleys blooming.
My people and love and life walk here.
And sometimes earthquakes rock me and volcanoes spew my magma.

what is in your mantle

swirling and pushing and molding my crust.
inside i am
liable to errupt.
the minerals here closer
to what i really am.

and your core?

in nature:
inhuman, immortal and intangible

in being:
I Dont Know What It Is.

The Globe,
am floating out in space.
Sahara Niamh Nov 2013
And She says Nature is her God.
All will end in Nothing as Began in Nothing.
this curse of consciousness
binds me up in sorrow.
it is the ability to Know
Of nothing
From nothing
to Nothing.
Put a pretty cover on it.
Cripples my unconscious Bliss.
823 · May 2013
Sahara Niamh May 2013
I remember the preschool playhouse
I remember the elementary school boys
I remember not before
I remember not after
I remember restraining hands
lifting skirts, threats, touching,
remembered this recently. may explain my discomfort around men.
817 · Apr 2014
I Want Thunder
Sahara Niamh Apr 2014
I Want Thunder

But you don’t want rain.
Ocean waves will crash
Fluid and strong and always.
There are days you will storm and cloud.
And there are times of still and blue
Wild and unpredictable killer,
Gives all use to us.
Holds so much life within,
And salt will heal the wound.
The blood between the continents,
Lend me your strength
And your adaptability.
Cleanse my wounds
Smooth the rocks.
Connect me to life.
Wash memories over me,
Currents, direct me.
In and out with tides
Live here on my arm
This is both my relationship right now and the tattoo I want. The two are inversely correlated. I want a wave on my arm to have the strength of the ocean on the arm I would hurt. I want it to remind me of strength in all areas of my life
800 · Nov 2013
We are Gods
Sahara Niamh Nov 2013
We lie, We lounge
Among the greats.
We are all to see and be.
Command the world with nothing
and everything we have,
the profound.
We are Greek.
And the first two.
And Celtic too.
We ARE the world.
Fuzzed humanity.
The most substantial
Of 7 billion.
Just that huge nothingness of being one of two of seven billion and in love and laying naked together
794 · May 2013
Sahara Niamh May 2013
fingers are calloused.

on my left hand.

I take guitar class, but im no good. tone deaf and no sense of rythm.
714 · Feb 2014
Beautiful Dying
Sahara Niamh Feb 2014
Beautiful dying,
Silent, Chill is crying.
Oranges, reds, yellow.
Fire above falls below.
Naked swaying whispering,
Spider’s fingers whistling.
When their white, bones rattled in breeze,
‘Fore at last, comes in the freeze.
Cold sprinkling down,
Cold blankets around.
Covers Chill so binding.
White and blinding
Sleep, Chill, it’s the end.
Darkness in the dead.
And now behold,
Autumn runs from Cold.

Heavy, deep,
Nearly endless sleep.
Cold’s solid slumber,
Renew the green wonder.
Poking up their heads,
From their icy beds.
Open colored eyes,
Extending luring lies.
Bees come in as,
Trees shake away Cold who has,
Retreated to his hiding place.
Now, Warm dances on new leaves with grace.
Breathing spirit and fresh life,
Banishing winter’s strife.

Fresh is never stale,
‘Cuz in comes Hot’s gale.
Humid, parching,
Hot is smothering.
Warm is withering,
Fire hearts a fluttering.
Sun toasts skin,
Cold’s fraternal twin.
Trees turn Oberon green,
But lack the Faire’s mean.
He melts a cool thought,
One of any you have brought.
Spring is dried of a tear,

He wakes at first dawn,
Exposed in the growing fawn.
But falling weaker every day,
Loosing strength in the morning gray.
Chill bites Hot’s back turned,
Leaves change, set to be burned.
She comes back around
*Time passes without a sound
The beauty of the life of men?
All will come, and die again.
632 · May 2013
The Two of You
Sahara Niamh May 2013
I told you,
You despaired but
Delighted in the idea.
A new secret, a new world.
A new language to converse,
To defeat mediocrity. Now
We are a fairytale.
From fourth
To seventh.
Or now, twelfth.
Turn it around then deny.
Live in the best parts of my problem to escape.
Clone stamped houses.
AP classes.

Then I told you,
But I was already crying, a shaking,
your hearts a beating way to fast.
Breathe, Breathe, Keep going.
You held me and held me. you wiped my tears.
Put my pants back on.
It was flooding and Jalapeno chips.
I still love you
I'm not angry
in any way
If I kept track of time,
Id apologize for how long I kept this from you

But you, the next day.
594 · Nov 2013
moving in
Sahara Niamh Nov 2013
And then I came here.
thrown in a room with another
you, the four of you.
brand new minds to
tell you anything i want to mold you here
tweak and
the truth so i am new.
but out goes the truth.
and in truth.
i am finally being true.
i tweaked and twisted out of my old lies

a month
or so
later i know that you all care.
i dont feel
the same surface pointed piercing judging
that the old ones wielded.
so i opened up for real.
the real
i dont really know
but here's whats real

and now on month four,
i care for you all.
so i cant tell you whats
580 · May 2013
Letter by Letter
Sahara Niamh May 2013
Big *** label, right here.
Mom, don't believe it. Your psych degree is better (she has none).
Deny it. I dare you

But I did hide, for you.
Made it seem alright.
Did you a favor that's hurting me now.

Bubbles rolling up into my belly and into my arms and flow through my tongue and fingers and
Maybe I'll scream.
Down I go then, just wait a bit.

Better not say I want it. (the big S)
Meds would follow, I say gross.
**** fine. I'm just **** fine. Happiest chick you'll ever meet.


A nd it was first
D iagnosed as this, with bouts of
H ormonal
D epression.
Yea, depends on your view on labeling peoples minds. For those around me its easier to say that its all a choice.
580 · May 2013
Sahara Niamh May 2013
Down the hatch
Ignore the burn.

Warmth now,
Throat and belly and brain.

Let the fog come
Sneak some more.

Now I cant think

Flip it around,
Look in the eye

We both know
where this will go.

Pull you by your bottom lip
To my bedroom.

If I give myself away
Then I am not my own

Then I don't have to think.

Remember that time?
In the hospital

Dehydration and spasms
Hole in my arm, tubes and fluids.

And the Morphine.
That is warmth.

I'd like some more.
Too much.

Then I really can't think
576 · Nov 2013
Sahara Niamh Nov 2013
i come in and stare.
the desk and wall and picture and pencil
that one
transfixed and locked
my eyes are my mind and trapped in the
seeping, pounding, writhing.
stillness melting down my body
tears follow the drip.

i dont know why im sad.                                                            
a thousand honey bees then
agitate my belly and rolling in my arms
i cannot escape this suffocation.
and i have no excuse why.
a slap to move
to a nap

then it changes.
i cant stop the laughter, it cries.
anxious and fearful.
i say everything wrong
but everything is so
you've said something offensive.
trying to get back into the swing of writing poetry. bear with my stumbles.
533 · May 2013
i feel nothing right now
Sahara Niamh May 2013
its profound.
the biggest amount of
i've ever felt.
it pushes into my arms, possesses my fingers.
i type.
and a band
of brand
new words brand, burning
behind my eyes.
their newness inhabits all i feel now.
i will sleep and wish
to forget this nothing
495 · Feb 2014
Feb 4th 2014
Sahara Niamh Feb 2014
Lemon squeezings warming,
and on left
a warm and tingle from the low sun.
My right, shaded winded,
Cools and swirls.
Today is a first.
To shake the cobwebs from our skeletons
and let the sun grow out skin and hair
With a ray.
all places to see hold pale echos,
Winter's creatures lounging.
A moment suspended,
eternal and perfect.
I always think of the end.
A spark today.
I will always have more first days of Spring
and Winter.

— The End —