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SAF Mar 2012
A deterioration of thought
As time progresses
Words turn to scribbles
Jots, lines, scratches
Knowledge hides away
Between the ink blots and
The misspelled words
Nonsensical terms
Incoherent definitions
Nothing makes sense
But simplicity shines through
Common sense saves the day
What is common about it
Is it shared
Common sense
Common knowledge
Common non-existent thoughts
SAF Mar 2012
I’m from hopelessness,
Where self-mutilation looks classy.
I’m from defenselessness,
Where bruises turn red instead.
I’m from the Land of Oz,
Where the long winding road seems endless.
My glittery shoes seem broken though.
I’m stuck in a world I don’t deserve.
My sorrow evident, my suffering clear.
Life’s not so bad when your living in fear.
I’m from frustration and envy,
I just don’t know why.
A comfortable lifestyle is easy to come by.
Stuffed bear by my side, he swallows my tears.
I’m from the moments I spend, hiding away.
I sympathize with Rosaline,
How was she to know?
Snubbing Romeo would be so disastrous.
Or Snow White, so close to death;
Yanked back by an uninvited kiss.
SAF Mar 2012
Don’t blink or I’ll slip by you
Back in the day when you could wear your tees inside out.
Count to a hundred and I’m coming to find you.
Push the swing and slide down the slide.
Savor the wet sand under your nails.
Play in the rain and jump in the puddles.
Envision prehistoric friends;
Don’t let them tell you that you’re mad.
Wild treasure hunts and make believe castles.
Blink twice and it turns back into the broken tree stump.
You stood on it to see the world from your parent’s point of view.
SAF Mar 2012
The moon shining above us.
The other half sees the same thing.
With blinking satellites on either side.
Where have all the stars gone to?
Leaving us with nothing to wish upon.
We resort to throwing away our pennies.
What’s a couple hundred here and there,
When a dream just might come true?
SAF Mar 2012
Cobwebs in my head, spiders on my tongue.
The dolls mock me with their big, empty eyes.
Glass shard and broken pool tables.
The thoughts in my head have yet to define coherent.
SAF Mar 2012
After endless hours of frustrating questions and never ending texts
The cat comes in purring, a stitched mouse her prize.
Sunlit patch of blanket, her pride is evident.
Around and round she pets the ground;
It has to be perfect before she lays her silky head down.
My bed smells like me and she doesn’t seem to mind.
If her purrs are to be of any consolation, she seems to be appeased.
I look over to the upturned roses, left to dry in the bright, untouched light.
A petal falls and the cat pounces.
Soft laughter erupts from my mouth as we wrestle to win the satisfying crunch.
Our playful swipes leave the roses in pieces but no one seems to mind.
I pick at the loose threads in my sleeve and the cat tries to play with them.
Her tall tail brushes under my nose and I try to hold in a sneeze.
The sneeze intrudes on our games and she jumps.
A paper floats to the ground, a quote from a restless moment:
Every second counts.
SAF Mar 2012
And the Media strikes again.
How many more will succumb to it’s allure?
“I can be like that”, but they never will
Because “that” doesn’t exist.
Stick figure turn-ons and stuffed lingerie.
Exfoliaters and diets and pills and drugs
The innocent are converted.
Blush and rouge and liner and shadow
Pretty colours and tight clothes take a girl far.
Far from what she wanted to be,
So many years ago.
Hypocrites nod their heads, they agree.
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