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Sep 2016 · 145
Cyphers Queen Sep 2016
Missing you like crazy..
You were our first baby..
Sep 2016 · 137
Cyphers Queen Sep 2016
Dreams of being the best
Yes I'm very blessed
Dreams of being your wife
Dreams ill have for life
Sep 2016 · 149
Cyphers Queen Sep 2016
I miss you like crazy..
Yesterday is a little hazy..
Come back to me..
Lemme show you that you're my king..
Sep 2016 · 176
An Angel
Cyphers Queen Sep 2016
hear my cries
see my blood
I thought you would save me
*I'll just watch you from above
Sep 2016 · 138
The Best?
Cyphers Queen Sep 2016
I dont know if I try hard enough.
Maybe I get mad too much.
I swear I dont want to lose you.
But how can I keep you
If I use no effort
Our relationship has grown in comfort
Our relationship has grown in ways like never before
I'm more than blessed to have
Such an amazing man
I'm truly blessed
to be able to lay on your chest
And call you mine.
I need you by my side
Yeah... That's something I cant deny..
You keep me steady
You keep me alive..
Please dont ever leave me..
I'm only trying to be the best..
The best you've ever had..
Aug 2016 · 218
My Husband
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
My husband is the best
I asked him if he thought another girl was pretty..
But he passed the test.
My husband Is the best
he makes me so happy
**** I'm truly blessed.
Aug 2016 · 152
Red Paint
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Put this paint brush to my wrist
Paint a picture as beautiful as a kiss
I'm sorry I can't stay here anymore
I meant no harm
I wanted to make you happy
But I feel like I can't even get that done...
So now ill paint a picture on my wrist
And you'll remember me by the color red
Aug 2016 · 212
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
No good
Like a rotten apple
Feeling worthless
Feeling stupid
Why can't I do anything right?
I just wasn't worthy
So I take this paint brush
Put it to my wrist
I think of all the things you've said.
The good and the bad..
I don't end it I just have no choice but to be sad..
Aug 2016 · 1.1k
If I Die Tonight......
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
If I die tonight would planes still fly?
If I die tonight would you still wonder if I cried ?
If I die tonight would you think of me here and there ?
If I die tonight would you act like I was never here?
If I die tonight would you be happier than  you are with me?
If I die tonight would you be okay if I left you be?
If I die tonight would you regret ever kissing me?
If I die tonight would you regret ever meeting me?
If I died tonight you'd be a better person...
If I died tonight would the pain I've caused just worsen?...
Aug 2016 · 353
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Hear the raindrops hit the window
Feelin' like a scarecrow
How many times before I shatter
I guess I'll just talk to you later.
Hearing the thunder
If I'm okay that's something I wonder.
How many times before I break down ?
On the floor there lays my crown.
Hear the cries of the sky
Here I lay on the floor as I cry
Finally I've reached the end
I have to just float away with the wind.
Aug 2016 · 147
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
The hall closes
The air gets thin
Making it hard to breathe within
Tears fall from the struggle
Why is it that my heart and my pain cuddle?
The room gets dark
My chest gets heavy
Old memories old scars
Maybe people can only love me from afar.
Aug 2016 · 141
hide away
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Hide in the room
Maybe we'll talk soon
Hide from the pain
On my heart you left a stain
Why is it we argue like cats and dogs
I was blind from all the fog
Aug 2016 · 128
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Maybe im too much
Maybe you should've had a clutch..
On me , on us
Aug 2016 · 152
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Being broken like a piece of glass
Always being put last
Breathing. But what for?
I cant take much more.
Its like a repeating chain of events..
Chain of brokenhearted events..
Slit my wrist once..
Three times..
But who will notice ?
Everyone gone anyways...
Aug 2016 · 200
Me and You
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Memories of the time
I had no one by my side.
Then a few months later I had a group of them fakers
Now I got you and there's nothing they can do.
Aug 2016 · 216
Suffocated By Thoughts
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Dark room
And it smells like sugary perfume
Consumed by my thoughts..
How much does your love cost?
I cant breathe
I'm only drowning.
Watching as the world fades away..
Goodbye I'm off to a better place.
Aug 2016 · 122
Worth it
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Walking in the hallways I see no one but you
How I got you to be mine? I have no clue.
Its crazy because I've never felt this way
And I still have our song on replay
I talk to you all day
i get sad when you go to sleep because i hate for you to be away
Yes humans need sleep yeah yeah I know
But sometimes I want to take that leap
Into our future where things are perfect
Into our future when everything was worth it.
Aug 2016 · 371
The Rose
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Red... Full of life.. Beautiful..
But why is it when you try to love it, it stabs you and hurts you..
The pain makes you drop it..
As it falls to the ground the rose feels nothing but pain also..
Because it cant be loved..
And this beautiful rose only damages the people who attempt to love it...
Aug 2016 · 248
The Feeling
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Butterflies in my stomach
Like when you ride a rollercoaster
Or the smell of cookies fresh out the oven.
I say goodnight yet I stay up an hour afterwards
Just because I cant get you off my mind.
Constantly running through my mind...
Its like this was all perfectly timed.
Everything fell into place..
I need to see you. So here I patiently wait.
Aug 2016 · 356
c l o s u r e
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
I wonder if I'm better
Play this playlist over and over
Maybe it'll make me feel better..
I hate this time of night...
I just needed closure...
Aug 2016 · 115
Cyphers Queen Aug 2016
Happiness is laying in his arms..
Happiness is hearing his voice..
Happiness is him keeping me from harm..
Why is it that no one sees what I do?
But isn't that good
Then no one will have what I do.
He's my blessing...
He's my happiness..

— The End —