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 Jan 2012 SC
 Jan 2012 SC
I am tired.

Tired of pretense and falsehood and lies.

Tired of hiding and faking laughter.

I am tired.

Tired of happiness and tired of emotion.

Tired of acting.


****** into lie after lie about living.

Are you tired of living?

I’m tired of life.

I’m tired of people and their near perfect lives.

I’m tired of shallow problems and stupidity.

I am tired of people.

Life seemed so full.

Life is a joke.

No one cares.

They never will.

I am a cesspool

of self pity and self hatred.

I am weary.

I am hungry for change.

I am tired of this life.

*Free me.
 Jan 2012 SC
After I have conquered all
And my history unravels
Through the few whispering tongues which bore witness,

May irreverence be a challenge
To the eyes then gazing southward
As recollections of my triumphs are brought forth.

And though the spoils of flesh may spoil
May consciousness prevail
The endless valleys far beyond become familiar,

May there be thoughts left yet to ponder
Whilst the restless souls be sated
And in brilliance, let us rival the unknown.

When lilies’ petals fade to gray
But to spring forth again next day
May it be known that my conquests were not in vain,

For the battles won victorious
Will have been much worth the fight
When they summon my name wandering again.
 Jan 2012 SC
Jasmine Barnes
Imagine a fearless world of good intentions.
Does it look delicious or taste sweet?
Is there perfume in the air?
Have we reached heaven yet?

Accept a fearful world of bad intentions.
Does it look repulsive or taste salty?
Is there pollution in the air?
Have we reached hell yet?

— The End —