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Sadie K Sep 2013
I've been thinking.
Well, I'm sorry,
I don't dare to tell you
What's bothering me but
I guess I'll just put it in this
Little poem.

Well, firstly,
I just don't want this year to end.
I've been thinking about
How much feels I'm gonna have
Once we part at the end of the year.
I wouldn't know what to do.
I'll be lost.
I'll be confused.
I'm scared mam.

And, secondly,
He keeps bothering me
Screaming to get out.
I give up, if he wants to get out
By all means.
I've had enough mam.
I know I promised you
I wouldn't do anything funny but
Does going insane count as
Doing something funny?

And lastly,
I've been worried about Frank, dear.
It worries me and saddens me
When I see a friend, a buddy,
A childhood companion,
Suffer because of me.
And it just makes me feel bad
Every time he defies Adsel and
Gets so worried with the
"She'd be mad"s and "She'd be so worried"s
He thinks of me 24/7 and has
Suffered for me all this while

And you know, sometimes,
I am curious but
What if he is
My brain's projection of


I must think of you too much madame,
Yet I think too little...
I don't know.
I'm confused.
This is the most decent of thoughts in the
Past three hours.
I'll treasure it.
I'll post it.
I hope you read it.

And I pray you stop worrying then...
I'm sorry I made you worry... :'(
Sadie K Sep 2013
A crazy, mad decision,
Probably foolish too,
But I shall call on them
To come for me
Just hope they don't stick
Like glue
Sadie K Sep 2013
Adsel, Adsel. Adsel...
Oh why did you shun her and
Find her so irritating?
Why didn't you
Help or ask?
Sadie K Sep 2013
I've lived with Mal for 4 years now,
Adsel 2, and Frank 9.
I've seen them grow,
I've seen them feel,
I've seen them

Starting off with
Constructing Wonderland then
The kidnapping,
The disappearance,
Abandoning the land,
The coming of Mal,
The period past 9,
The sudden return of Frank,
Meeting Adsel,
Playing the first of Adsel's games,
The revelation that they're siblings,

Oh we've gone through so much...

But Frank,
I'm so sorry
A few times more
Sadie K Sep 2013
I wish I Had
To delete one of them
Sadie K Oct 2013
**** it,
I was almost happy with
You not existing...
Sadie K Sep 2013
Head's spinning.
Vision blurring.
I feel like falling despite
Lying down on the bed.
The voices no longer seem to be
Voices anymore.
More like inaudible chattering,
Still loud yet
What's going on?
What am I doing?
Who am I?
Sadie K Sep 2013
Oh dear mam,
I wish I could stay
But you see the trio,
They're coming this way
Sadie K Oct 2013
It scares me to think
Every word
Might be my

Sadie K Dec 2013
Time differences don't make
The worries any easier
Sadie K Sep 2013
Why can't I
Shake off this feeling of
Impending doom?
Like something's happened
To someone or something,
Perhaps it's going to,
Perhaps it's already happened.
What is it?
What is it?
What is it?
Sadie K Sep 2013
Frank Adsel Mal Lucas Geoffrey Jeffrey Mike Hoobler

They were
The closest thing to family
I ever had

They'd fight ever so often
But they always stuck

They always understood me
When I shared a problem;
They'd nod and smile
Tell me it's alright;
They'd give me a hug if
I ever needed one

But the truth still prevails:
They don't exist

I am merely
Reminding myself of my problems,
Convincing myself I'm *******,
Wrapping myself in my arms

I wish there was
Really someone understanding,
Really someone comforting,
Really someone giving me that hug

But it can never be
And my nights shall remain in

Sadie K Nov 2013
It's happening
Sadie K Sep 2013
Sometimes I think about
Walking down the street and just
Registering myself for the
Mental hospital
Sadie K Dec 2013
There really isn't anything to watch
Sadie K Sep 2013
You let me in,
You won't get out.
You've done it once,
But you can't do it twice.
Frank won't always be there to
Save you,
So this time,
You're really
Stuck with me
Sadie K Sep 2013
Hoobler Hobbler:
He brings only fatigue.
He is but just annoying,
He rarely does intrigue.

Even my brothers are
Extremely irritated so,
For they cannot do anything
Since he really cannot go

For even a strongman like old Mal
He cannot move this hefty tonne,
Both Adsel and Luke alike
Their words like an empty gun

Frank cannot do anything,
He just perches there to watch;
Mike and Blake hide in their hole
And Rooney's but a blotch

Oh this fascinating team
For once they really can't control;
This heavy weighted sleepyhead
Has just worsened this hellhole

Hoobler Hobbler:
It's not just the fatigue,
He also brings along chaos
But still doesn't intrigue
Destroying from the inside...
Sadie K Sep 2013
If I don't finish the work by
10pm tonight...

Is Frank gonna do art?
Sadie K Sep 2013
I feel so lost
Without those
Layers upon
Layers upon
Layers of
Masks and
Masks and
Masks and
I feel extremely
Sadie K Dec 2013
Sometimes I'm just so scared that
If I said no, you'd walk out and

Like everybody else.

I'm worried you'd become blind like the crowd,
Growing too busy to care
With other people to attend to,
Parties, events, jobs, work —
And you'd leave me here.

I really don't want to tie you down either.
There are so many other people out there
That would make you so much happier than I would.

And I know that.

I'm worried you'd get tired of listening to the same ****
Over and over and over and over again,
But the problem is the **** keeps coming back and

I don't know how to stop it.

People think I'm attention-seeking and
Extremely unoriginal to have the same story keep
Popping up again.
They think I'm such a fudging great actor.

And I agree sometimes.

Because they don't see the
Invisible tears that flow.

I'm worried that you'd just give up on me.
Because I'd give up on me.
In fact, I already kinda have.

People tell me
I'm crazy.
And I know I am.
I have a fudging mental disorder for goodness sake,
Crazy is the new normal.
And I'm used to that bit.

But if people are sick,
Do you not care for them?
Why do people run away?
Why do people avoid?
Why do people leave
Because they think

I'm fudging crazy.

I'm trying not to be.
I really am.
I know I'm not okay. But then again I haven't been. For months now.
Sadie K Nov 2013
What kind of monster am I?

Now that she loves him more,
And quarrels (slightly) less,
Why do I still feel this
Inner hatred and
The longing for him to stay

Far far away?

Is it because of the disgust?
That memory
Of him


In front of his
Huge computer screen and
A fallen off towel and
The early morning beer and
Those stupid stupid stupid


But even so,
The hate can't last
That long, can it?

What is up?
I don't know.
What's wrong?
I don't know.
What did He do?
I don't know.

I don't know
I don't know
I don't know

I don't know...

I'm a monster
To wish them to be
Just so I don't need to face him.

I'm a monster
To wish her to
Crash the car and die
Just so he'd feel true suffering.

I'm a monster.
I'm evil.
I'm very very

So don't tell me I'm good, cos I know I'm not...  ><
Sadie K Oct 2013
You know,
It leaves me wondering.
Should He be leaving or

Should I?
Sadie K Oct 2013
I know, I know
I'm the fudging reason
You all don't love each other
I know, I know,
Not the first time you're
Reminding me...
Just shut up would you?
And maybe leave.
Sadie K Sep 2013
Oh little tears, little tears
Oh can you please decide;
Can you roll down those familiar cheeks,
Just take them as a guide

Don't clog up this little exit
And please don't just stay there,
Don't jam up my already constricted throat
Just let out all this despair

Oh little tears, little tears
Oh can you please decide;
Right now, I can agree with you that
Maybe I should've died
Sadie K Nov 2013
Tossing and turning
But just can't
Fall asleep.
Sadie K Oct 2013
Oh dear Missy, Missy,
I hope you are asleep,
Managed to calm the waves
And didn't think too deep.

I'm sorry you have to cry alone
And I'm always just too far,
I cannot reach past this huge gap
And hug you where you are.

I pray the fire's died
But your heart's not icy cold,
Because I'd really miss that:
Your heart that's made of gold.

Oh dear Missy, Missy,
I hope you are asleep,
I can only watch from here
And weep
And weep

And weep.
Sadie K Sep 2013
They say
I'm always there
For you
I haven't.
I left you, for

I haven't done
Anything but
Stand there

My attempts to
Save you
Have only
Deepened the wound

You're strong,

I just hope,
In your current state,
You'd still make it through
Sadie K Sep 2013
Oh please
Let me not
Be another of
Your burdens
Sadie K Sep 2013
Just missed
Everything again
Didn't I?
Sadie K Sep 2013
She's probably going to
Freak out
When she finds out
You're sick
Sadie K Sep 2013
I stand there as they

Laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh

And I wonder,
Why can't I laugh too?
Sadie K Sep 2013
I'm sorry
I've failed you again.
I slipped and
Let it out.

She'd probably be
Worrying now...

I was supposed to make sure
She was happy,
Okay and carefree

I slipped and
Who knows,
She might know.

I too hope
You will
Be fine.

Oh why won't you
Let me in?
Why won't you
Let me save you?

Yes, I do love talking
To her,
Making her happy
I know you'd be happy
Why have you chosen

This way?
Sadie K Nov 2013
Can you ever love something,
Love something that you fear?
Things that make you tremble much
And maybe, even tear.

Is it ever possible to
Put out those blue flames?
The fire glows so bright and strong;
Impotent is the Thames.

But maybe you could control the fire,
Change it in it's form.
Tame the beast from fire to feast,
Use it to keep you warm.

The crevice slowly closing up,
We only have one day.
The world is done and the end is nigh.
Is there really no other way?

Maybe you feared it at first,
But ****, do they mean a lot

When they're leaving.
Can't help you now.
Sadie K Sep 2013
Walking through the mall,
Passing shops,
Passing thoughts,
Attempting to
Absorb everything

Keep it together, soldier

Mind racing with questions,
Heart beats faster,
Too fast
Too fast
Too fast

Shut it!

World starts to spin
Cold sweat all over
The dying feeling

Or just dying?

Slamming against wall,
Legs grow weak
Black spots sparkle across
The already dark skies

Must stand,
Must continue

Walking through the mall,
I must save the tears
Keep it for later
At home
In bed
Under the covers

Maybe you won't even have to,
They'll take over
You won't feel

Yet you'd feel

Sadie K Sep 2013
As I lay here once again
And for once, on this night,
The trio are nowhere in sight

I am but left with my
Mangled thoughts of worry,
Still recovering partially

Oh do I feel what I feel?
Because for once in my life,
— Or least this night of the calmest strife,

I feel nothing but this strange
Guilt of some sort,
But why?
Sadie K Sep 2013
I've never had
So many
Within one
Sadie K Sep 2013
I have never felt
This awake
Talking to
Nobody but

All of them gone tonight,
Yet my eyes refuse to close and
My mind refuses to rest

I used to think they were
My commas to my sentences,
The neverending "and"s,
But now I've learnt that maybe
They were the full stop to

The end.
Sadie K Oct 2013
I'm exhausted.
I don't want to
Fudging go


I don't want to
Meet people.
I don't want to

I don't fudging care.
I just wanna go home
Have a bath,
Sink into my book,
Maybe use my emergency cup noodles.

I just don't want to go
I just don't want

Sadie K Sep 2013
Does that mean
She knows everyone?


A­ll of them
After all the efforts to
Hide everyone

We shall mask again
But this time
Permanently and from
Sadie K Sep 2013
Phone taken away.
Anxiety levels have just
Shot up by 300%

What if someone calls
What if she's dying and it's important,
What if —

I can't think of
Anything else,
With the phone
It's already bad enough
But now, without, it's just
Ten times
Ten times
Ten times

Heart beating,
Mind racing,
Can't calm down
And now,
Can't express

Phone taken away.
I am fuming mad,
Because I'm worried.
And I don't want to
Especially not
To you

Phone taken away.
Sadie K Sep 2013
Oh please,
Just don't bother about me tonight.
My thinking's just *******
And my brain all wrecked...
Oh please,
Just don't bother about me tonight.
Sadie K Sep 2013
The conversations on the post-its we share

They're just constant denials and
Occasional encouragements;
The exchange of unanswered questions because
For some reason,
I'm not comfortable answering
When everyone is staring.

It's almost as if
I'm going to write this
Secret essay full of love and concern and
A script expressing all I feel.
All the bottled up worry about you would be
Matched from thought to term,
Scribbled down onto that
Tiny piece of paper but

Who am I kidding?

I **** with words.
I **** with expression.
All I do all day long is
Sit behind this stupid screen at 3am in the morning
Typing down this hell of a poem (is it even one?)
And regretting everything I hadn't done
When I was still
Face to face
With you.

I should have sat down and
Thought a little longer and
Maybe my brain would come up with some
Wonderful solution or word of encouragement
Like the powerful ones you always give me.

I should have, at least,
Gone over if I needed your help instead of
You always coming over to my side
And then ending up getting criticised.

I should have given you a
Huge hug and asked
How you were feeling but
I'm just a fudging coward
And a fudging selfish creep so I

Sit there every morning and
Wallow in my own sadness,
Fighting a seemingly non-existent battle
And I neglect you again — ******!

I promised.
I promised I wouldn't do it again but
All I ever do is make you
Worry and worry and worry and
I don't seem to be there, ever.
When it's time for me to help you





The conversations on the post-its

They're just little bits of hope that
Maybe one day, the replies would both be honest ones,
And even if it says "No, I'm not fine" and
The other one says "You want to talk about it?"
It's a glimpse of hope.
And it'd be true hope for once,
Not just a mirage for disappointment.

It'd be the beginning of understanding,
It'd be the beginning of another beginning,
It'd be the beginning of starting over, you and me,
Closing up that gap

But most importantly,
It'd be the beginning of
A New kind of Happiness
Sadie K Sep 2013
The streets have fallen

Only the fan is
To be heard,
That is,
The fan and
The million voices
Sadie K Sep 2013
Now that you mentioned it,
I wonder if
The one
Up there
Is a *she
Sadie K Oct 2013
Forgive me if I
Don't talk to you.
I just don't want to
Talk when I'm
Sadie K Sep 2013
Oh could you, for once
Just keep it down!
I just want some peace
I don't want to frown!

But you shout and scream
All in my head;
You disagree while I'm
Stuck in bed —

I'm getting desperate
Can't you see?
But I don't want to entrust
All this to he

I just want some silence
One night is enough,
But I guess this is just
Another wasted puff
Sadie K Sep 2013
There's something.
I feel it
In her bones,
Beneath her skull.
A sharp pain.
It's physical.
I don't know
What it is.
I worry.
I hurt.
Something's there
Like it just
Shot her in the head
It hurts
A lot.
What is it?
Help me.
Help her.
Sadie K Sep 2013
I don't know.

Maybe it's just the way
You made it sound,
Like some infectious disease and
I'm the infected.
It made me feel funny,
Suddenly conscious of my
Slowing down breathing.
I didn't want to talk

Not at all.

I wanted to go home
Sadie K Sep 2013
Oh what're we doing at
Grieving over a
Non-existent woman

Oh but is she non-existent?

Stop it.
Stop it.
Stop it.

I know what's real
I know what's not
I do, I know.

Oh do you, really?

YES, ****** I DO.

Why not come over?
Why not stay?
Live in Wonderland


I can't.
I have to stay.
I must.
I must.
I must.

*Think about it...
Isn't this your dream home?
Isn't your family here?
You're true family.
Come on.
Sadie K Sep 2013
It's dangerous
He'd hurt her
But she doesn't want you to hurt
He's right, don't want to
Hurt her now do you

You know why I can't!
*Come on, come on...

Oh, who to bring out?
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