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caroline Dec 2018
how do you feel
my rock n roll baby
playin for folks
who couldn’t care less
for your old timer
bad rhymer
that left you right back where you started your days
at that run down motel
only playin sundays
caroline Dec 2018
colored lights
and disco dames
fractured beats
raucous refrains

silver magic
red hot sin
golden kisses
blushing skin

who cares
who knows
who speaks the truth

who lives
who dies
deceit of youth
caroline Dec 2018
melting sun
sing me to sleep
your star-crossed lover
alone on this beach

cradle my body
caress my skin
before you leave til tomorrow
or who knows when

the ultimate epilogue
caroline Dec 2018
pony-tailed playmate
head tucked in her shirt
gazing steadily down
at her toes in the dirt

chaos tiptoes around her
naive oblivion
journeys in far away lands
just west of the meridian

watercolor fairy tales
bleeding outside the lines
unaware of the danger
unaware of the signs

let me sit with you, darling
in the dampened flower beds
and paint a new world
for us in our heads
caroline Dec 2018
the intention of greatness
does not, in fact,
equate to the
that is so required
for those deemed worthy
of renown
caroline Dec 2018
the parchment crinkles
is my clenched fist
but remains legible
infused with bliss

it has not been stained
by the stream of tears
that refuse to fall for you

my idealist
distracted my realist
for quite long enough
in your confounding presence

but she’s come back around
and this time, for good
immune to the
i r r e s i s t a b l e  
words of persuasion
in your arsenal
caroline Dec 2018
so even if the whole universe came and will leave instantaneously
at least i know that
all the forces of time and matter
permitted the rivers to rush
the sun to burn
and Earth to revolve
during our brief lifetimes
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