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May 2014 · 389
emma May 2014
Maybe I'll just piece together the bruises that you left.
I'll call it a masterpiece; it's a work of art.
A collage of empty, poisonous smiles,
and bones you left exposed to gusting winds.
Painted in are the lies you spat at me;
the toxic words billowed because of their lack of depth.
So I'll stitch together the vast variety of materials you left me,
and I'll transform vile memories of you and I
into a work of art.
May 2014 · 449
note (first addition)
emma May 2014
the possibility of you was my blanket
the intrigue of your lips
pressed onto wherever hey decided
kept the frigid wind from blowing through me
frozen crystals of ice were melted off
my guilty body
i was delusional
potential isnt promise
so when the trace of you left the air
the snow was vicious and penetrated my flesh
emma Apr 2014
exclamation marks mean something of excitement
joy to the world
guess what
im so happy
i'm dying of ennui
what the hell is an exclamation mark

commas are when you need a break
just a pause
before you go on
and i've never gotten that before
where's the comma for me to
take a minute to
stop killing myself
over the fact i'm so

periods are the only real one

they mean

it's all over

i am all over too.
Apr 2014 · 381
facebook messages
emma Apr 2014
i know he loves me (or) so he says. and i'm a torn up rooftop whereas he's the sun being welcomed by the earth when all the land had been covered by the gloom for weeks. so i guess the rainbow girls are more important to him than something that's a violation of the standards of the houses on these suburban streets.

hello again.
today the sun and the rainbow were next to each other in the sky, and when i got home, the roof collapsed.
they said it would cost thousands to repair it.

i don't have the money for a new roof.
Dec 2013 · 711
emma Dec 2013
I caught glimpes of
Unzipped veins in
The swirls above and
Skin cells falling
Around my head and
I shed off the dead atoms
Smothering my weathered lungs and
My flesh is enslaved to
Alluring beasts with
Spirals in their irises and
They engrave a lattice on my tongue so
Crimson fluid saturates my chin but
The unzipped veins twisting the
Neurons in my brain causes
Me to taste your lips when
I sample my oozing blood and
Snakes are slithering up my thighs and
Splitting & expanding encasing me in
Gore and warmth but
I will not
Survive this time.
Dec 2013 · 1.0k
emma Dec 2013
cold embraces in the midnight dark
blue streaked with the liquids and fluids
in my head
in my body
within myself there are
combinations of strands that freeze with the frigid ice cubes
i'm freezing in my skin
Dec 2013 · 1.5k
emma Dec 2013
cold embraces in the midnight dark
blue streaked with the liquids and fluids
in my head
in my body
within myself there are
combinations of strands that freeze with the frigid ice cubes
i'm freezing in my skin
Dec 2013 · 450
knife to the chest
emma Dec 2013
as a matter of fact
the last time you struck me
right across the chest
i vowed it would be the last abuse
you'd inflict on the living
so you spent your time
hexing the tombstones down the street
because you must have you talons
submerged in the flesh of something
living or dead.
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
emma Nov 2013
you are an earthquake
you start without a warning
and you devistate and destroy
and the people can feel you far away
and you cause death
but then you leave
no clean up crew
no instructions on how to clean
all of this rubble
all of this mess
i can still feel you
i can feel the shaking
the fractures are fresh to me
and those moments of terror
remain so vivid
and the way you intended to annihilate
and the way you wanted to eradicate
without a single afterthought
but the overwhelming aftershock
was too cruel
and the citizen
couldn't clean up your mess this time
so the inhabitant of
the chaotic results of you
decided maybe it was time to go...
Nov 2013 · 1.1k
emma Nov 2013
She is like children’s shampoo you had at age four.
“Tear free.”
But when in your eyes,
The tears still stream.
She is like scented markers from kindergarten classrooms.
Foreshadowing when you’ll be sniffing things that will make you lose yourself,
And maybe lose everyone else, too.
She is like sidewalk chalk you drew with in the first grade.
Entertaining for the weekend,
But easily washed off with the rain.
She is a 9/10 on a second grade spelling test.
So close, but not enough.
She is the inflated stomach you had in third grade,
When all the kids would call you names and picked you last for kickball.
She is the time you threw up in fourth grade,
Because being “Fatso” wasn’t who you were.
Or wanted to be.
She is the countless sleepless nights in fifth grade,
Wondering if you were running away, or running to something.
She is the blood stained sheets from sixth grade,
The time you named a razor after your ex-best friend,
Who left you for the blonde bombshells.
She is the time in seventh grade,
When suddenly the sleeping pills your mom took looked more like candy than meds
So you had a few,
And ended up in a hospital bed.
She is everything you wanted to forget.
And yet somehow,
She brings you solace after a life not well spent.
Nov 2013 · 696
emma Nov 2013
Affection for the haunting discretion
That weighs your head down any time
I attempt to have our lips collide.
Devoted to draining the man-made lakes of
Blood on your thighs
I know it isn’t my position
But I will not rest until
Your laughter is replaying like
A beautifully broken record
But if dissociation is how
The quivering hands will be at rest,
If you find solace in the solitude…
I’ll understand your cautious footsteps.
Nov 2013 · 661
tinkerbelle does drugs
emma Nov 2013
Peter Pan had a fear of losing his youth
Not even little Wendy could change him.
Lost Boys helped him get even more
Consumed with his terror of
Reality and the honesty
And I guess that forgetting is easy
With a little fairy dust.
Nov 2013 · 481
emma Nov 2013
Welcome to the
******* asylum
Where dreams are made
Out of shards of shattered aspirations
Glued together
With outcasted tears.
She told me once
That the Golden Years
Only come to those with
Gold in their pockets.
Angels lose their wings
Within the walls.
Structurally unsound,
Shuddering with false euphora,
A tangled mess of anguish.
Oct 2013 · 775
you are mine
emma Oct 2013
When we both are in our splintered state of mind
I will glue fragments of our minds into a
Ceramic vessel
Perfected by the patchwork,
We'll be a chaotic disarray of
Terra cotta and melancholic thoughts.
Something so whimsical,
Only we could fathom it's substance.
Oct 2013 · 701
losing me, lost you.
emma Oct 2013
Fatal flick of my index finger
It's too dark to investigate
Ambition creeping out of my nose
Lungs filling with paranoia
I'm left in the dark
Where am I this time
Whose head is on my shoulders
That's not my heart beating in my chest
And I
Oct 2013 · 2.6k
emma Oct 2013
i  should  be  seeing


but  all  my  eyes  comprehend  is  the  

chromaticity  of  this  disorder


all  i  see  is  but  an  esoteric  dream.
Oct 2013 · 1.4k
emma Oct 2013
d r u m m e r
he's alive and i don't know what to do he's trying to beat life out of me using percussion to give me a concussion tuning me like a timpani and striking me like a snare dying in a rhythm improvised in a split second the mallets drew blood from somewhere i cant understand and i cant see anymore where am i am i dead yet
Oct 2013 · 1.1k
emma Oct 2013
where will you find yourself
when the moon asks you to take a rest
when bats flicker around you hair and tug at your braids
you'll remain outcasted from the faucets and radios outlining the nameless avenues you can't bring yourself to call home.
as the rotation restarts
where are you going to be
Oct 2013 · 547
emma Oct 2013
what was left of me
is now a melancholic ornament
suspended by my erroneousness
swaying in gusts of my breaths
what you ended has
begun again
tristfully i know

— The End —