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****, this pizza's good*
Shut up Nolan, you're high.
gee i like to think of dead it means nearer because deeper firmer
since darker than little round water at one end of the well   it’s
too cool to be crooked and it’s too firm to be hard but it’s sharp
and thick and it loves,   every old thing falls in rosebugs and
jackknives and kittens and pennies they all sit there looking at
each other having the fastest time because they’ve never met before

dead’s more even than how many ways of sitting on your head your
unnatural hair has in the morning

dead’s clever too like POF goes the alarm off and the little striker
having the best time tickling away everybody’s brain so everybody
just puts out their finger and they stuff the poor thing all full
of fingers

dead has a smile like the nicest man you’ve never met who maybe winks
at you in a streetcar and you pretend you don’t but really you do
see and you are My how glad he winked and hope he’ll do it again

or if it talks about you somewhere behind your back it makes your neck
feel pleasant and stoopid    and if dead says may i have this one and
was never introduced you say Yes because you know you want it to dance
with you and it wants to and it can dance and Whocares

dead’s fine like hands do you see that water flowerpots in windows but
they live higher in their house than you so that’s all you see but you
don’t want to

dead’s happy like the way underclothes All so differently solemn and
inti and sitting on one string

dead never says my dear,Time for your musiclesson and you like music and
to have somebody play who can but you know you never can and why have to?

dead’s nice like a dance where you danced simple hours and you take all
your prickly-clothes off and squeeze-into-largeness without one word  and
you lie still as anything    in largeness and this largeness begins to give
you,the dance all over again and you,feel all again all over the way men
you liked made you feel when they touched you(but that’s not all)because
largeness tells you so you can feel what you made,men feel when,you touched,

dead’s sorry like a thistlefluff-thing which goes landing away all by
himself on somebody’s roof or something where who-ever-heard-of-growing
and nobody expects you to anyway

dead says come with me he says(andwhyevernot)into the round well and
see the kitten and the penny and the jackknife and the rosebug
                                                                      and you
say Sure you say    (like that)    sure i’ll come with you you say for i
like kittens i do and jackknives i do and pennies i do and rosebugs i do
Out the window  
up the street
out of sight
out of mind.

Out of my pocket
up to my mouth
out of the stoke
into my lungs.

Out of the car
up to 1st period
out of time
up on dime.

Out of time
up on rhyme
out of gas
going too fast.

Out of soul
up on lies
out of heart
up on crime.

Down the street
up the road.
My being is lifted
onto your roof.

Bowls empty
and so is mind.
Hearts cry out
and so does mine.

4 in the morning
Down on luck.
5 in the morning
what the ****.

Sun rises
and I set.
6 in the morning
restless sleep.

7 in the morning
time to get up.
Breakfast is made
hamandeggs yuck.
Blueberry Twist is a fine establishment if you're into cheap food and smoking areas.
she does not sleep
she merely
with the moon
and sets
with the sun
she does not breathe
she merely
like the tides
and exhales
like the wind
watermelon grin
strawberry lips
blackberry eyes
nectarine skin

*you are so sweet to me
you taste so sweet to me
My feelings **** ****.
They treat me cruelly, indeed.
Happy. Sad. **** it.
can you smell it on me
can you smell him on me
can you smell her on me
how many more people
is it going to take
to get your tongue
out of my mouth

                                   my hands have let you go
                                   my lips have let you go
                                   my heart has(n't) let you go
                                   how many more moons
                                   is it going to take
                                   to get your face
                                   out of my nightmares

again you are here
again you are alive
again you are(n't) mine
how many more goodbyes
is it going to take
before I finally board
that train to the coastline
seems to be the only thing
we want
to do

but you see
why would I want to forget
all of the times
that I smiled
and you laughed
and I sang
and you slept
and I cried
and you kissed
and I ran
and you chased
and I fell
and you caught
and we danced
and we loved
and we grew

because despite my biggest of efforts
I can not forget
the most beautiful of flowers.
pucker up
lipstick smeared
red and coral
make a rainbow
on your thighs
across my neck
kiss you softly
bite me roughly
scratch marks
on your shoulder
scars line my wrists
but you don't care
I'll show you mine
you show me yours
take those perfect bones
and throw them on me
now let's disappear
in each other
in the midst of this
the only thing I think of
is our one last kiss
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