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I wear a necklace
of bite marks
that you gave to me
because I look prettier
in bruises
than I do
in pearls
i like my body when it is with your
body. It is so quite new a thing.
Muscles better and nerves more.
i like your body.  i like what it does,
i like its hows.  i like to feel the spine
of your body and its bones,and the trembling
-firm-smooth ness and which i will
again and again and again
kiss, i like kissing this and that of you,
i like, slowly stroking the,shocking fuzz
of your electric furr,and what-is-it comes
over parting flesh….And eyes big love-crumbs,

and possibly i like the thrill

of under me you so quite new
Have you ever had somebody love you more than anything else?
because it is honestly the greatest feeling in the entire universe.
comparable to the first ray of sunshine after weeks of rain
or the first sprout of a flower in an otherwise barren field
like finding a sand dollar on the beach that is completely in tact
the smell of summer wafting in the air on the last day of school
or the way an old book feels in your hands as you turn the page
I thought about you today
I think about you a lot
and about how you promised me a garden
you promised me a lot
I thought about your sheets
on top of us a lot
and how I told you my secrets
I told you a lot
I thought about your t-shirts
I wore them a lot
and how you kissed my forehead
your lips are chapped a lot
And I thought about how we were never in love
but we said those words a lot
and I am so sorry that I hurt you
*I hurt people a lot
and I count the patterns in the paint
and the tiles on the ceiling
and the freckles on your face
and the scars on my wrists
and the threads in the sheets
all in the midst of
a cough syrup haze
perhaps I will bundle up
and read some Bukowski
and listen to the rain falling
perhaps I will daydream
of falling in love with you
of you falling in love with me
let things be beautiful
just this once
I do not ask for much
just the flowers
in the garden
and the salt
in the sea
oh, please
let things be beautiful.
it rained for days
a torrential downpour
that flooded the streets
and created an ocean
between you and me
I don't wish for you, it would not be fair.
I don't wish for us to fall in love, you might not want that.
I don't wish for my own happiness, that would be vain.

I wish that I could write beautiful poems for you.
I wish that you would cry after reading them.
I wish that you would keep them folded up in your back pocket.

I don't wish that you will be happy forever, where would that leave me.
I don't wish for all the money in the world, I could not buy talent.
I don't wish for a cure for cancer, there would still be death.

I wish that I could make you happy when it's raining.
I wish that money would cease to exist solving a pretty amount of problems.
I wish for a cure for life.
I hear your heart beating
from across the room
your asthma is so cute
when it is trying to **** you
Sink your teeth into me
****** fixated on my flesh
salt lingers on your tongue
here comes the chemical reaction
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