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585 · Oct 2014
S W Oct 2014
******* uselessness feeling ever worse
what's the point
who even cares
darkness everywhere
no silver lining, just the everlasting grey cluster surrounding my thoughts
suffocating and draining all life
all process
all of me
consumed in the evaporation
no sun, never a ray
**** this

394 · Oct 2014
S W Oct 2014
this infinity feels empty
once, full of love, hope
joy at life

despair and sadness can't last forever
but it envelopes you like the autumn
like the leaves crowding out the grass
dead matter?

insipid incubus of my brain

parasitic helplessness and no more thirst
no more hunger
out of breath from futile attempts to drag
myself from the dead place

bodies just weighing me down
an anchor tied to my toes and pulling them out
262 · Oct 2014
S W Oct 2014
i don't even give a **** about your politics or your ******* war
i dont give a **** because you created it yourself
i give a **** about the child that sits alone dying hungry and scared and has nobody to love and nobody to love her
is it africa
or is it london?
dublin.. it's all the same.
i care about the little girl giving birth to her husband's child,
i GIVE A **** about their ability to find a living
and to find safety

not about you and your ******* agenda

— The End —