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Apr 2012 · 284
Samantha Steele Apr 2012
My scars were everywhere,

Inside and out.

Painted with razors and words.
This is not all of it, I just don't know how to end it, or how to tittle it.
Apr 2012 · 434
Samantha Steele Apr 2012
It started with my wrists,
The deep gashes I made

Hands trembling
Scarlet spilling
Tears being made

With out hesitation
Without pause

My blood was spilling
Into the snow
Turning into a black pond

The razors slipped
Slick with blood

Blades falling into the snow
Tinkling like a wind chime
The sound was


And I started going mad
started hearing sounds
started SEEING things

The snow was red,
The rain was red

Everything was red
Apr 2012 · 368
Death March
Samantha Steele Apr 2012
A death march,

My death march.

Die and be dead.

A death march,

My death march,

Everything was red.
Apr 2012 · 835
Samantha Steele Apr 2012
In a world where everyone in faceless,
Would I be faceless too?

Would I stand out
Or blend into the crowd?

Would you be able to point me out?
This poem goes with one of my drawings, ironically, they are faceless.
Jan 2012 · 771
Samantha Steele Jan 2012
When she lies
He cries

When he lies
She cries

Sorrow filling the air
The sound of silent weaping

They were once so happy
So content

He told her the truth
She gave him execuses

Wraped in a world of hurt
Eyes leeking liquid

Unable to escape
This spinning wheel of hurt
Dec 2011 · 659
Smooth Jazz
Samantha Steele Dec 2011

Light chatter around me
Im full of content

Smooth jazz
Wraps around my ears

I float back in time

Poetry Jams
Snapping fingers

Oh la la, content
Was at Panara Bread<3
Nov 2011 · 914
Samantha Steele Nov 2011
The smell of Iron carresses my nose.
I undress.

Looking in the mirror.
Scars decorating my skin.

Others- Ugly.
Me- Beauty.

My eyes take in every inch of myself.
Is it ****** up to say I got turned on?

My eyes dart to the corner of the room.
There lays a lifeless body, bloodless.

My eyes dart to the bathtub.
Filled to the rim with crimmison.

Blood is boiling.

I walk accross the blood soaked floor,
leaving ****** footprints in my wake.

I pearch on the side of the tub.
Stick my toe into it.

A sigh and a shiver of pleasure escape me.
I emerse myself in to it.

I grin...

Razor teeth on display.
For my victoms who are forced to watch.

© SamanthaReganess
Nov 2011 · 3.1k
Samantha Steele Nov 2011
Im your first born,
Why wont you protect me mommy?

I did nothing to him,
But you just stand there and watch.

Dont you love me?
Protects his son,
But hurts your first born?

Thats ****** up mommy.

Deep down,
behind all this ****,
Im still the little girl you know.

Your supost to protect me.
But you aint mommy.
You *****!

Im hurtin,
But you cant even tell.

Your a ***** mommy!
I hate you mommy!
I hate hateing you mommy!

It makes me hurt inside.
Nov 2011 · 549
Samantha Steele Nov 2011
The thing is with the monster,
Is you always want more.
At first a little.
Later, more.
The monster gives you that self-induced high.
It leavs you,
Craving for more.
You welcome the monster with open arms.
You wish deep in your mind,
That you could push it away.
But when you want to most,
The monster finds you.
You forget about not wanting it.
And you fly away,
In a self-induced high.
Nov 2011 · 656
A Low
Samantha Steele Nov 2011
I dont know what to do
I am so confused
Everythings so fuzzy
Its all clouded up
My mind is spining
Its a whirlpool
Im high
Im low
Everythings so fuzzy
Im all clouded up
My vision is bluring
Everything is going so fast!
I cant keep up
I need that rush
That high
That low
Everythings so fuzzy
Im needing
A high
A low.
Nov 2011 · 679
Samantha Steele Nov 2011
My silent screams
Fall apon deaf ears
My face
Contorted in pain
A movie
Nonstop playing in my head
Haunted memories
© SamanthaReganess
Nov 2011 · 630
State of Insanity
Samantha Steele Nov 2011
I  laughf,
State of insinaty.
Wild in my eyes.
Unknown evil lurking,
Beanth the surface,
Of my life.
I rejoice at the sight.
Blood covering my hands,
My whole body.
I see my pray,
Im ready to pounce.
I need my wepon.
Grab the blade,
Attack the emotions.
Let them all die.
I smile a wicked one,
Now my job is done.
Emotions are now gone.
My sight is set,
And its oh. so clear,
Its around the corner,
Death is near.
Time ticks by,
Emotions run lose,
No use to catch them.
Ill be gone soon.

— The End —