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S E L Nov 2013
running over sea less ocean
into you, hurtling into jigsaw dreams
meet the see saw ride

A tree grows from my wrist
You’re (more than) half my crazy day, every day

Reel plays on while doing other things
I walk in trenches full of dead soldiers

It has already happened
Too late

will you hold my hand, oh please?
I’m so afraid of the dark

there's a wicked radar filling the area
where my mind used to be

we are all made up of cells
these cells will join once more

into Mother Earth
who will accept us - when the time comes tapping

and have you been paying attention?
please, don't quit on dipping into the lake of dreams

S E L Nov 2013
I’m falling off this rock
There’s not enough gravity left

I stood on the wrong side, too close to the edge
Now, I’m falling, fare me well

We didn’t pay all our bills to God
Not insured enough, walk and run and trip and fall

So, now.         kaput!
Save this crazy lifetime in a warped bottle

Which soon will crack for all its solar scrutiny
Insulate the bold things you can never have on stained glass fuzzy print

A half eaten apple sitting on a dusty cloud still has that deified eye planted on it
Globes are lit in insolence on mossy beds

Dreams in armour pick up tell tale signs of cooing sounds very far away
An autumn landscape falls upon the face on a knight whose real name is you

A cruciform gift embedded in a rock only the worthy can retrieve
A lump of coal burns in steady flickers within the palm of hand

Hop out bowl and try to fly, yet land four seconds short of truth
Hiding beneath a rude rainbow and peeping out at striker rays

Cells squirm and turn, ready to burst out soma

And a sky stretches on and on, like a dicey waterfall in ******

One photo snap and it’s all gone!

tonight I watch it come alive at ten to midnite

recalled clues illumine yet don't show all
S E L Nov 2013
we will not speak of it
but I feel lost without you

whenever I see you
the circle joins in wholesome gladness

YOU are the one, wise and of goodwill
and every moment every day is a step closer
S E L Nov 2013
in the early morn of day comes a piercing shaft of light
upon the platform placed, prepared for settling
(and for planting)

it takes a while for things to reach a fine state of maturity
yet things reach state of bliss when arable thoughts become real
and the day shines bright on the one who comes
to pick the rose
which grows slow and steady
awaiting the fleeting brush of fingertips to graze


S E L Nov 2013
(what an unparalleled glimpse into an alternate existence)

lock in slowly into new moment
sitting on the edge of unneutered idea
incredible finesse in your eyes
seeker sought / finder found
relative mercy in life does exist

blessings burgeon and even g-r-o-w
quite hard to believe my eyes get graced by
the source of the light which has so touched
more than realised

alert and overflowing energy
it was saved up for this magical moment
this direct miracle
how is it again - that I deserve this?

then, the open enigma hides a bit, and shifts
and I'm talking to a lamp shade
but blue tendrils bring back the smiling one
who dips with me
into this lucky packet moment

an alternate reality exists
it is there
it / is / there!!!
S E L Nov 2013
the more outlandish and exotic the settings
the further apart the tides shift
the more real, the closer it gets

distance distilled into fallow tracts of once wild shores
despite crestfallen dips
high rising peaks

if you look through my window
what would you see?
perhaps the skein of illicit thoughts
tangling into Rapunzel hopes
or a latent emissary of a semi shocker prophecy
if you had but the merest inkling
of the unaccountable depth of warrior blood
coursing headlong for acquaintance
of fulfillment of spectacular intimacy

scrolling endless
rough, the visions
the significance of this equation
waiting to balance
upon the sills of petulant time
dares little panacea
for it is itself bound by hand and foot
chugging along the eyelashes of fate's decree

can I look through your window?
will I see a casual draping of Indian cloth
behind the deliberate anger that is you?
you cannot know how widely your tutelage
dripped steady
into a ready soul, ready for it all

often, how the mind does play tricks
it sometimes feels as if insouciance
plays center court on stilts
while I grapple confused, patiently
the large view may soon present itself

and I dream so of you
a ten minute watch on my shift
of medium term offering

I run away to the dreams within this packed arena
a still room
half in gentle shadows
she let me in
she told me you'd be here soon
to make myself at home
sweet rose incense in the inside courtyard
lulls my senses

I hate to feel scared
I almost hide away and lock myself
into a tiny closet or the bathroom
a strange room and I'm alone
I wonder where you are
all is ready
hot tisanes on a lacquered tray waits
the hand of one to come
seeming Bento boxes prepared so elegant
heartbeat high anticipate
goof guff, goof guff
shall I leave rather?

drowsy falls upon my eye
I settle down on settee
curl up by the slanted sunrays
throughout the patio door
fountain spritz of droplets
on nature's grey slate flat stones
lids flicker down, fall away
gentle, gentle, fall away
deeply away

(a while..)

a light tap on the shoulder
fright awake!
who is that??
shudder into conscious reel

I am here...........with you

disbelief floods my every pore
and rising slow, unsteady
and I smile at......... u
S E L Nov 2013
everything can be so open to interpretation, hey
which version now, which version
life loves to throw that wrench upon the curveball to twist a thought and make one think

I'm so mad about you, really crazy for you and I cannot even show it, like I want
question is, are you mad at me?

I get the need for breaks and things
I guess, it's really a case of tragado como

one man stuck in a boat, sees an island and shouts, 'Land!'
while a counterpart on there shouts, 'Boat!'
what irony!
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