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580 · Jan 2017
Elusive Love
Ryan Jan 2017
Is love so elusive
as to never be found
i wonder why its so
do others flee from me
repulsed by my presence
or does distain for others
reside deep inside
and erode those unfortunates
the few that I touch
until they can no longer hold on
and their grasp is dissolved
and I'm here alone again
what inside me causes this
how can I change it
I feel so isolated
as to be driven insane
like a prisoner in solitary confinement
scribbling on black walls
for years spent suffering
silently waiting for reprieve
free me from this *******, Lord
Only God can save me
from a life of anguish amidst nothing
but the sound of my own breath
how i long to know, Lord
why you gave this life to me
and how i can serve you
and return it with interest
pain is a familiar friend
and sorrow is often my company
how i desire joy to come to me
and remain forever more
but joy will not embrace me
it will only visit briefly
and reject my pleas to stay
as if I have somehow injured it
and finally given it an excuse
to leave me to my tears
Ryan Jan 2017
How is it I wonder... could it possibly be
That someone like her would even notice me
Someone so lovely, so kind, and so fair
How could she detect that I'm even there
It's absurd that those captivating eyes could alight
On such a simple man and his ongoing plight
And why should those two luscious orbs ever find
An inkling of fasination with a mortal of my kind
I can't seem to fathom and indeed there is doubt
That a woman so beautiful hasn't yet been asked out
The fact that she's single I simply can't understand
Having witnessed her grace and perfection first hand
I can't reason a reason why such an angel would stay
But every part of me begs God that she won't fly away
A true gift from the Lord and the heavens above
Would be if someday her feelings became love
But for now I stand thankful shes even glanced my direction
And pray daily I'm the one to gain her ultimate affection
296 · Jan 2017
To Know Her
Ryan Jan 2017
Her presence is sheer ecstasy
It resonates within my heart
Her symmetry perfection envies
Flawless as a saphire sky
Each waking thought she captivates
Her silhouette is timeless grace
The hands that held her mythic form
Plead for another touch to place
Her lushous lips but tasted once
enchanted now to my last breath
Her sugared kiss so soft and sweet
My heart is hers until my death
226 · Jan 2017
What She Meant
Ryan Jan 2017
She breathed her breath of life in me
And suddenly I came alive again
The sun shone upon me that day
And long forgotten warmth returned
each extremity coursing with new hope
For she was like no other light I'd seen
her face enveloped in beauty and brilliance
dazzled each of my awoken senses
And there we stayed for half a time
Admiring each other in blissful revelation
Her delicate lips glissened like fresh dew
As they fell upon my own I was swept away
Their succulent ecstacy was unparalleled
The frail indulgence of her kiss left me breathless
Three small words poured from those lushous lips
The sound of them was like a heavenly song
And while she was there resting in my arms
It felt as if the world could pass away
and all would still be right
These were our happiest days...
209 · Jan 2017
The Candle
Ryan Jan 2017
the candle stick
beneath the flame
the wick burns bright
but all in vain
as shadows loom
behind the light
they hold their secrets
black as night
the brightness scathes
the tallows drip
the candle burns
it's one way trip
till wax has waned
and out it goes
the way once shown
only it now knows
198 · Dec 2016
Ryan Dec 2016
I could continue writing sad poetry
about the tragedy of losing you
but I can't live that way anymore
i can't live reliving what you said
taking out your anger on me
I didn't deserve it
I only wanted you to want me
but when you discovered you didn't
there was no love left for me, sweetheart
only hate and aggression remained for me
for your one and only, you were so sure
but it all came crashing down
like a house of cards built too high
and all your gleeming truth became a lie
in one deft motion you excised my heart
and handed it to me
while it remained pulsing
and now its beaten its last, still and lifeless
it doesn't seem to fit
inside my chest anymore
and nothing can warm
its icy cold musculature
Just a thing I have no more use for
You were my everything, and now...
Theres no love left for me here
and no way to feel it if there were
just sad words in random lines
just forlorn prayers uttered in the dark
God, I'm broken...
She's broken me like I've never been
torn in half and unable to heal
I can't go on this way,
but i presently lack the strength
to pull myself together...
196 · Dec 2016
Good morning
Ryan Dec 2016
Good morning, Ryan...came ringing in
as clear as day or her name sake
Oh that her feelings were as sure
Where now are those artless whispers
That you would be mine forever
But God tests me yet again
withholding her affections from on high
with so cruel a trial as this
of what she said, her lingering absence
her lifeless reasons fashioned fate
This flawless beauty bore destruction
And with it her desired escape
but what you've done to me can't be undone
and not the pain, my love, but your face
imprinted on my heart can't be unmade
and not a thing so easily erased
151 · Dec 2016
The Walls
Ryan Dec 2016
What was it babe?
Why did you leave?
Did I not treat you well?
Did I neglect or ignore you?
I don't think you'd say I did.
But what was it then?
Did I not listen to your concerns?
try to help and offer my council?
Talk about things that were on your mind?
Put your worries above my own?
And do my best to console you?
Did I not offer my time and attention?
Did I not do everything I could
to soothe your hurts and comfort you?
to hold you close and kiss you sweetly?
to offer you everything inside of me?
and hold nothing in reserve
Why treat me so unfairly?
why scorn me and reply with hatred
even when I turned the other cheek
Did you ever love me?
Do you know?...
Do you see what you've done?
You've thrown away someone
who truly loved you.
You've taken my heart
and torn it in two.
You said I was safe with you
and you wouldn't leave.
but that too was a lie....a lie
next to the pile of others you fed to me
and I willingly ate them...every one....
You said I wasn't confident enough
that you needed someone strong
you said you couldn't tolerate me
asking what was wrong
Let me tell you, sweetheart
I am the strongest man that has ever lived
I am as confident as thunder
after the lightning strikes
You only knew the person
that yielded to your every whim
but that person that you knew
died when you destroyed him.
and in his place now resides a man reborn
a thousand times what he was before
a man that no long cares
if anything is wrong
the man that knew your lies were just that
but he was restrained within me
by love for you
but now he is set free
The one that saw through
that beautiful gaze
to the walls of stone
that encase your lonesome heart
the very walls that separated us in the end
or kept us from ever truly being together
those walls
that no one can breach, my love.
not even their own architect
now knows how to unmake them.
I pray the Lord
gives you grace and the wisdom
To discover a method
by which you might escape
131 · Dec 2016
Do you?
Ryan Dec 2016
Do you lie...awake at night
and wish you could forget me
As the caress of silver moonlight
falls upon your flawless countenance
Do tears stream from those starlit eyes
And saturate the pillow
that cradles your sweet head
Do I cross your curious mind
at any given point in time
And does it cause a twinge of pain
or any size or shape of shame
or longing or regret
Do you wish that I'd stop by
Or do you hope that I would die
Do you ache to ******* lips
Are memories of us like movie clips
You'd rather not see or ever watch again
Do you remember our first kiss
The rain that came between our bliss
The poem I wrote for you and sent
Each long embrace, the time we spent
How what we wanted was the same
Our joys, Our fears, was it all a game
to you?...

— The End —